Is SBMM good or not?

Bluerry Member Posts: 233

I want to hear your guys opinions about the new system My games are suck tbh system thinks ı'm a baby survivor and put me in a same game with baby survivors ı've been in a situation like all 3 surv are downed in 40 secs and this is all in a row of 2 matches and someone was actualy trying to evade a hit with flashlight but not moving as killer it is so easy they run don't look behind have no idea of design of the maps don't know where the pallet is they hide ı check their profile they have 90 hours 200 hours mostly there are also people like me too normal not the best but aware of the game mechanics can loop at tiles not like 360 for forever person so I know ı'm not the only one but I just don't if this is happening to majority or miniority

I got 1000 hours in game I play both survivor and killer


  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    My games have gotten pretty balanced honestly. Teammates are more consistent and killers are sweaty but neither side is getting destroyed on the regular.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    I wonder how they know someone has skill or doesn't have skill

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Dunno, I only have one sided games so far, entity displeased or easy 4k. No in between like it used to be

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    My every game as survivor: 4k or 3k if I'm lucky.

    My every game as killer: 3k if I sweat my guts out on killers I know well, in any other case it's 1k at best.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    Depends on who you ask. I have had fresh Nurse/Slinger games as a killer, like literally first game on those killers and it seemed to match me with newer survivors.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    on killer side if u don't play that killer often you ll play with new survivors so killer is side more likely to be unfair for survivors cuz eariler the game ı talked about as a killer was so easy for ı was new to that killer(twins) but survivors were new to game that's not how you fix that in my opinion but ı understand that this is harder to fix so survivor side is more important for me I mean as a team of randoms

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 973

    I really enjoy it. I can screw around and just have fun messing around farming BPs as a survivor and not care about escaping.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    I mostly played survivor last night since it was nice having consistently good teammates.

    But the few games of killer I played weren't bad at all. 2 4Ks and a 3K with a hatch escape. So far SBMM has been fine for me.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    As a survivor, it's been a bit scattered. Most matches it's felt balanced with decent survivors, me being able to play up to that level, and the killers feeling slightly easier, but that may be due to better co-ordination. Only one game where I got unhooked right under the nose of a particularily aggressive Hillbilly felt a bit odd, but maybe there was a reason for thay decision.

    As killer, I've been up against certainly some swfs (I chatted a little with a couple afterwards, who were nice and friendly), usually armed with either 4 torches or 4 toolboxes with BNP, and I've mostly been getting Ruthless Killer with about 2k on average (although I have had a 0k near-thrashing).

    Yet I have to say that whilst the thought of powerful swfs unnerves me, I've actually had some amazingly fun matches with them and the results have certainly given me a lot of confidence, especially since I was using Trapper with randomized perks and offerings! The most fun I've had was against a 4-torch squad on RCPD, especially when threebof them tried palleting and torching me carrying the 4th in a corridor (I lost that, but for a moment though I thwarted them), a tide turning moment as in the courtyard, and finally a strategic trap near the exit that one of them jumped from the balcony and basically stepped into it, securing a 2k then. Not sure if they were swf as didn't converse with them, but they were highly skilled.