Pretty New Player

I am a PC player that is looking for new people to play DBD with. I don't mind playing Crossplat. I am still pretty new and still learning how to play the game, so any tips would be greatly appreciated. Below you can find my steam and my DBD Friend Code thingy
Crossplay is enabled.
Steam -
DBD - Falsire#443d
If you're still looking for someone to play with, I just recently switched from ps4 to pc and am just getting the hang of the controls. Despite being borderline mute, I prefer voice chat over text chat because my anxiety makes no sense, so if you're interested, I'll leave my link and stuff for you to do with what you will (Feel free to just ignore me too if you aren't interested)
DBD: AnnaTheLizard#8b15
Discord: AnnaTheLizard#5819
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I added you on Steam. Do you have a discord?
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You'll know it's me who added you if you see FilthyLegionMain on steam. I have a lot of hours (ON PS4) and I can probably help.