Does Demogorgon need a rework?

I think I hardly ever see anyone play as Demo. And it's sad because I'd hope Stranger Things gets some more rep with the new iconic killer Demogorgon. I think he might just be slightly underpowered or maybe his powers could be switched up? How would yall rework him?
He’s fine.
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I don't think he needs a rework.
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I feel like the black heart/Barb's glasses shows one of the main issues with demo:
Demo has no good add-ons.
Outside of those two add-ons there's next to nothing in Demo's add-on catalog that does much outside of a select few high rarity ones such as the whistle.
The other main issue outside of being weak number wise is that demo's add-ons are scatter brained:
Demo has slower portal sealing, Portal detection, Extra portals, less portals, portal travel speed, Portal travel recovery, Detection while traveling, slower travel exits, Silent travel add-ons, Post portal stealth, Portal creation speed, Portal destroying, Portal status effects, Missed shred recovery, Hit shred recovery, Faster Pallet shred, and Faster movement while holding shred.
I mean Demo's add-ons cant' keep a consistent ability across them or if they do they have a downside for no reason along with most being for portals which is the least used part of Demo's kit.
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I personally don't like demogorgon for two things:
- Setting portals: I kinda wish they were preset.
- Universal sounds: Literally anything you do makes a sound which is cool but it's also a hinderance sometimes.
Other then that I love too play demo but the poor performance on the switch kinda makes it hard to.
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I always do horrible when I play Demogorgon, and I'm not sure what it is. My basic M1 game is fine, and his pounce does work occasionally but I mainly use it to make survivors break into 'evasive mode'. Portals are good, but...end game results usually aren't that hot compared to say my Trapper games where I shut down everything and walk all over people.
I don't face him often but I feel like when I'm the survivor they have a lot of trouble locking people down so it's not just me. Not sure what they could do but I wouldn't bat an eye (with Trickster in the literal sense, as it would gross up my bat) if they buffed him a tad.
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All he need is a add on pass and maybe some buffs to his portals i think.
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Nobody is going to play him until he's a unique Killer.
Make him more lore accurate.
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No. He's a good Killer with a good global power.
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Not a rework but a definite buff to portals as well as buffing some of the add-ons with weaker abilities and downsides would be nice.
I personally love playing as and against demo so more is always good.
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He’s pretty garbage. It’s funny they nerfed his addons when you still have killers like Blight running around.
Blight does everything Demo does but 10x better. Better short range lunge, better mobility, better antiloop, way better addons, etc.
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Buff the addons, no rework required
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Demopuppy deserves better addons, since he only has 2 that are good and the rest are situational (imo)
His power is good. Freddy but better
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The only changes demo needs is to make his footsteps quieter and to not give off ambient noises outside of his TR, making the undetectable when leaving his portals actually do something would also be nice
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Just because a killer is rarely seen doesn't mean they're in a bad state. People play easier killers like Wraith or something.
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#########? He is totally fine and fun. I wonder why so many ppl demand and think of reworks for literally everything? Would you like to build an entire building from scratch again?
Also many ppl seem to not even know what rework really means, ppl called it from Nurse and Billy also "Rework", its not. A rework is making something entirely new from scratch like Freddy got it.
Post edited by BenZ0 on0 -
It does mean something is up tho.
Demo is the 2nd least picked Killer, iirc.
He's perfectly adequate strength-wise, but his power is kinda boring.
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Demo is probably one of the most balanced killers out there and actually fun to verse, so no I do not think a rework is needed.
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I think Demogorgon is one of the most balanced killers in the game and very beginner friendly.
He's kind of a Jack of all trades character, but master of none. Portals to travel around faster, shred to close distance to survivors running to a pallet/window, some tracking with his portal and a little bit of slowdown if survivors decide to remove his portals instead of leaving them up. So his power his got map traversal, help in chase and a little bit if slowdown.
His only downside imo is his addons not doing much, so Black Heart and Barbs Glasses are the go to addons for Demo players.
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I do extremely well with the mini reworked demo at red rank, he’s fine. People like to say you need this add-on or that add-on but it’s not really true, he has some really fun add-on now. Also his portal are really really great late into the game more than in the beginning i think.
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Demo is fine as is. He got buffed with changes to Shred and his add ons got a good pass. Lifeguard Whistle and Leprose Lichen give you so much information.
I think his issue is how loud he is even Undetectable coming out of portals. If there was an add on or perk that made you quieter that would be great on Demo.
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I regularly play with demo.
His add-ons should get a big buff, i think that will make him better.
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Demo is highly underrated, that's why they he's rare. It's a solid killer and after the last changes I'd say he is well balanced.
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I feel Demogorgon is in a good spot. Although if I had to give it any thematic buffs it would be the ability to lunge through windows using Shred with an addon and when Demogorgon leaves a portal they run on all fours for the period that they're undetectable. Granted that would need a lot of animations.
Aside from that I wouldn't change much if anything at all.
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Nah he's fine, i see demogorgons fairly often as well personally.
And i play demo frequently.
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In comparison to most of the roster? He’s bad.
You got:
32m terror radius, so good survivors will have massive distance on you for each chase sometimes
Mobility that both requires setup, can be denied, isn’t instant, and has little offensive capabilities
Extremely or highly loopable, depending on the map. Shred is useless on plenty of circular loops
Needs 2 hits to down
Mostly terrible addons
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Dont touch my demopuppy
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I think he's fine it's just his gameplay is too boring.
Portals end up getting sealed and/or take too long to set then activate them.
His two shred add ons are the only good ones which force players to just shred at pallets 24/7. Either they drop it and get a free pallet or they don't and you get a free hit. Win/win
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what do you mean, they just weakened his add-on like 1 month ago. He is unlikely to get any changes. He does not get played because he is barely passable as average middle of the road killer. Judging from last 2 killers releases, I think they forgot how to make strong killers.
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He's fine and a fun killer to play as. Although I must admit his power has nothing to do with the Demo in the series.
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See I think his portals could be a little better. I mean it fits his character perfectly. But I almost think he should have an ability where he can take survivors into the upside down and survivors have to go get them. Also it'd be cool if the whole map was already in the upside down. Kind of like Freddys Nightmare. Something like that.
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If survivors miss a skill check when destroying portals a monster arm should appear from the portal grabbing the survivor and holding on for 8 seconds while killer get a notification and sees survivors aura until arm lets go.
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See something like that would be cool
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This would be awesome!
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To add to this. Once this happens they're put into the upside down and are invisible to all other players. They're still on the map and can interact with things but only way out is if they interact with a portal again. And their aura is highlighted in a different color to the demogorgon to indicate that they're in the upside down. And the map to the survivor would look like the upside down. This would be a really cool feature.