New chapter proposed : Bug fixing team
Killer : the Bug fixer.
Height : medium
Terror radius : 32m
Speed : 115%
Weapon : a keybord
Power : Programation
=> The power work with a system of token and allow the killer within a certain radius to create some object or interract with some existing object.
=> You have 4 tokens.
=> Each tokens take 10s to be recovered
=> For interaction :
*1 token : you can create a fake blocking object.
*2 tokens : you can create a fake interactive object (chest, gen, locker).
*3 tokens : you can block a window.
=> The range of the power is 10m.
=> When the power is active the killer is slow down to 105% of speed.
=> It takes 1s to activate the power, it takes 2s for the interaction to happen and it takess 1,5s to cancel the mode.
=> When creating an object, it would be placed in front the killer.
=> A survivor can destroy a fake object : it would require 8s and give him 150 bp in survival.
=> If a survivor interact with a fake interactive object, this one will dissapear , make a notification and the survivor will suffer from an incapacited statuts for 30s.
Perk :
Preparation : For each 15s you pass out of a chase, you receive a token. For each token you receive, your speed is increase by 3%. You can have max 2/3/4 tokens. You lose all your token after hook a survivor or down two survivors.
Hex : detonation : for each loud notification in the trial, the perk receive a token. As the totem get cleanse, all survivors suffer from the oblivious and blindness for 10s * (number of token +1). The number of token is limited to 5/6/7.
Improvement : Each time a gen regress by your interaction (out of ruin), you receive a token. For each token you got, the regression get 1/2/3% faster.
Perk :
Silent approch : as you hide in locker for at least 3s, the perk trigger. As you get out of the locker you aura and scratch mark remain hidden for 10s. The perk have a cooldown of 60/50/40s.
Heavy mecanism : Your speed of interraction with exit gate and gen is increase by 9%. However you other interaction are slower by 11/10/9%.
Focus mind : you are not affected by perk, items that modify skill check. You receive a bonus 50% of bp for each successfull skillcheck hitted.
III) Map : an indoor map which could look like a programming company.