Best anti-totem perk?

Counterforce, Small Game or Detective's Hunch?
They're all pretty solid picks, but Counterforce is really good if you want to try and get them done as quickly as you can to go back to focusing on your main objective
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In terms of finding totems:
Detective's Hunch -> Small Game -> Counterforce.
Although Detective's Hunch only works if gens get completed and if you play solo enough you sometimes get teammates who just refuse to touch gens. Meaning Small Game might have more value for situations where your team is struggling to get gens completed in the first place.
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I think its detective hunch because you get the information by doing your objective which get the totems done naturally over the course of the game. The worst thing i see happen is people using counterforce and Small game and wasting a min and a half of the early game knocking out all the totems and putting the team at a behind in gen pressure.
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Unless that min and a half knocks out Ruin, Devour and Undying. Which I've both been done and has happened to me.
Post edited by Mattie_MayhemOG on1 -
Small Game for solo.
Detective's for swf.
Counterforce for Thrill of the Hunt.
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If you are going in as a totem cleanser then you cannot beat Detective's Hunch paired with Counterforce. DH gives more value then just totem location too. Seeing the gens has helped me stop my team from 3 gening themselves like dummies so many times.
I don't use Counterforce for tracking, but for the speedy cleanse! This especially comes in handy when the killer has Thrill and they are trying to protect their totem.
If you want to spare up a perk slot then I think the best set up is Rainbow Map with Counterforce ^^
My totem hunting build is my absolute fav. Most games I get all 5 and I stop noed. Feels good ^^
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Small Game 100%.
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i belive it´s small game
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For solo queue, Small Game+Counterforce. For swf, if you have clock call outs, one person can run Detective's Hunch and accurately call all totems once one gen is done.
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Detective's Hunch gives the best information while Small Game has no conditions to be useful. Counter Force is only useful for the speed boost. Personally I'd always take Detective's Hunch over the others.
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Detective's Hunch + Map.
If you don't have maps then use plunderer's instinct too for finding a map more easily in the chests.
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Detective's Hunch my beloved.
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Counterforce IMO
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Detective's Hunch
Counterforce always gives you a far-as-f^^k away totem, so they're still hard to find on some maps
Small Game is a close second to DH, but DH reveals several nearby totems at once
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Small game.
- You know how many totems remain.
- You can go about your normal business and then shift into Totem Hunter when you hear it proc. (The other perks require you to be dedicated to cleansing while the info is still valid. Use it or lose it, so to speak.)
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Hunch rewards you for completing a generator. It reveals multiple totems at once. Counterforce requires you to actually find a totem, plus it takes like 10 years to get to the other one, and Small Game might be better combined with Counterforce but it's good alone.
Conclusion? Hunch > Small Game > Counterforce