Where's the cakes?

Where are they? In my killer matches I'm pretty much the only person bringing cakes & I used them all on my survivors. If I found out people are holding out on me I might have to do something about it.
Probably dried up.
In my personal opinion, I feel as the double bloodpoint event arrived a bit too late
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I haven’t been using my cakes unless I’m playing with in a 4 man swf with my friends. Otherwise escape cakes and puddings on killer.
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I'm hording 115 on my nemy.... Fight me :)
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Cakes increase blood sugar, people are probably on a diet after overeating from the last event.
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I've been using up my own cakes and I have been getting in games with just 1 (mine) or 2.
I'm going to actually stop if this keeps going.
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The camping and tunneling is real right now. Just like the Anniversary event, I'm using my cakes when things die down again
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That's 115 cakes that could be going towards someone in need. Remember that next time you queue up without one.
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Saving them for the next DLC.
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I was using them first day and was only one. So I stopped and I havent seen a single cake since then.
If people are gonna be greedy, I am too
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Been having bad games since the bloodpoints started so I see no point in using them
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Nah, I'm on ps4 and I'm still having performance issues. I'll start using them as soon as they are completely fixed. Trust me, i need those points as well
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Okay so when a chill person is playing killer and they find themselves in a match with endless taunting that potentially leads to negative comments before they even had a chance to leave the endgame… so then the next group of survivors pays the price by that chill casual killer removing an anniversary cake and swapping it for a pudding, slapping on things like devour, rancor, hook and slug proxy situations.. you know, the no mercy kind of style..
Similar ripple effect for survivors.. puts an anniversary cake on, someone DC’s, then proceed to be tbagged by a slug off the hook Ghostface for example… people will gladly hoard hundreds of cakes in order to never risk rewarding a player like that.
I got destroyed on Coldwind as Doc by a group that were extremely efficient and legitimately played better than me.. I got bm’d while chasing them out but one of them got overconfident and went for the nearby hatch. I shocked, preventing the animation, closed the hatch, they misplayed a deadhard so they went down near a pallet right by the exit and a hook… I carried them to the exit instead of getting the kill I earned.. who knows, maybe they’ll be more respectful after a clear “win” in future matches and maybe they won’t.
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Some people might not have any thanks to the poor performance of last gen consoles throughout the event or bad experiences during this Bloodhunt.
Other people were or are being just plain foolish and used up all their cakes before the Bloodhunt or are choosing not to. There’s 2x Bloodpoints, so why the hell would you not use your cakes that give 105% extra BP?! How did you not realize there was a Bloodhunt coming up soon?! If you’re a collector then just leave one in your inventory.
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All mine are on The Cannibal because I was power leveling him to unlock BBQ, so now he has all my cakes and I don't play him. I wonder if they are human cakes...
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People were using more cakes in the days just after the anniversary event than now, not long after, for the bloodhunt.
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What's the point of waiting? How will other players know to use them during your matches after the bloodhunt? The benefit to them is for multiple people to use them for the stacking effect.
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From my killer's perspective, it's "hey killer, wanna get genrushed by a brand new parts for every toolbox in the match up to 4?" For whatever reason, a lot of people are going in a farming event, and trying to make the others have as little points as possible.
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Because the way they stack is additive rather than multiplicative, a bunch of people using them at once versus spreading them out doesn't really matter. Using one cake for a good match can pay out more than using a bunch of cakes for a bad match.
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I'm just here for myself, got plenty of Escape Cakes that I can still get from my bloodwebs. I'm not in that much of a desperation for bloodpoints since all my survivors are already at P3 with the Perks I want. So BP isn't important to me anymore. Rather have them saved for when a new Chapter releases
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Yeah, I offered a anniversary cake every match.
Not including my cake contributions these were day 1 of the 2xBP event results:
27 Matches
8 hours
Total BPs 2,216,329
Other players offered:
32 Anni-cakes, 1 green envelope, 5 party streamers
27 matches x 4 “other player” cake contributions
= 108 cakes
not sure if ppl used all their cakes or are following a non-cake trend, buuut pretty disappointing to say the least😔
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I'm not bringing cakes for killers who tend to tunnel people out of the game with less than 5,000 BP, not to mention how much easier it was for killers to get cakes. I was getting one cake out of every seven or eight bloodwebs.
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I unlocked tons on my killers so I’ve been running one every match as killer. But on my survivors I barely got any in my bloodwebs, I poured tons and tons of bp into Claudette during the event and ended up with… 12 anniversary cakes. So, sorry but I’m not using them willy nilly.
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In my stomach 😋
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Well nowhere to be found I'm usually only person bringing them and I'm like 👁️👄👁️