For the first time ever, I camped someone.

And it felt good.

Allow me to explain the situation a bit.

I'm a Ghoat Face that was sent to Dead Dawg Saloon against a swf bully team.

You know, clicky clicky, headons, annoying bodyblocking when I should be able to by pass them but for some unknown reason was not able to (yes I know it's valid strategy)

I was annoyed, I got hit with two headons at first and I've TRIED being wary of lockers only to still be hit by weird hitboxes. The match was just awful for me, I genuinely hated every second of it.

So when I downed one of my problem players, I just uh..... backhooked basement camped them. Not face camp, but... I stood at the top of the stairs and waited.

I always prided myself in not camping, because it's just so boring, but at times if just feels fine and just.

I guess what I'm trying to get at that is this: So many people complain about camping, how it's toxic, how it's unfair, etc. But no one ever bats an eye to swf teams who's main goal is just to bully the living hell out of a killer, just because you felt like it could make for a nice funny montage. It just isn't fun, but am I saying nerf survivors? No. I'm just saying the unfairness is on both sides, I'm done just pointing fingers because that's where most of our genuinely fun mechanics disappear.

Grant it, sole mechanics that genuinely needed to be fixed eventually were, but at the cost of some fun unique things that eventually changed the course of the game.

I miss old Freddy.

I miss old maps.

I miss older dbd.

I miss not having characters made specifically for the 2/2 idea that Bhvr is following. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Candyman, but I swear it won't even be satisfying when their in the game.

I'm tired of the constant finger pointing that resorts to things that shouldn't be changed into being changed.

Apologies. I ranted off for a bit, I just.. miss a few things


  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Honestly, I feel you, man.

    Now, we all know that tunneling/camping is a valid strategy, that if done just to do it, is a dick move, but honestly, I feel you.

    Being hit by 2 Head-Ons, along with T-bag and clicky spam at every pallet and window, followed by constant bodyblocking, is absolutely obnoxious, and I completely understand why you'd just... Give up, take the 1k, or maybe a 4k if you get lucky, and move on with life. Frankly, I'd do the same in your shoes.

    It just isn't worth it.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Hey, before I write my take, I just wanna start by saying I think you're a really good guy.

    DBD can be stressful and it's not hard to see why. The solo queue experience, playing against a sweaty SWF (I'm personally fine with regular SWFs that just good around), etc. Don't be afraid to camp and tunnel if you have to, I don't usually do it, but I shall do what I must. Who cares about what others think about the way I choose to play in these scenarios?

    It's hard to accept change too. I also miss old Freddy and wish he'd come back. I hate the current Freddy, just a clone of Clown with a cool teleportation ability that could have been given to old Freddy. I like the new maps but I can see why people miss the old maps, as well as parts of old DBD.

    Ending my take with something important you should be reminded of: Losing a game doesn't make you a bad player.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Why the hell would a SURVIVOR want to go to Dead Dawg?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm sorry you experienced that game but the problem is would you rather they just did gens and escaped?

    This is something that people need to remember. Yes their intention was to bully you but imagine if they just played normally with normal meta perks. They probably would've escaped on most maps.

    Again I don't know the team or why they played the way they did but I think people need to understand what else that team could've done if they decided to just play to win. Unfortunately most fun ways a swf can play, that doesn't involve escaping and doing the objective is just to mess with the killer.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    @GeneralV's gonna love you

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I don't care about losing. I care when things are taking a genuinely unhealthy toll for the worst.

    Losing is fine, but watching something grow up beautifully and watching it start to wither hurts.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Tight turns and corridors for dumb plays, if I wasn't having weird hit box issues it wouldn't be as bad, but well it happened

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    I get what you mean. I fear for DBD's future but I'm wishing it the best.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    The first step is realizing they aren't bullying you, they are just using game mechanics to win, it's only effective when you allow it to get in your head, teams who are flash light spamming and swarming you aren't doing gens, so you're actually winning you just need to adapt your playstyle to fit what's happening, a great perk for this is starstruck btw I highly recommend it but even without what I'll normally start doing is slugging a few of them and making plays to snowball off them trying to help each other and they generally just fall apart at that point and the games been running for 15mins at a 4 gen.

    You have every right to camp if that helped you win but you did it because you got angry and if you're getting angry you've got the wrong swf mindset, when you get swarmed by a team your game has actually been made much easier, they have literally all come to you just laugh at their antics and then start dealing with them, if they won't let you hook them they don't get to cry when all of them are slugged on the ground.

    I think every killer at some point feels bullied by these antics but you have to evolve your mindset and you'll see how much easier it is to win these games without all the stress. These swf groups are going into those games primarily to have fun, you can very much have fun too with the right attitude adjustment, it took me a fair few negative experiences til I worked it out, now if I get chained head on'd I laugh and say nice, then I carry on with my game plan.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    Same here actually.

    I had an absolutely terrible game. I got single hits but couldn't down anyone, and had to abandon too many chases in order to pressure gens. The result was that I got no hooks and 3 gens were already done + progress on the last gens as well.

    At that point, I gave up. Didn't chase anyone anymore, went to break some pallets and waited for them to do final gens and ignored all the survivors.

    This one player wasn't doing gens but instead flashlight clicking to me and wanted me to chase him. I shook him no and ignored him too.

    A moment later, I happened to find that player opening the door, alone. He was injured, so I downed him fast. Opened to door myself and facecamped him to death, because why not? I wasn't planning on it and probably wouldn't have done it if it was any other survivor. But it's such a dick move to start bm someone who already lost and clearly gave up, so why wouldn't I take a free kill when I had an opportunity.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    And not just me, my dear friend. Old Freddy, and Old DBD in general are not rare topics around here, and in other places too.

  • VanitasRyuzaki
    VanitasRyuzaki Member Posts: 110

    A lot of tactics survivors use to protect each other seems obnoxious, but what else can they really do. Some of the tactics don't work when I do them during my survivor rounds and I wonder how it works when they don't it but not when I do. Dumb luck?

    I'm one of the people who don't camp as Killers, it'd an easy strategy but one I don't really enjoy seeing or even doing. A lot of times I camp on accident because I have every survivor coming at me for one person. They kind of make the hooked person immediately die since none of them are brave enough to take a hit and then grab even though there's one other person or two there with full health.

    I had a match last night where I was headon by a Leon than he tried to flashbang, he obviously failed to realize that it wasn't working since I run lightborn (run it because I constantly have a lot of matches with people with flashlights) and in the suffocation put I think it was, he kept entering and leaving a locker in a rush. My grab animation from a locker couldn't initiate because of how fast he was doing it, eventually I hit him and he even tried to be to be spared after that.

    I mori'd him and it was very satisfying. I don't really use moris, only if it's a challenge or ritual, but using it twice in one trial didn't give me a bit of peace after that.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Your e-honor will greatly suffer from this.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Bully teams are one of the reasons I main Trapper. The second I suspect them to be a swf, I'll equip Iron Grasp and Bloody Coil. If my suspicions are correct and they're trying to harass me, I'll eventually get one down and when I do, they go right into the basement and there is nothing they can do about it.

    They want to have fun at my expense, fine, they're going to have to work for it!

  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804

    You're Ghost Face, if you're not being a dick you're not even in the right mindset. You gotta get in Character, Ghost Face is so low tier it absolutely is permission to be a total shithead. Take a few swings while they're on the hook, teabag their happy ass.

    Your eyes are opened now to the possibilities. If you're toxic on a sweat killer nobody will like you, but if you're toxic on ghost face you don't even care.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    I also camped a bully once, and it does feel really nice.

    Personally, I think that, if they're bullying you, you can do whatever you want. Don't take it out on the next group, but on the group that's actually doing it? Go ham.