“The way you played wasn’t fun for the survivors”



  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    This is like the 10,000th post like this.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    And it is the 10,000th time some people block their ears and go la la la la EVERYTHING IS FINE!

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Yeah, this is fine. Both sides should consider the other when playing.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683


    This mentality right here is the problem and it's so damn hypocritical.

    "Oh I didn't have fun playing this game cus the killer decided to camp/tunnel me." *Says the survivors who knock out 3 gens in 2 minutes with the killer having gotten just 1 hook in.*

    Honestly I'm tired of this kind of entitled mentality. "What about the survivors fun, what about my fun?" Yeah well what about my fun as the killer? You think I enjoy having to constantly sweat out matches every time I queue up? You think I have fun when I have to go against SWF death squads who bully me and hold the game hostage until they get bored? You think I enjoy being ran through endless god loops over and and over, getting tea bag taunted all along the way? You think I enjoy only ever having to play the same killers over and over again with the same meta perks and builds? No, I don't. I too would like to have fun and play chill every now and again too you know.

    It's funny I wonder if the people with this kind of mentality act the same way in other games? If you play Counter Strike or any kind of battle royal game, do you cry about how "They're not thinking about my fun" if you're the first one to die for multiple rounds? It's even funnier that earlier you said that gen rushing is OK cus it helps the survivors get their goal and get a 4 man escape. Oh so that's ok to do, but the killer (whose objective is to -KILL- you) isn't allowed to do their job as efficiently as possible? In fact how many threads are on here with survivors saying that "Killers aren't entitled to 4K games". Ok, well then the same applies to you survivors, you're not entitled to a 4 man escape.

    TL;DR - Quit this BS mentality of how the game revolves around the fun of the survivors. Killers like to have fun too, and none of you ever consider whether we're having fun or not. And again it's very hypocritical to say only survivors can do everything and anything to do their job aas efficiently as possible but killers should be beaten with a baseball bat if they even think about hooking the same survivor twice in a row.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    This thread summed up in a video.