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Who else is having a decent time with MMR?

gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

The only posts I've seen so far are about bad experiences with MMR. My games today have actually been pretty good and there hasn't been an unsatisfying match yet.

Is everybody having a terrible time or is it good for anybody?


  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    It's been fine for me. A couple wins, a couple loses. All fair play tho, I didn't have any matches that were clearly one-sided.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    I had actually just one killer match. But that one was so much fun that I rarely have while playing killer! I got a 4K but they could have beaten me under other circumstances, so it didn’t feel like I stomped them at all.

    for survivor gameplay i had a few matches, didn’t really notice a big difference, there were some good and bad matches but overall no matches where I thought the matchmaking was super unfair.

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193

    I'm having a great time with it so far in the Japan servers (just like last time). Killers have been a whole lot less sweaty - and to be honest, the skill level has been near enough to mine that I generally don't feel overwhelmed. I can't wait to test it out on the killer side as well.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I wish

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    So far its okay. My first survivor matches have been a little rough (with people disconnecting/suiciding). But then things began to get smoother.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I played killer for 5 hours+ tonight -- and arguably, it was the most fun I've had in a while.

    I came into the night 1 pip away from Rank 1, and I'm used to playing a handful of killers I'm comfortable with at Red Ranks. If I try a meme build, or I try to practice with someone I need work with, it usually turns into a round of Generator Speedrun Simulator. Tonight, however, was nothing like that.

    The toughest team I arguably went against was when I played Pig, who in theory, I should have the toughest competition against. I ended up with a safety pip and a 1K that I honestly didn't play well in, and the survivors did play very well. That said, a late comeback on my end nearly netted me another kill.

    I didn't play a single killer more than once, and I played a number of killers I'd put on the shelf or rarely play because I need to get better with them: Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Legion, Plague, Nurse, and Clown all got dusted off and I actually had FUN with all of them. The survivors I went against seemed to all be near my skill levels with those killers (particularly noticeable with Nurse, who I have always struggled mightily with). The killers I do play more often -- Wraith, Trapper, and Doctor were more hit and miss (Wraith had the toughest survivors, while the Trapper and Doctor games were huge snowball matches that fell apart quickly for the teams). Demogorgon, Ghostface, and Hag matches were hard fought and competitive. Only a Huntress match seemed to be off, as I almost never play her and don't do well with her when I do, but I had what I thought were opponents well beyond my skill level there (which ironically happened with me and Huntress the last time MMR was tested).

    I had a lot of 3K's/4K's, but other than the aforementioned Trapper and Doctor matches, all of them were hard fought and could have honestly gone either way if not for one key play or two here and there. Other than the match I played as Huntress and the Trapper/Doctor slaughters, no match ever felt like it was either unwinnable or that it was a lock to win. I pipped up in the huge majority of my matches, and more importantly, got in much needed practice with killers I don't normally play, all while doing so with arguably the least stress I've had playing killer in a long time.

    One person's experience in one night of testing may not be the same as what others are experiencing, but for me, there was far more good than bad with MMR in my first night of experiencing it during this test. I'm looking forward to seeing if tomorrow brings more of the same (as well as how survivor goes for me), and how things go with the killers I play with some regularity (Freddy and The Shape) as well as those I don't (like The Blight and Leatherface).

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    I will now try to play killer.

    For survivor tho, it usually goes like 1 match with potato team mates and sweat lord killer, and the next one with the best team mates ever and first time killers (no exaggerating, last game the killer literally said it's their first time playing). What I have noticed however is that 98% of the killers have Thana and Sloppy, with Tinkerer too. Not fun to be honest.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    I've been playing against much easier Survivors as Killer, I would argue a bit too easy actually lol I wonder how long that will go on for before I start facing the sweatiest teams.

    As Survivor my Teammates were complete "potatoes" as people call them, the Killer wasn't that great either, he was average. He got a 3K and 1 Hatch escape, but 2 of my teammates basically stood in front of Killer and let him down them.

    I'll have to try more but my Survivor game was discouraging.

    Killer I think will end up being fine for me personally. Guess we will see.

    I Pipped Up on all of my matches as Killer AND Survivor. +2 Killer, +1 Survivor, Red Ranks.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Have you not played much the past couple months because supposedly its using data thats been collected over a several months period of time.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    So far my games have been only slightly more erratic then usual with not much difference, most games are either 4ks or 4 outs with a 1k secure or a hatch escape mixed in.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yup. I was waiting for MMR. I'm not playing regularly until they either get a proper ranking system (which MMR is) or Candyman is added to the game (because Candyman), because I find the game is not fun otherwise.

    A lot of people complain when I tell them they should stop playing if they don't think the game is fun, but I live by what I say.

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    I think its great for new players, it is really boring and frustrating at higher ranks.

    The real question is who of the red ranks are having a better time with games.

    Thats how you should judge mmr.

    instead of saying oh hi johnny rank 10 here and i think its good.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    It's swinging one of two ways honestly; either really good teams or having teammates being scared of everything, leave the team to die on first hook cuz said hiding, farming. Refusal to heal me. There has been no in between. It's been really really grating my nerves. Then again, my moods aren't the greatest rn (I have mood disorders; no I do not want to share but I will say it makes for a lovely lovely combo) so I've taken a break from dbd for right now but yeh those were my experiences as survivor.

    As killer, it's been horrible. I had better matches before this test started. The only time I've endured an insane amount of bully squads. Or survivors who just felt like red ranks when I'm not a red rank killer nor do I want to be. I got down in the purples once as killer and I hated it, don't wish to go back. But with this test on, I didn't have a single enjoyable match as any killer I tried. Even my mains, I just had a horrible time out of like 8 games. I'm surprised beyond belief when I see people say their killer games have been amazing because mine's been awful. It's actually deterred me away from killer right now.

    I'm just unlucky naturally in life, irritable and not focused so the possibility of me not playing well is super super high.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    When was MMR enabled? my times seem to be the same for now

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Oh. I played yesterday and it was the same on the survivor side. Instant during the day with red ranked teammates, 5+ mins at night with team mates rank 10-15. This is EU and red ranks.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Then you didn't play with MMR. Ranks have been hidden.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I'm gonna play for a few hours now, I only had time to do one match this morning.

    But damn, my teammates were so cool. The Killer was fine as well. I rarely see a good Pig.

    I can't wait to see how it goes this afternoon. And if it's as good as I've read (I've seen more people saying they like it than the contrary), I know I'll be impatient as hell for it to come live.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Played a little, and i dunno if it's the time of day or sbmm, but I had one guy (a leon) three times in a row who dced the first two times (my Q and matches overlapt with his waittime apparently) and then just followed me around trying to get me to kill him (he got saved both times) who then told me he hates deathslinger

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I always ask about ranks in the lobby, specially at night so I can dodge

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    There seems to be an extremely vocal minority of people who are regurgitating what some streamers have been saying about MMR but aside from that I can’t see it as being a bad thing. Will try out some games soon.

  • Mynkon
    Mynkon Member Posts: 9

    I've played several matches as survivor and killer and for now my experience has been super unbalanced.

    As survivor, half of my teammates seem fairly new and most of the killers we're up against are clearly experienced. When playing killer (tried my mains AND killers I never play), I get at least 1 baby survivor and the rest are absolute looplords that make up for that one new person.

    I assume I'd have to play more for matches to balance out but I'm just not having fun right now on either side : /

  • InsatiableMop
    InsatiableMop Member Posts: 325

    The issue is there are so many facets of what makes a good survivor and it's hard to judge that because things change game to game, maybe they were never the one nearest the hook so they never get the unhook points so their mmr drops and it seems to swing a bit wildly right now. You can have a game where the other survivors are decent and if you lose then suddenly next game everyone is potato. Was similar on killer, win a game even by the hair of your teeth, next game exponentially harder, lose that one, get put against potatoes.

  • InsatiableMop
    InsatiableMop Member Posts: 325

    A good MMR in a game like this one is like chasing a purple dragon, every game is so wildly different and in each you can take on an entirely different role and to just expect and trust the devs to account for this in every scenario I think is a pipe dream. I would be interested in hearing exactly what their factors are because I think an activity based factor would be very solid. % of the game actively doing some sort of objective, be that in chase, totems, gens. And killer %of the game pressuring the survivors.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I played as GF one match that included a Claudette that didn’t Know to run once she had been marked. She never moved from one area much and she was always just hiding behind trees when I came through. End of match she had one yellow perk that was Botany. Get the strong feeling it was one of her first matches ever. Probably not a good way to be introduced to DBD.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    I had one game where a survivor didn't open the gate which led the killer to get two kills, it was a bubba who couldn't get a book til the end. It piss me off since I was the one that got down even tho I could've gotten out if the survivor were to open the gate.

    Had two other game where one was very campy hat that grab the survivors unhooking because they were being stupid and an another was a clown with the limit finger and the flask.

    Mmr is not going to happen because there is too many thing to look at for both sides but survivor is hard to do because you have to rely on your teammate which could lead to one sided for each side.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    They used data to give everyone an mmr rating before mmr was implemented. They knew where to put you just sayin

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2021

    I'm in the same boat. I haven't played since the fiasco of the Twins' release, and won't be playing again until MMR is permanent. I fully expect my return games to be rough for a week, maybe a month, until the MMR figures out where to put me on each Killer that I play.

    I do however, still keep current on DbD news and and am watching what feedback I can on this MMR test.

    No MMR is perfect. Hell, I have hours in the four-digits in Overwatch, and in Quick Play MMR still puts me in stomp or be stomped matches. It's going to happen at times, regardless. The other night was a streak of 7 losses and 0 wins because my team was just so consistently outclassed. Next night was much more even going.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Haven't played killer yet but survivor games so far have been good. The skill of the killers has fluctuated a bit but teammates have been decent. They do gens, can last a while in chase, sometimes do questionable things - but so do I so that fits well!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    so far ive had a pretty miserable time.

    a combination of my 3 week break, MMR giving me rough opponents and the absolutely horrendous map RNG ive been getting i'd say.

    maybe i'd enjoy this more if i wasnt send to Ormond and Mothers Dwelling literally three out of four games...

    but then again, map RNG just serves as a reminder to me as to why MMR is a horrendous idea in the first place, so yeah...

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,162

    I had OK matches as survivor and killer so far. and the times i had a bad game was because i was dumb or the killer loved to slugg at 4 gens left.

    I just have the problem that I don't pip (red ranks), but that's my constant bad luck.