Why are survivors bringing map offerings looked down upon more so than killers bringing them?
I never really thought of this until now, but it feels like this happens pretty often? If a survivor brings in Balanced Landing and Haddonfield offering, It's shamed, but if a Myers brought Scratched Mirror and Lery's offering no one really cares? Survivors want to go to maps that benefit their builds the same way killers want to go to maps that benefit theirs.
What's weird is that I do this too, I generally look down on survivors bringing map offerings, but I don't actually know why, feels hypocritical of me.
I dont really see them as different but I find killers bringing them far more rare
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My assumption is because there are far more survivor favored maps than there are killer ones. Also map offerings also usually come with SWF, so not only are you going against communication and teamwork, you are going against a map that already puts you at a disadvantage.
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I guess maybe it's because there are more survivor sided maps? I have no ######### clue
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If a Myers brings me to Lery's, I think "I'm gonna get jumpscared." I also recognize that he still probably won't win.
If a Survivor brings me to Haddonfield, I think "They're going to try to bully me." I also recognize that they went there to win.
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Because theres like 5 maps that are killer favored in the entire game, so the chances of you bringing an offering and getting the map you actually want out of the zone is really slim.
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honestly I don't know but then again I never use map offerings I don't like any of the maps in this game enough to justify a offering usage
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I figure, if a killer brings me to Autohaven or Macmillan, they’re probably not that great with that killer. There’s many players in my server at least that can only play Nurse, Blight, Huntress on those maps.
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Jokes on you, I look down on both.
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I've honestly never really thought about it. I sometimes wonder why a certain map, but I don't care who brings it.
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The simple answer is that depending on what is brought and what killer is being played the survivor map offerings can be outright unbeatable unless the survivors royally screw up.
An example is getting a Huntress or Deathslinger on haddonfield as there are legit infinite loop spawns against them on that map...If not multiples.
This means that in this example if the survivors know how/get to exploit the infinite(s) they win by default.
There's not a single map in the entire game that is an auto win for killers or atleast not anymore with "The Game"'s rework for the doctor.
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Usually because killers aren't going there to win. When was the last time you saw a killer bring an offering that wasn't jumpscare myers/ghostface on lerys/hawkins? There are a LOT of survivor sided maps that can make winning a much easier affair. (Haddonfence, ocasionally ormond, b a d h a m) so its seen as super sweaty and rude to pop an offering, since it shows you're trying way too hard to win. There are some pretty respectable offerings though, burning a macmillans or azarovs usually grantees fun for all.
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Saw a Clown today bring a RCP map offering. Doesn't seem like a great map for him.
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Brings RPD Map offering
Objectively one of the worst possible maps for clown
Refuses to elaborate
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He actually did really well! I was the only survivor to escape. A bit campy, but it's such a huge map...
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Well, if a killer goes to a map that basically neuters their build or their power, then it hurts everyone's chances of earning points in the match. Or like me on Haddonfield, I hate the houses, I refuse to go in the houses; I see survivors teabagging on the second story balconies and they make less than 8k in the match because if the killer doesn't interact with the survivors properly then they just don't make points.
For survivors, all maps have pallets and vaults, most have some sort of drop-down for Balanced Landing. A bad map won't neuter the survivors, but killers vary wildly from map to map and can be absolutely ruined on the wrong map. Put Scratched Mirror Myers on an open map and he might as well go AFK: chases in tier 1 are painful, the build is only effective if there are a lot of LoS blockers. You don't want to make the killer's power so impotent that you run out with practically zero Altruism. Or I dunno, maybe some survivors want that. I find the matches where the killer does so poorly that I never get to make a single hook save pretty boring, though.
Post edited by TragicSolitude on1 -
Because a survivor map offering is, at its worst, four times effective (4 X balanced landing with haddonfield). With a killers worst possible map choice what does it mean....they can down faster? A killer can't chase multiple survivors at once or get crazy ability modifiers on maps. They slightly improve their chases but thats abou it.
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Survivors that use map offerings typically get off on destroying the killer even if they don't pip.
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Because most of the time, if a survivor brings a map offering, they want to sweat and win/bully, while when i see a killer bring one, it is most likely to do a silly build like scratch mirror myers or anti-heal doc (even if anti-heal doc could work on most map).
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Probably because most maps are survivor sided.
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For winning, they usually use Ormond, Haddonfield and Colwind offerings which are survivor sided maps.
Depending on my mood I may close the game in the loading screen, I'm sick of that maps.
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If a killer brings a map offering they give up their mori where as survivors do it to mostly be sure to irritate the killer
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I'm not even sure if it is looked down upon, you see more survivors bringing offerings for maps than you see Killers doing it (could be due to the fact theres 4 survivors for 1 killer in every game), so to me it seems the community as a whole do not look down on survivors bringing maps, as its so prevalent.
But as you pointed out OP, a Killer usually does so to make some build work, and quite often its for meme-y builds too. Unless its something like impossible skill check Doctor on a small map, or no power Oni on an indoor map, which can be oppressive, but how often do you see those builds, in comparison to someone bringing Haddonfield or a Coldwind map, simply because they are generally survivor sided maps.
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Reminds me of yesterday when a rank 1 russian Hag player took us, a solo group to Hawkins and we got totally destroyed. Next game I brought Balanced and took a Huntress to Haddonfield and she got one hook all game. Them's the breaks 😀
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I think part of the difference is that killers who want to be bullies don't really need a specific map to help them do it -- their bullying tools are available anywhere. Survivors who want to be bullies often use specific maps to facillitate the bullying, which part of the reason those maps are so hated. So, when you see a survivor play an offering for one of those maps, it's hard to know if they did it innocently or if they're being hostile.
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Double standards in the killer players. Maps like The Game are instant wins for all stealth killers and maps like Coal Tower are instant wins for every killer. Survivor map offerings are never instant wins, just watch any good killer video and you'll see
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When I put out a map offering, it's usually because I'm piling up too much of that map and I'm ready to burn it in an offering. Or maybe I want to practice that map for a while.
I'm not sure why people read so much into the offerings. I always try to burn an offering. A lot of times, I'm not putting intensive thought into my offering... it's just I want to use them up. Especially the ones that aren't very useful. I hate getting the one that lessens the fog... as a survivor, that seems totally useless to me, so I burn them off as soon as I get them. Just to get them out of the way.
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Because this forum is very killer sided. Nothing a killer does is considered toxic on here, but flashlight clicking is the worst thing someone could do!
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I don't usually care when a survivors bring map offerings. The survivors I look down upon are red ranks swf sweat squad who bring map offerings.
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Its an intent thing.
If the Survivors burn a Haddonfield offering, that almost always means they're going to sweat, abuse the buildings with BL and just generally make the game suck. When I as Survivor see a Lerys offering burned by the Killer, it usually means he's running something stupid that only functions on indoor maps. Regardless of whether I win or lose, I'm going to face off against something out of the ordinary which is exciting.
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I wouldn't know, as the Clowns I see seem to just give up and face camp on this map but he doesn't seem that terrible. The bottles are quite hard to navigate in a lot of areas.
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I don't think it's shamed to bring those offerings, you are however intentionally trying to swing the game so heavily in your favor that the killer is going to have to do whatever they feel they need to do to win that game and there's nothing wrong with that, just understand the first guy caught is far more likely to be forced out the game but there's no guarantees the killer was never gonna play nice if you didn't make it haddonfield.
Tldr; tools/offerings are there to be used so use them
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Most maps are pretty well balanced, the idea that the majority of maps favour one side or the other is silly.
I'll list all the maps that heavily favour either side here:
- Groaning Storehouse
- Gas Heaven
- Fractured Cowshed
- Haddonfield
- Grim Pantry
- Mother's Dwelling
- The Game
- Shelter Woods
- Azarov's Resting Place
- Rotten Fields (If killer isn't corn blind)
- Sanctum of Wrath
- Hawkins
- Dead Dawg Saloon
Obviously there are some others that are debatable however I believe these maps to be pretty widely accepted as Killer / Survivor sided
This leaves a total of 22 other maps that are pretty well balanced if players have a good understanding of how the map is laid out, the majority therefore being neither killer nor survivor sided.
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I can agree with this assessment. In the time I've played, I've also found these particular maps to favor one side or the other. But, even with a map leaning heavily to either side, a good player can always turn a bad situation into a favorable one.
On the subject of bringing map offerings, I personally don't care who brings what. If I bring one, it's normally because I'm tired of getting the same 2-3 maps during my sessions and just want something new. Or, like RPD and the map reworks, I want to go there and see the new stuff. Though usually in those instances I play as Killer and just have a fun farming match with the survivors.
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I'm going to offer some guesses as to why.
- A lot of the "killer sided" maps are held as the gold standard for balance, so reacting negatively would be like "oh no, we're playing on an equal playing field."
- Outside of scenario 1, Hawkins is an example of a killer sided map that killers don't like because they typically have to play without an ability, so it won't be common. So it's the reverse of Gideon.
- Dead Dog offers immersion to survivor players if they like that play style.
- Killers might use map offerings so that they can use an unconventional build that's not meta.
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From what I've experienced, killers who bring map offerings are doing some kind of gimmick build like scratched mirror with lery's, but for survivor they literally bring offerings that aren't fair or fun for killer like haddonfield. I've never seen a survivor bring a map offering for a build, GRANTED survivors don't really have perks that work really well on specific maps besides balanced landing on haddonfield, but your going haddonfield still.
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Survivors generally use a map offering with their SWF. They'll pick a favorable map so they can butt dance, click and taunt the killer from safety
When I'm playing killer and I use a map offering, it's because I see a SWF and I'm pretty sure they're gonna try to send me to Haddonfield or Red Forest. I use mine to hopefully counteract theirs.
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Idk why anyone would look down on someone for burning something the bloodweb spit out into their laps.
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I worded that wrong. I should've said that most of the map offerings they bring are survivor sided ones. And those maps can be torture for certain killers to play on.
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For me its because the killer sided maps arent as killer sided as survivor sided maps are survivor sided. Like it would only be barely harder to beat a killer on like shelter woods but it is way harder to win as killer on haddonfield. Also a lot of good killer maps are kinda drowned in a bunch of other maps that are either well balanced or survivor sided but not to the extreme for example shelter is part of mcmillan so even if you bring an offering you arent guaranteed to get it, same with like azerovs you could get any of the other maps even gas heaven which while not the worst is still kinda annoying if you arent a mobility killer.
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It's just mere numbers. As 4 survivors have the fourfold chance of a sole killer to get these map offerings viathe blood web, thus the chance of them spending them (with or without reason) is also four times as high.
What else are they going to do with them? Hoard them till Xmas 2025? For what reason?