Solo Q is ruining dead by daylight

I'm tired of facing groups of veteran solo Q Navy Seals, they don't swarm hooks, they deny me snowballing, they respect exposed status, they value stealth, they play loops safely, never accidentally sandbag each other trying to get 3 guys on one 1 loop, they unhook safely and worst of all they are always working on the objective and leaving.
Remove solo Q and make the game swf only.
I play a lot of survivor solo que and what you describe applies to rank 20 - 12, after that your team mates are very alturistic because they know they can't rank without emblems, when I play killer it's the 4 man swf's that have problems touching gens because they want to have fun and chase or do troll stuff.
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Then I must be the luckiest solo que survivor because in my journey to red I think I got left on the hook to die for no reason like 3 times and that's out of a lot of games. Now a killer not making it safe or logical to save me and me dying ? Sure loads but that's down to the killers play style and not the fault of my team mates they just applied common sense.
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They don't save you because they like you, they save you because they know that with capped out objective they need a couple of safe unhooks and a team heal just to rank up, what are you doing to upset your team so much they don't rescue you.
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I only have 2 friends and neither of them plays dbd. So am I supposed to not play it? 😅
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Haha, this guy.
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To be honest you have some valid points.
Sadly, when i play solo, i ALWAYS get randoms who get in my loop while i am being chased just for them to go down 3 secs later. ;(
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A lot of r/whoosh itt.
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The biggest bait ever
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Alright I'll admit maybe the title was a tad clickbait BUT I legit have a lot more fun facing clicky crouch spamming 4mans than I do solo q, you get a lot more random action and opportunities to snowball off silly plays and a lot more stuff happens that makes me burst out laughing during the match, you just have to realize the clicking and tea bagging is them wanting to play with you and not an actual insult to your family and counter them with your own mind games.
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You’re upset at players playing in the spirit of an actual horror experience? Oh the nerve of them. How dare they see the killer as a threat that can kill them.
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Good survivors can be just as threatening to the killers objective as you are to theirs, but if roleplay makes you happy man live your dreams baby.
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I wonder which thread inspired this one lmao.
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I'll wait.
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BHVR need to do something about 4 1 man SWFs.
It was bad enough facing 1 of them, but 4?!?!
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I know nothing of the back story only the meme
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Are people really taking it seriously???
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Solo quers are buff, that's the problem
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Us solo players are here to destroy. We have no friends, no distractions. Who needs communication like those swf jokes? Not us!
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Buff SWF, nerf solo queue.
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This makes no sense, I don't believe this is a serious comment.
If this is serious, I really wonder if you're okay.
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OMG please all of you stop. I'm dying over here.
I actually needed a good laugh after so many serious posts.
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"Remove solo Q and make the game swf only."
I'll never be able to play again :(