Do you think fog whisperer should have in game skins?

LadyMaria Member Posts: 1

Just was thinking about it while watching one play.. I think it would be awesome for them to have a lil something in game. Alot of games do it..

Do you think fog whisperer should have in game skins? 33 votes

EmealFobbominingsquirrelGuiltiiLadyMariaJMB1990 6 votes
GibberishAdelooSeiko300OnryosTapeRentalsTapeKnotmaaadinsomniacJawsIsTheNextKillerSkeletalElitexEamusstang62GeneralVSackboy123landromatbm33Pixel_BoomBotxtr4meTripleStealCheeseAntonNoOneKnowsNovaGannTM 27 votes


  • TapeKnot
    TapeKnot Member Posts: 248

    Fog Whisperers already get an exclusive charm, I don't think each one needs an exclusive skin as well.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    I don't really care, but probably they will not create it, for two simple reasons:

    - it takes extra money/time to create new skins

    - it is better for BHVR if fog whisperers are using or promoting skins that everyone can buy for auric cells

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    I agree. I'm not sure what all the Fog Whisperers get for free, but part of the deal seems to be that they "show off" new skins which makes people want to buy them. IMO, that's totally fine, but I agree that it runs against the idea of giving them an exclusive skin to wear instead.

    (The funniest videos are the killer videos where someone "shows off" the new killer skin, since you can't see it anywhere but in the menus.)

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    At some point PaulieEsther deserves a Tinfoil hat cosmetic.

  • 1miko
    1miko Member Posts: 268

    No, not really, it wouldn't be awesome. Not Alot of games do it either.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    They get a charm, that's fine.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    What's so special about being a sales rep anyway?

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Yeah, killer skins are weird. You can see your weapon. See your skin during a Mori. If you play Twins, you can see yourself when playing Victor. But I think that's all. Can a Spirit see herself when phasing?

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071

    Absolutley not. There's already far too much streamer/youtuber/whatever favouritism, there does not need to be any more.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    They already did this for a large portion of the major content creators in the past, many of whom still play DBD using their own custom made cosmetics. The devs even gave codes out to said content creators for their viewers who watched them on streaming platforms like twitch.

    The devs also created exclusive cosmetics for certain gaming events all around the world that they attended like PAX and a bunch of other ones they went to that I hadn't even heard of. They gave out the codes for exclusive cosmetics to people that visited their booth / went out to meet them or whatever.

    Eventually it got to the point where they had created so many people with exclusive cosmetics running around from various events / content creators that it kinda became a problem, in large part because of scalpers and resellers. People that got their hands on these exclusive cosmetics would sell their steam accounts for literal hundreds of dollars (sometimes thousands) so people could get their copy of DBD which had that exclusive cosmetic on it. Of course this was extremely shady and a bunch of people got scammed out of their money and got absolutely nothing in exchange for it.

    So the devs decided to stop creating exclusive cosmetics and gradually released every single one of them for free during different community events / updates which was a widely popular move amongst the community. The devs also put up for sale every single content creator exclusive cosmetic that they had created (which totaled to 26 entire individual cosmetic pieces) as a buyable DLC on Steam for 4.99 USD called the Charity Case (because all profits made from the sale of this particular DLC went to charity- specifically the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation). This was a couple years ago in 2017 (at least the DLC was released, but I'm pretty sure if I remember correctly all this happened at about the same time).

    Long story short- they stopped making exclusive cosmetics for some pretty good reasons. Not just to completely rob resellers + scammers of their power, but also to foster an atmosphere of inclusivity amongst the community and allowing everybody to enjoy these cosmetics (not everybody has the time or money to go out to PAX and events like that).

    And I get that you're just talking about Fog Whisperers specifically who aren't the likeliest candidates to tarnish their reputation by doing shady things like sell their own accounts, but I'm saying that this whole thing about exclusive cosmetics in general has already been hashed out years ago. And I don't see the devs reversing their decisions from all the way back then.

    That being said a few special exclusive cosmetics still do exist in the game, Holiday exclusives (but these are pretty standard amongst many multiplayer games), Dead By Daylight's unique Legacy outfits (available only for players who played in 2016, the year that it released [I'm still so sad I never picked one of these up despite having the opportunity to T_T]), and of course there are the Crew Cosmetics that are only for the actual developers themselves to wear. These simply don't present the same issues that the widespread number of exclusive cosmetics did in the past however.

    Point being it is what it is. The Fog Whisperers already have their Fog Whisperer charms (which most of these people do actually wear) and I don't see any need or reason for the devs to give them anything more than that.