PWYF may be semi-useable on Blight now.

I would assume that it still consumes a token if you swing in lethal rush but I'm still kind of intrigued by this. Could become a cute little perk to run occasionally.
oh hell yes, i'm going pwyf + crow + rat
thanks for pointing this out
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PWYF is a meh perk overall. Not worth running except for the meme factor ofc.
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No problem. I thought of that too, lol. I imagine it'd be pretty funny to see him just absolutely ZOOMING across the map.
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True. The meta can get boring sometimes though so variety is good.
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I dont think that anyone wants to go through the pain to acquire Tokens, just to make a already strong Killer stronger during Chases.
PWYF was useful on Bubba, because he was quite weak and his Instadown justified to get those PWYF-Tokens, however, with Blight, you dont need the extra Movement Speed most of the time to down people.
It would be useful for Loops where you cannot really use your power, because those become laughable with 1 or more PWYF-Tokens, but is that really worth running this Perk and potentially Nemesis?
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For the fun factor, I'd say it be worth running, lol.
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It probably won't be worth the effort no but it will be funny
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my speed increased so much I posted twice
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Hell yeah, that's awesome. I can't wait to try it with double speed add-ons.
I hope they adjust PWYF for other killers.
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yeah I currently only really like it on plague (vomit comet)
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Wraith and GF are also fun with PWYF since you can automatically get a stack by going undetectable.
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How does PWYF work with Blighted Crow and Rat? Because those two are multiplicative with Blight's speed during a Rush, so the 15% is applied to each resultant Rush speed or does it enter the calculation as well?
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so...was he eating tokens just for rushing before? Yikes lmao
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Yeah, every rush consumed a token. PWYF was completely useless on Blight as a result.
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I honestly don't know how the math works for it. We'll just have to see once people have had a bit of time to experiment.
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Hopefully this is a gateway to PWYF being made functional with other killer powers too. Maybe they'll change clown bottles, doctor shocks and vile purge to not waste stacks - that'll be very nice of them.
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Holy #########! They actually made someone other than Wraith want to use PWYF!
It's a miracle!
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Doc shocks and clown bottles? Are you sure? As for vile purge I haven't used pwyf on plague in a while but it definitely worked before, no stacks taken even once they broke
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Yeah, a while back they did a sweeping nerf to PWYF and made every kind of attack lose a stack, even ones that can't necessarily do damage. Clown bottles, doc shocks, all vomit instead of only corrupt purge, Victor pounces, (but Victor's meant to be unaffected by perks, except in this case I guess) etcetera.
Because PWYF Plague was just too strong.
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It is actually pretty easy to aquire tokens as blight, start a chase, back up, lose chase, then rush back into the chase, almost as clean as wraith doing it
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Time to main blight see ya in the fog red ranks!
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Ugh that's seriously annoying I loved pwyf plague. But I'm sure the survivors would much rather I run something more exciting like thana
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Same. I also loved PWYF Twins, hence why I'm so salty about it (along with everything related to Twins) being the victim of reasonless nerf after reasonless nerf. It also really SHOULD be reverted, because Victor isn't meant to interact with perks in any way. Including one exception just to stop a niche perk on Twins that wasn't even too strong and required setup just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
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See the wiki still has bottle tosses etc down as not depleting them even though it's obviously been recently updated for blight 🤔
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Thats actually true, with the change you have to go through less stuff to get a token. No looking away, looking on the ground or anything, just leaving Chase and getting back into it with a Rush afterwards.
Still, I dont think we will see many Blights with that Perk, but might be possible.
Post edited by Aven_Fallen on1 -
Then the wiki is wrong - I tested PWYF Twins recently and Victor's pounce still consumed tokens, and on that screenshot it says it doesn't. It doesn't surprise me that they're not updated though. How many people are even playing Twins and Plague, let alone using PWYF on them?
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As one of the five or so plague players I'd say not many. Was this change ever mentioned in patch notes or could it be a bug?
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This change was made awhile ago, and it's hard to believe it's a bug because of how specific it was and how long it's been in the game. Don't remember if it was in the patch notes - this happened a long time ago, pre-Silent Hill if I'm not mistaken, and Victor's Pounce was made to consume tokens in the same update where they nerfed Victor's pounce cooldown and Charlotte's ability to bodyblock and Victor's ability to survive on very low objects, among other things.
I never used PWYF much on Plague pre-nerf because I didn't play Plague much back then, but I can't see it fitting into my current Plague build. I use Corrupt too much, haha.
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I'm gonna summon the elders
Are actions such as plague's vile purge, clown's bottle tosses and Victor's pounce supposed to deplete PWYF tokens? Because it seems to although the wiki says otherwise and I don't remember any patch notes on it.
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I didn't think of that actually. Huh. Maybe pwyf Blight will actually be a legit thing.
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I think they were changed intentionally. Although, it seems their design philosophy may have changed more recently considering that they made PWYF useable on Blight.
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As fun as it is to go crazy fast as Blight, I find it completely wrecks my muscle memory, which I value too much to run a meme build around speed. It's not for me, but you know, gotta go fast.
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The wiki says the list is accurate as of this patch, people just don't read disclaimers that they should. Before the list was updated with Blight's changes, it showed that Clown bottles and Doc shocks were tested to work just fine with PWYF by the wiki guys back in July (5.0.2).
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PWYF has a lot of undocumented changes, I wouldn't go by patch notes on this one. The wiki people had tested that stuff back in early July and added Nemesis and the Blight changes when they happened. Not sure if they retested all the other powers, cause tbh, that would be stupid if they had to that with every patch on the off chance the devs fiddle with PWYF behind the scenes.
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Oh damn! Super speed blight boi. He might even tap into the speed force.
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He probably could if he wanted to, lol.
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That list has a disclaimer above it:
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@Altarf I mentioned this thread to one of the wiki guys and they went ahead and tested the list again. Everything was the same, except for Victor now depleting tokens, as you said. I've been mulling things over in my head and here's what I think happened with Victor.
What the devs probably did is redefine when a token is depleted when attacking with a killer power. The way it appears to work now is that as long as the killer is in their M2 phase without attacking, no tokens are lost, but as soon as they press M1 during that phase, it will deplete one.
This change allows Blight to use his rush without depleting tokens, as long as he doesn't go for an attack, since he's only pressing M2 to use his rush tokens. Unfortunately, the only collateral damage this change brought with it is Victor depleting tokens now, because as far as the game is concerned, Victor is Charlotte's M2. Whenever she's controlling Victor, she's in her M2 phase and pouncing is pressing M1 in that phase, depleting a token now.
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Oh that's interesting. Maybe I'll give PWYF Clown a go someday. I know you weren't addressing me with the comment but thanks for the update nonetheless.