I'm saying that Blight is stronger than Spirit

psionic Member Posts: 670

Honestly, not everyone have realised the monster that Behaviour created.

Blight has the best map control of the game by far and he only loses to Nurse at chasing.

To me the only advantage of Spirit is that she is good on any map basically. Is she that good at chasing? Yes, but sincerely it's most because people don't put much effort at playing against her. Besides this, she's much more reliant at perks and addons.


  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Spirit nets Nurse results without Nurse input. Same could be said for Blight. Nurse and Blight require a lot of experience and practice mastering them but Spirit just requires decent tracking and you're good to go.

    I think the only perk she was reliant on was Stridor but good Spirit players won't need that and her add-ons are all amazing. Much like Hag though, she doesn't even need add-ons to do well. That's how good Spirit is. Obviously though every killer is going to want to bring the best perks they can to win.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    By "people don't put much effort at playing against her" you mean that spirit actually has counterplay? Well, I will be happy to see you beat that Scott Jund's challenge then! You already contacted him and arranged a game, right?

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Eh, I still think Blight is only slightly weaker than Spirit. He suffers from being extremely map-reliant, while Spirit can do well on about any map. For example, Blight on RPD, Lery's, and Rotten Fields.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    I think so too but it depends on the map and what addons they're using, because if Blight gets put on a map like Hawkins or Lerys he's going to suffer.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    His sliding makes him a weak killer. Definitely not on the same level as Spirit.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    I agree. Blight is 2nd stronger killer. The only counter for him is the map.

  • Troman
    Troman Member Posts: 264

    Blight is definitely a monster in chases and map pressure, especially with Tinkerer, that's why I personally don't like going against him.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Spirit will always be the second strongest killer as similar to Nurse, there is practically nothing you can do against them if they're anyway good.

    Blight on the other hand has multiple counter even if you're facing a good one.

    This is coming from someone who's maimed both in the past and still plays both occasionally.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    nope. swf still beats blight while they cry about spirit.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Said like a true spirit main, keep it up! That challenge would be a reasonable proof of Spirit actually having any counterplay, and the amount of people who dare to try and prove it shows how true this statement is in reality. And of course Spirit mains are so afraid of BHVR nerfing their ez-win factory they will keep avoiding this sensitive topic.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Spirit main here! Scott jund is cringe, ill pass on the challenge but will say 2 things- she needs a nerf, but before that you can still tell when she phases. It's not a win for counters, but it helps you know when to time vaults or pallet drops.

    They should make it harder for the spirit to hear, and make that visual que an actual feature than clearly a bug.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Ehh I think that's debatable. They're very close in terms of strength, I myself have a hard time thinking about which one is better.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Disagree. Blight is pretty map dependent (you can get used to the indoor maps and still manage although it's a lot harder, the maps where every object is lubed up are worse)

    And he's counterable, which is always going to lose out to uncounterable.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    You're trying soooo hard to be antagonistic. You aren't going to hurt anyone's feelings here so why not relax and try to have a real discussion?

    Scott's challenge is a ridiculous challenge. 5 minutes in a 1v1 isn't realistic for what would happen in a real match. However, if any killer can be run for 5 minutes that shows either the killer needs a buff or survivors need a nerf. Then again, Scott isn't looking for evidence. He's looking to confirm his bias and try to get Spirit nerfed. He lead the charge for her first set of nerfs and that wasn't good enough for him, so he set up a challenge that would always lead to him being able to claim Spirit needs a nerf.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Blight with no addons: no way better then Spirit

    Blight with double speed or alchemist ring: god

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    He doesn't really suffer on Underground Lab imo . The Laboratory's hallways and most rooms are wide enough for playable use of his Rush, unlike Léry's thinner, cluttered halls and cubic tiles.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215
    edited August 2021

    I win more games against Spirit than I do Blight.

    "But Spirit has no counterplay!" yes she does, you don't get detected in the first place. Stop playing your toxic flashlight teabag build and you'll do well against her. Dupe her around LOS blockers and she can lose you. Outplay her phase, and she has to wait 15 seconds before she gets another one.

    A Ruin-Undying Blight with Tinkerer is unstoppable. You cannot repair gens within him rushing straight to you within 10 seconds of hitting 70%.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    Blight is stronger than Spirit (except if you get trash maps for blight)

    but spirit is WAAAAY easier to play.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    I feel it depends a lot on the map. On huge maps like Red Forest and Shelter Woods I'd say Blight prevails, but on some realms like the indoor ones, Badham, Haddonfield, Ormond, Swamp or Yamaoka, Spirit is still better due to how horrible Blight performs on those.

    One thing that Blight has going for him are his addons. Spirit has some nasty ones but Blight takes it to a whole another level. Seriously, how the combo Alchemist Ring+Compound 33/Speed addons hasn't been touched at all yet is beyond me. With this combo I'd say he can be stronger than Nurse on some maps. Hillbilly got nerfed into the ground for less.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    it is all about counterplays blight can be countered if you are playing good against him spirit is just luck for survivors to counter saying blight is powerfull kinda feels not wrong and not right acording to me spirit takes away survivors power that's what makes her strong in Blight' situation both sides can be strong and blight is just strong nurse is the same case the yare powerfull bc the yare just powerfull spirit like a said makes survivors weak mostly

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Nah, I wouldn't say so. Blight has sizeable counters and is very map dependant - it doesn't matter how good the Blight player is if you just play smart, understand what he can do, go behind objects and don't let him get a bead on you. The j-flick is gone, so corners are a great way to waste his charges. He's definitely top 3, but not better than Spirit.

    Spirit, meanwhile, has great mobility, a borderline uncounterable chase power, pseudo-stealth, is much easier to play and can down you at almost any tile in the game no matter how good you are, unlike Blight. A mother-daughter yakuyoke Spirit I'd argue is almost stronger than Nurse if the Spirit player is extremely good. She might be bugged right now (and right now she IS worse than Blight) but when she's fixed, I don't think there's much discussion.

    People on this forum love to brown-nose Blight, but he's not better than Spirit. No killer that can be reliably countered in a chase using basic looping techniques can be better than Spirit and Nurse - no, just because you hit a survivor at a jungle gym that ran in a straight line doesn't mean he can use his power to beat almost any tile. Blight is better in mobility with a good chase power, and Spirit is better in chase with a good mobility power, and stealth, and a passive chase ability. They're close, but Spirit wins out in the end.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    his sliding allows him to make amazing plays at loops he wouldn't be able to go for..... it's like a hillbilly curve on steroids that feels 10times more rewarding when you pull it off...

    now certain maps like Disturbed Ward can be hell...

    areed with OP, he's #2

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    hawkins and midwich are fun with vigos journal and compound 21..

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I think you’re right that Blight is probably stronger than Spirit, but he’s more map dependent, harder to learn, and has a little more in the way of meaningful counterplay so he doesn’t seem as oppressive in the average match. His add ons 100% need revisiting though.

    I also disagree completely that Spirit is perk and add on dependent. She’s still extremely strong without add ons, and you can basically run whatever perks you want on her now that her synergy with Stridor has been nerfed. She’ll struggle without any slowdowns on big maps but that’s true of every killer.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Maybe blight is stronger then Spirit


    Hes more funny to face, got some counterplay or mind game possibilities and à higher skill cap

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Just wait till you realise Ruin Undying Tinkerer can be used on Spirit too, only she can move faster than Blight can with add-ons.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Played with their best perk build and addons I think Spirit is still stronger. But it's impossible to prove one thing or the other.

  • DeadByFrameLag
    DeadByFrameLag Member Posts: 56

    The most ######### challenge i ever seen. Lets imagine a nurse gets both the blink correctly, do you have a counterplay? Chase time? 15 seconds?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215
    edited August 2021

    She can't actually.

    You shouldn't be using Spirits phasing for map mobility, that's how you waste it all and end up as a 110% M1 killer without any power.

    Blight has no cooldown on his power and can cross an entire map in seconds. He loses nothing from breaking chase to pressure gens, while Spirit has to conserve her phases for use in chase and can only use it 25% of the time.

  • Mr_Critical
    Mr_Critical Member Posts: 45
    edited August 2021

    Id say Blight might be stronger then Spirit (or the same strength as her), i always do good with blight and find him way funner, not counting stupid collision stuff but id say the main thing is that he is harder than spirit, im not going to count some of her stupid addon combos like MD Ring and Amulet since thats a red and purple.