How's your views on short killers?

I ran into someone on Twitter (already a god awful idea) who says if Candyman is the killer and Helen was his legendary skin it'd be pay to win.
I guess I need to specify. The size of normal human beings, let's use The Pig/Ghostface/Legion as an example
What do you think?
Well, Victor is not much fun as Survivor.
I know some people advocate for Chucky... I really can't go through hundreds of matches of that, I just can't.
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If we’re talking very short like Victor height then no because it makes them very hard to track on certain maps
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I don't think short killers can really reach the bar on what people want
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No. Just normal human sizes like Pig/Ghostface/Legion
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Oh, totally fine, no problem.
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No issues really though. Some loops are easier to mindgame but it’s nothing major
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How would it be pay to win
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That's what I want to know
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Twitter, you're basically rewarded for having a bad opinion
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Lmfao, thank you
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When I first started reading this I thought you were about to say a person on twitter was going to talk about how Candyman if he was included should be like the size of Hag or Victor or something! xD
To answer your question though, boy do I HATE Victor so, at this point, my viewpoint might be a tad bit soured on any future short killers like Chucky and beyond.
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I can already feel it... the pain...
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It's hard to think highly of them.
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Idk they're too short to see
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I'd love to see more manlet representation in DBD.