What we know so far with Chapter 21

dbd twitter have been making pictures with random hidden letters. we believe that it is teasing the next killer. we know that the killer is licensed due to the pricing of the skins being leaked. we also know the survivor is original for the same reason, because of this we believe they will both be separate paragraphs (release a stand alone survivor and a stand alone killer.) This was given to us from DBDLEAKS on twitter.
Letters so far are I S R E and A. We thought H was one but was proven to not be part of it.
since one of the killer skins contain a price that is equal to a legendary skin, it needs to be a killer that can change to a different character but still be the same killer.
so far, the leading killers are Pin head as top, Springtrap and second, Candy Man, Pennywise, with a possibility of Alien but i doubt it.
One of the images contain Ace being locked in a cage in the clown map to suggest Pin head with torture or Spring trap since Ace is the only male survivor with a full purple costume (referencing purple guy/springtrap. Purple Guy was a child murderer that used a suit to lure in children but the suit ended up crushing him due to locking mechanism failures clamping him shut in the suit. This is who we know as Springtrap Ace being trapped kinda points that way.) although the skin is not present in the picture due to that probably being a dead give away, its still a food for thought.
another image contains the spinning dart wheel from the same map to suggest torture and a Nail was stuck to the board. this nail is not present IG so that is so far the most damning evidence for pinhead.
As for the letters we think it is saying a phrase/quote as the name flat out would probably give it away too quickly.
Best suggestions are "My Name is Springtrap." "I Am Still Here" and "I Always Come Back." to suggest Springtrap.
more are "Raise Hell" "Hellraiser" for Pin Head.
Spring trap was also revealed in a strikingly similar fashion to this letter game when fnaf teased him way back which is another reason why he is a high likely hood.
another thing is DBD twitter posted the Red Herring perk, some say they are throwing us off with the letters, others say its spring trap hint due to you in fnaf, lure him away from you with a noise, a red herring. it was the main and only defense against him in game.
In my opinion Pin Head is more likely due to the nail thing being pretty clear as a big hint, but it can always be a Red Herring to throw us off or to reference the clowns tome, idk.
Hopefully this helps discussion, if anything was missed by me, let me know pls.
Why Alíen now?
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saw some disscussions on youtube because of the letters but thats it. theres not much else tho along with it being a little bit outdated.