Can Anyone Explain Me New Pallet System

First i don't know other zones but for Europe, we all playing on one server. UK, Russia, Spain, France, Turkey etc. Even Arabia, Israel. This is really so huge area, so many countries. And sometimes i am seeing people from even Africa, just think how big zone we are talking about.
Anyway my question is this. With new system, server will decide did pallet drop early or i hit early. But is not this unfair for people who is not near to server? Will people close to the server not be advantageous? I don't know how to ping system working but my internet is pretty good. But i am not living near to servers. So this will make me disadvantaged? How this will work? If people who is near server will get advantages, then they have to open more servers for my zone. West Europe, East Europe, Middle East etc. But this will make queques so long right? If this system works like this, this is pretty stupid change. This is clearly middle finger to people who are far from this server, is not it?
Please people who know this, light me
I don't know how to really explain this to you.
I live right next to the server and I'm getting screwed over by it. It's actually messing up my Huntress and Deathslinger shots severely. But what's worse with Deathslinger is that you don't get feedback if you hit or not, you just miss. So it makes me feel like I'm getting shittier as Deathslinger.
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I don't know will they fix it but i am so near to stop play killer. Playing killer is already stresful and seem like devs wanna make it worse.
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Well it's not on ping, so I guess closest to server wins? I dunno my 40ping loses to 60+ping, I feel they need to slightly adjust the window of what's a hit and not for roll back.
They shouldn't get a burst of speed but not get injured :/
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Well then if they gonna do this, then we all need more servers. Why people who is near to server will have more advantages? Just all Europe and Middle East are playing on same server. This is stupid, so many people will get punish for this. If they don't gonna fix this, then killer games will end for me.
Other online games are doing this. For best ping, they are opening so much servers. This system works for them. But DbD has Rock Age servers and codes. And there is not so much DbD servers.
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How about playing killer, hitting a survivor, hearing him scream, seeing the hit visually, and then seeing that the game decided it wasn't? Where is the killer's fault here? How can I even plan the moment of the impact if the game can cancel it at any moment so that the survivor does not get upset? I play both sides, what is happening now is not normal.
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Basically, the player with the best ping have priority, accoring to their post, in some words, they said: "The server will judge these two conditions:
- The Survivor dropped a pallet, and has a stun event to send to the server
- The Killer hits a Survivor and has a pending hit to send to the server
So, the server will only allow one thing to happen: Either you drop a pallet and stun the Killer without being hit, or you drop a pallet, stun the Killer and get hit.
The first one who comes (Stun event or Hit event) will be selected, and the second will be rejected."
This change is great because high ping Killer won't land unfair hits on Survivors. It looks unfair sometimes but I think it's a great band-aid fix for pallet hits.
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The survivor drops the pallet and gets invincibility frames. I have 150GB/s downloads and regularly hit someone through a pallet, hear the scream, get the blood splash on the screen…..and the survivor just walks away. Happens with both melee and ranged attacks.
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How about playing survivor, you pull down the pallet, you see the pallet down, you see the stun score event, you see the killer swing after the pallet is fully down and you get hit from the other side? How's that the survivor's fault, even if that has happened for years?
The new system.simply makes it the same for both sides. The player who completes the action first and communicates it to the server first takes priority. Contrary to what happened before where lagging killers could get ridiculous hits.
The visual feedback of the interaction needs to be improved, I agree. But from a gameplay standpoint, there's no preferential treatment for either side.
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@Mercês gave a really good explanation on it, and why a lot of these hits look iffy and how even having a really good connection doesn't guarantee no validation; I'd give it a read.
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You basically can't hit through pallets anymore. It will favor the survivor 90% of the time. Now can greed pallet even easier.
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Then they have to open more servers. You think people have high ping because they wanna this? They are not near to server. This will give high advantages to who is near to server. West Europe, East Europe, South Africa and Middle East. This 4 zones are playing on one server. West Europe players will have advantage against other zones. How this is fair?
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Okey thank you but this is not answer of my question actually.
This is my question. I don't know other zones but in Europe we all playing on one server. And this makes some people have higher ping than others. This is our fault. This is problem and BHVR have to fix this.
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Ive full on hit a survivor, saw the blood splatter from it? Heard the squish from the hit, and still got pallet stunned while they ran away! Ran away! Not even injured. This has happened to me 3 times now!!!
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Sorry, I read the title and nothing more and just assumed it'd be someone wanting to know how it works and not a specific question
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We have 2 servers, actually, though its not like its much better. There's a server in London, England, and a server in Frankfurt, Germany.
(sorry for commenting twice I scrolled up and thought you were a different person. I am very tired rn)
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Both them in West Europe then. But all East Europe, South Europe, North Africa and Middle East are playing on this servers. 2 more servers can make pings more fair.
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Oh I agree it's not great, but it's substantially better than a single one.
I wish we had more servers too, but we have to rely on Amazon having servers in those countries that BHVR have the patience and money to maintain
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Reminds me of the days of pallet vacuum -.-
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Oh yea, this is not going to happen then. New pallet idea is working like other online games. But other online games have so much servers. With this way, they makes ping better. But with new pallet system will punish people, who is not near to servers sadly.
I don't believe but i hope we can take more servers for DbD
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Dude I have been halfway through an attack cooldown(1.5 seconds) then have had it rolled back.
I'm sorry but I do not have 1500 ping nor does it spike like that for me in DbD as that would be unplayable.
I have even had this same extreme rollback happen with head-on stuns.
So its either so survivor sided that its the lagiest survivor wins or the entire rollback system is dysfunctional.
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If the pallet was half way down on the survivors screen before you swung you dont get the hit. Its buggy currently but not that hard