The Big Letter Scavenger Hunt and Theory Thread (The big teaser thread)
Probably day before PTB starts
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Rumour goes it'll be next week, so that would most likely be Monday. Though, as I said, it's a rumour.
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That's why I said I think leak is wrong like they were with Trickster chapter being LGBT. Right now everyone is basing theories off DBDLeaks who were wrong, or atleast mislead everyone, not that long ago.
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Red Herring
if you will...?
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😂 Exactly.
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What is the H due to now ????
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It’s been shot down, much like the golden rings.
Refer to the previous page of this thread.
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I think the devs try to spell Hellraiser, I don't know why, now that I think about it, with the H uncovered, maybe they don't want to spell Springtrap and they want us to believe it's not Candyman, nor Springtrap, I think it can become Pinhead with a reference to Ace locked up as if locked in the Wailing Cube in Hellraiser.
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Yes, it could be Hellraiser.
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All the clues are Red Herrings, which is why they posted the Red Herring Perk.
The killer is Twisty the Clown from American Horror Story.
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Would unironically love Shachath from Asylum. It would kinda betray her character to be a killer in DbD, though...
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I bet you guys everyone at Behavior is laughing their asses off at all of us grasping at straws here.
Anyway, can someone tell me every confirmed letter we have so far? I have a small theory of what it might be spelling out.
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I don't remember the rumors about All-Kill. They stated it'll be LGBTQ+ or they hoped for?
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IMO, the only truly confirmed letters are:
Some people say that the devs putting "rt" in a retweet is indicative of something, but I heavily disagree.
EDIT: I'm starting to think it's Hellraiser, because the devs had mentioned they'd love to get Pinhead in the game.
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I have doubt about the H... I mean, not about the fact the Twitter person said there was nothing, but it focused on an official news (a map is disabled), while the other letters were revealed through "chilling" post.
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S,A, & R are the only confirmed letters. RT could have just been "retweet" since it was a retweet and they posted the red herring. The "H" was dismissed by BHVR and they said it's always been part of the saloon. The double "i" doesn't fit in with the way the other letters have been revealed. It comes from a tweet with 2 🤡 🤡 and "ii" is another way of saying two. And all of other letters have been random single letters, while the "i" was in the word "Ciircus". So it's unclear if the "i" is part of the letter hints or if it means something else.
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A friend of mine looked at a screenshot of the saloon; it does not have the "H".
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Alright. Thanks @Orion for telling me the confirmed letters.
Anyway, after looking at all the letters, my theory pretty much completely fell apart. Oof.
Well, I have another idea. Remember the picture of the circus with Ace trapped in a cage? You know, the one where people got the letter "I" from? Well, Fazbears Fright was likely located in some sort of carnival or circus. Ace could represent the Night guard trapped in the establishment.
Something else, what if the letters are spelling out "Hellraiser"? I'm pretty sure someone else in here already said that, but it's a possibility we can't ignore.
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Have a look at the OP, I'm trying to keep everything up to date. The "H" thing was debunked by BHVR themselves, so I haven't included that.
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Oh, my mistake. Guess "Hellrasier" is less concrete now, though it's still not out yet.
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BHVR claimed that the H wasn't relevant, the same way they acted clueless about the "S" in the first image we got. That "H" is not present on the saloon, it was fabricated for/added to that image.
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Ooh, I thought it was present on the actual map. Thanks for clarifying that. Adding it right now.
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Probably the 15 or 14th
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E...rules out Springtrap and Hellraiser remains possible
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Yeah unless they are including the word (the) as the name
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Ima leave this here
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Also, translating the tweet I get “Can you throw knives like Ei?” Ei is probably a google mistranslation, not sure
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The picture still shows circus stuff. Does Hellraiser have something to do with a circus?
(I only know Pennywise from the speculations we had. I'm the unlucky one who never watches movies...)
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@Jarol, I'm just gonna steal your theory here....
There's a pin in that wheel, that apparently isn't there in-game.
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I dont know nothing pops up when I search ei so either its intentional or it's part of the name
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Nice find
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It's on the German DbD twitter page as well.
It just says "Good ... luck?" The E's definitely there though.
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Thx, you gotta admit still lot of Fnaf stuff that uses E
I always come Back
I am still here
Five nights at Freddy's
The Attraction
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Interesting. Up until now, the tweets have been pretty similar in different languages. This one is very different. I hope a fluent Japanese speaker could help with this “Ei” person.
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"E" is the most common letter in the English language (just count how many are in this sentence alone). I'd be surprised if there weren't any words with the letter "E" associated with FNAF.
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Well you kept using "Say it" for Candy Man
A and I is pretty much used as E
Just doing the same thing you were doing, commenting quotes from the franchise.
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copied the tweet into google translate, which offered an interesting alternate translation:
'I wonder if you are throwing a knife into E. feeling'
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Gotta love google translate
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Thanks I tried to say this but I physically couldn't type so I gave up
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This may sound dumb, but did you copy the whole tweet? I cant imagine why the same site would translate the exact same sentence multiple different ways
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yep, whole tweet. try it for yourself.
In fact, the イー seems utterly superfluous (it's been a while since i tried learning japanese)
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It is not my theory, but it is a detail, however small it may be, that is an essential clue.
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I was saying it could be "Say his name" or "Say Candyman" ("Say it" was someone else) because we got the letters "S" and "A" one after the other. I was assuming it was spelling something. It wasn't until we got more letters that I realized it was just a jumble of letters and dropped that notion. Don't compare the situations.
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Can confirm the pin is not there in-game
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I've been staring at that picture for 10 minutes and I can't see a single ######### E.
Also rt means retweet.
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But it may not, is the thing.
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I've updated the OP again, maybe that helps you.