What am I supposed to do running from Wraith?

DoctorDarling Member Posts: 44
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

I'm getting really frustrated with him since the buffs... I feel like he got balanced for high level play and that leaves the rest of us at lower levels in a bad spot. Idk. It feels braindead as he just goes bing bong mid-chase and it beats damn near everything, including sprint burst, or a successful mindgame at a pallet/loop 'cuz he's just SO fast.

Is there some counterplay I'm not aware of? Any suggestions? I'm seeing him like 5-10x a day, and I don't even want to play the match now when I see him. Such a pain.


  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    Wraith alone is the main reason i run Spine Chill, since its borderline impossible to see him coming before its too late, most of the time i hear his breathing first.

    As for how to deal with him, its basically just trying to loop him, cause getting away from that first hit is next to impossible without a loop right next to you.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Always prioritise gens next to loops and use windows while he is cloaked

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    If you have trouble to see him coming, but you want to know when he's coming, I'd say use Spine Chill.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Run the same basic loops you would against any M1 killer. And just be aware of when he's stealthing.

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    Wraith since buff is used as a bomber. So whenever you see him uncloaking near you run to window or pallet - its nice to have spring burst or dead hard.

    If he follows you dont let him block a wibdow or pallet - you have to stay in this place until he is fully uncloaked.

    You can always brung flashlight and burn him.

    Usually Wraith give up when they see survivor just run from pallet to pallet or window and/or have flashlight

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I started playing as him today and honestly it's helping me understand how to loop against him better. Basically what Phasmamain said above.

    While he's cloaked he can't hit you through windows which means windows are even more valuable to you. Stunning him with a pallet while he's cloaked results in a significantly longer stun time which will make him lose a LOT of time. Otherwise when he is uncloaked it's just basic looping 101.

    Being caught out in the open is a free hit/down for him so avoid that as much as possible. Unfortunately, open areas and dead zones will always be a thing. Spine Chill is very helpful against him much like all stealth killers. Try using it every other match if you don't want to use it EVERY match and when you get to use it vs Wraith take note of how it helps give you a head start.

    And lastly flashlights, blast mine and flashbangs are powerful against him due to the light burn he's susceptible to. Personally I have the most success with flashbangs. When he's cloaked and chasing you it's relatively easy to burn him with the flashbang even if it doesn't blind him because he looks up, the blast will still burn him while he's cloaked buying you a generous amount of time. Definitely experiment with that if you have flashbang or like using a flashlight as your item.

    He's definitely incredibly strong now. I've been enjoying him so much due to the mobility and stealth. I otherwise play Pig and Hag so I feel like Sonic lol

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited August 2021

    If he goes invisible mid-chase, find the nearest pallet / window at loop there. However, there's still a small trick I like to do at red ranks against a Wraith when he uncloaks at a loop, which is to Leave the loop immediately and look for another

    I do agree that his lunge is totally ridiculous at times.... I have a 43 killstreak on Wraith (4 kills every match) after his buff and the stuff I've pulled off is beyond stupid. His increased speed duration after an uncloak allows for some truly ludicrous lunges. I've managed to hit around loops no other killer would be able to... However, all these hits could've been avoided if the survivor just left the loop, it's that simple.

    If a Wraith uncloaks at a loop, especially if it's a medium-short loop, leave the loop immediately. Treat him like you would treat a Pig that tries t do an ambush attack around a loop. Do this as many times as you need, until he catches on. Then fake going away then go back to the loop where the pallet was, then you would put him in a bad spot to uncloak. The last thing you want to do is let the Wraith have control of the pallet at a loop.

    When it comes to windows, when he's about to uncloak fake the window. This would waste his speed boost when he uncloaks by going in the other direction. Think of a Cheetah going 0-100 in 1-2 seconds then trying to stop & turn around. That's how it feels whenever you get baited at a window with Wraith. All of that speed will be wasted.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, if you don't have any other choices for loops nearby, the best thing you can do is pre-drop the pallet and go to the other side aka the furthest away from him whilst remaining at the same loop. You can also fake going away to make him go invisible & come after you, then go back to the pallet.

    If you get caught in the open, you should expect a hit. However, right before he uncloaks you can spin around because most Wraiths I've went against at red rank miss. The speed you can get from the uncloak can totally mess your hit when ur not careful. You can also run INTO him when he uncloaks to totally bamboozle him for 1-2 seconds, depending on how good he is.

    Pull of these things I've mentioned above in a match and see how it works for you. You can pull these as many times as you want, until the Wraith learns from his mistakes. When u notice that, change your behavior as well. For example, as I've mentioned above, if he catches on to you going away from loops then go back immediately to the loop.

    As for perks to counter him:

    • Flashbang is extremely powerful against Wraith. The AOE of that thing is beyond nuts... Whenever a Wraith comes behind you, drop the flash & run away while he's stunned for 3-4+ seconds. It's truly awful getting stunned by that thing... Your chances to get tunneled will be increased by 99% tho, it's still very fun to piss Wraiths off with this. You can repair a gen 50%, get the flashbang from the locker, repair it another 50% then have another ready whenever u need it.
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Windows are your best friends against a cloaked Wraith. When you're not sure where he is, be careful about your whereabouts, try to avoid empty areas.

    I also like to confuse the killer while he is uncloaking by running into him and then running away. Often it makes them ######### up their lunge and it's hilarious.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Wraith Tips

    Don't repair in deadzones unless you have SB to reach a loop in time.

    Wraith is essentially a M1 killer after he has uncloaked, treat him as such until he cloaks.

    Don't camp unsafe pallets, he will uncloak and hit you before you can react.

    After dropping a pallet or vaulting a window, continuously vault the obstacle to force him to uncloak. Windows will not get blocked since you are not in a chase.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    While he is cloaked treat him as if he could instadown you at any moment, be exceptionally cautious and utilize the enviroment to your advantage. A cloaked wraith struggles at windows since he has to guess which way you're gonna go, but pallets are not the same case. Never use pallets against a cloaked wraith unless you are 100% sure you can safely manuever away after that. When wraith is cloaked, he can just break the pallet and instantly catch up, its a bad use of a pallet. If you can force him to uncloak at loops where his super lunge cannot help him get an injure, you can effectively force him to play like a normal m1 killer. Im not great with survivor advice since a lot of my experience is subconcious, but essentially force wraith into scenarios where he must act as an m1 killer. It wastes a ton of his time and gives your teamates the opportunity to do gens in the very rare situations where he is not omnipresent on the map.

  • ChantyBoi
    ChantyBoi Member Posts: 179

    Something I haven't seen people mention yet is you should never ever EVER try to camp a pallet against a wraith, that's both camping a dropped one and camping one you plan to drop on him. Do not do it, ever. Keep looping. His uncloak attack is fast, faster than you, if you try camping a pallet in any way you WILL get hit quickly. Keep moving, don't give him a chance to swing at you.