Refine blight and nurses power

I know its not a heavy issue but personally I think blight and nurse are the most bugged killers in the game.
What’s wrong with blight ?
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As a blight player I can attest to this, his hitboxes are wildly inconsistent and I've lost games because for some reason or another blight just decided to either hit air or slide off a solid wall, Thanks BHVR!!!
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Sometimes he slides off surfaces he should bounce off of.
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I knew it!
I knew something was off !
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Nurse has been the most broken killer in the game for 3 years, they're not fixing her any time soon.
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Bmight is fine, if you have problems with collisions : practice more.
Once you know what is bouncable and what is not, trust me, you'll take advantage of that.
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What an odd response. Presuming you main/play a lot of Blight, surely you've experienced the slide instead of a bounce before? It becomes apparent very quickly when playing a lot of Blight for the first time that some surfaces are risky to try and use because half of the time you will just keep sliding. No need to try and dismiss someone who wants bugs fixed that they just need to "practice more".
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"Instead of fixing bugs, just learn to play around them"
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I agree. His power is a little gamble and Nurse still has the blink bug (bugged sound and can't use her power) which is annoying and can lose kills.
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Well if they fix Blight i hope they'll fix Victor as well, he is slidding off survivors models very often when he is literally on them, and it's not like he could get fatigue and uses his jump in the next 10 sec, no he get crush. They have the same issue but Victor is a priority over Blight imo
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I dont dismiss anyone, its just my way to say one got to adapt. It happens all the time, especially in swamps, but what can you do. Are you really expecting Bhvr to fix its game @Junylar ? Nurse got the same bugs / impossible blinks since she came out. Sounds are bugged. Scratchmarks are bugged and glitched. Performance is trash, and now it seem their priority is a sbmm which make absolutely zero sense in this game.
But yeah, keep hoping for perfect collisions.
Trust me, better keep your energy and call it a feature.
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You basically told him to learn his buggy collisions.
No he is not fine.
Yes you CAN learn his buggy collosions but that shouldnt be needed.
It should be fixed instead.
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Taking advantage of "hug techs" and non-collisions elements "slides" is part of Blight learning curve.
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It only happened to be a learning curve because it exists.
It wasnt intended like that = BUG
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