Hellrasier fans?

If Pinhead does come to this game who else is very excited? That was my first experience with horror. If he ends up coming to this game for sure, I hope that his power is amazing! And fun of course. 😁
Pinhead and Co (and Candyman) were both horror franchises I didn't see until last year.
On the negative side, that's decades where I didn't get to watch stuff but on the plus side, it allowed me to watch basically just the good ones (HR 1 & 2 and the original Candyman respectively) without having to trudge through the garbage that both series seemed to have become.
Although both are now getting reboot/sequel things coming out so I imagine if it were Pinhead, it'll be Nu-Pinhead rather than classic Pinhead. That didn't go very well with Nu-Freddy so I am curious to see how it would go with Nu-Pinhead...
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I love the Hellraiser movies, especially the first 2 parts and the first thing i said when i got this game was something like "I hope they bring Ghostface and Pinhead at some point".
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I just hope he's not another ranged/chase oriented killer.
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Always been a pinhead fan. I hope he does come to DBD.
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I'm really excited if it turns out to be Pinhead, as a fan of the classic Slasher genre, I would be glad it was him, Seeing this photo if he were to be, one more on my list and only 3 of the icons that I really hope would be arrive. Jason, Chucky, Candyman or Pinhead to make it complete.
If he becomes a Pinhead, make him a stronger being, I wish he had the ability to trap survivors on special hooks like PH and their cages. and another ability that allows to retain a survivor or a ranged attack with its chains.
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I love Hellraiser, but I'm not sure I want to see Pinhead walking through cornfields. That seems silly. It's the same reason I don't want the Xenomorph in DbD. I feel like Candyman would be a better fit, aesthetically.
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I love Hellraiser, been a fan for what feels like forever. Remember getting this DVD box set back when I was in college.
I would guess the chains would be the go to for his (or hers if they go reboot version) power. They could make the chains a ranged attack or instead use them as traps. Hallucinations could also be part of his power. I would imagine they would find a way to incorporate the puzzle box as well since that is like the main thing for Hellraiser series.
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It's actually one of the only classic i've slept on, guess i'm going to have to watch at like the first 2 movies, kinda hyped, tbh it's mostly because I just can't stand those FNAF fans making threads about Springtrap every damn time, so as long as he's not in the game, I'm buying Hellraiser chapter for sure.
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Big fan of hellraiser ... 1 and 2 are the best but i think 3 is really good aswell
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Ehh, I've never really had any attachment to the franchise.
I was hoping for Springtrap or Candyman, but I guess this'll have to do. I just hope Pinhead has a cool power. Though given Behavior's recent track record I don't have much faith.
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Super excited.
I have yet to buy a Legendary cosmetic, but I will be buying the 3 OG cenobites and will become a proud Butterball main!
Right on!
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I’ve been crossing my fingers for this since before stranger things! I loved the first 2 Hellraiser films and think that it’ll fit so well in dbd. If it’s just Pinhead I’ll still be happy but I’d love different killer skins, I wanna be the female cenobite.
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Can someone give me (and others reading this thread) a quick rundown of the Who/What/Where of Hellraiser / Pinhead? I read some stuff on wikipedia, but I'm really confused.
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Honestly, I don't care much about Hellraiser. Don't take me wrong, it is still cool that we are getting Pinhead as a killer, but I get that "meh" feeling about it. It is one of those cases in which I am more excited about the in-game mechanics than the "OMG, IT IS THAT KILLER".
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Its funny, big horror fan... never seen Hellraiser or Candyman lol.
I am remedying it and watching Hellraiser 1 right now. Kind of a slow start and too much... um... kissing for my taste but I hope it picks up ^^
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He's iconic, but yeah, I've never seen it either. He hasn't aged well, not a cool killer tbh
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I am half way through the movie now... not sure if its just not my cup of tea but this movie is very slow, dull, and not scary. I have seen pin head for 30 sec lol.
So far its about a creepy perverted half dead uncle in the attic. I think the niece just summoned the cynobites tho so we shall see if it picks up now.
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A set up killer would be interesting
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Pinhead is one of several Cenobites. The Cenobites are extra dimensional beings who were once human before being mutilated and brainwashed into torturing humans for all eternity in the extra dimensional realm know as the Labyrinth.
The cenobites can reach our realm only through a schism in time and space, which is opened and closed using a puzzle box known as the lament configuration.
So the readers digest version on the first 2 movies.. Someone finds and opens the puzzle box, cenobites are summoned, people are tortured, maybe even go into the labyrinth, puzzle box is closed.
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Not any more silly than Michael Myers walking around Dead Dawg Saloon or Demogorgon at the Temple of Purgation.
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I would not say im an actual fan but the movies were not bad and it has enough interesting visions by the writer.
I do really hope we will get multiple cenobites as skins.
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i'm sorry the phrase "Nu-Freddy" just makes me imagine freddy with blonde hair drenched in hair gel and a limp bizkit shirt
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Okay just finished the first movie... gotta say it was a flop for me. Slow, bad story, and not even campy... just bad.
That being said the Cenobites are a cool design and freaky so they would fit well in DBD ^^
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I promise you the 2nd movie will make all the other ones look bad lol I love all the films but man....2 really is a beautiful movie.
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Ok, I will give #2 a shot ^^
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I think it's cool, but I only care about the gameplay.
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The pacing and story in 2 is much better, you get a lot more of those cool visuals like in the end of the first one through the whole movie.
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I will watch 3 as well then ^^ I dont mind gruesome horror as long as there is good characters and a decent story/lore.
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I'm really excited! I've never seen Hellraiser, because I always thought it might be too creepy for my liking, but since it will most likely come to DBD, I guess thoae free movies sites will be welcomed in my life.
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I want that as a skin. I know the focus is always around the main killer of the series....but maaaaaaaaaan...I'd insta buy some Cenobite skins.
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I would love to have hellraiser added to dbd so i can share this experience with my friends
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The movies sucked, but I think Pinhead could be an interesting killer if he's added to the game.
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Watch 1-3. 4 is okay but 1-3 are the best.
Everything after 4 needs to be avoided like the plague
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Why would I ever avoid the plague...
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I see what you did there and I hate you for it.
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I've never seen Hellraiser too but the character itself seems interesting. The hints are too obvious that it's him.
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I'm a Hellraiser fan and it's always been one of my dream chapters. I can't believe it's about to happen.
For those of you unfamiliar with the franchise you should watch the first 2 films to get an idea what it is all about.
I am disappointed in how angry and toxic the wider community is reacting to Hellraiser though. Like as if a licensed chapter isn't FNAF it means it sucks. That is terrible logic.
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im not really a fan of the movies but visually Pinhead is one of the best horror icons so im pretty excited if its actually him.
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the movies are pretty harmless by todays standards. not much horror, its rather more of a mystery movie imo.
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Ignore the nerds.
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I'm not at all a fan of FnaF, but I'm not at all thrilled about Pinhead either. I think he has an awful, tacky design, the movies were awful, and the series as a whole just seems like a really tacky gore fetish. It's like if an edgy 12 yo decided to rip off Silent Hill.
I'd 100% prefer Candyman, same era, the movie has dated just as much, but the concept at least had some merit, and the movie was at least good for it's time.
Like there are some killer icons that people may not actively 'want' in the game, like Candyman or Pennywise, but if there are two that people specifically do NOT want, they are FnaF and Hellraiser. That's probably where the toxicity comes from.
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The opposition against FNaF is not remotely comparable to the opposition against Hellraiser.
Also, without looking it up, I can say with some certainty that Hellraiser came before SH.
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Yes I'm very aware that Hellraiser came before Silent Hill. I'm talking about the design and quality of it.
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Pinhead has been my most wanted killer since I started playing. So I'm very happy :)
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I haven't had the ability to see Hellraiser but now that I know it's most likely the next chapter (what am I talking about? There's literally no way seeing all the teasers that it's NOT Hellraiser), I need to watch it. Since I first heard about it during the speculation about Deathslinger's teaser, I've thought it was a cool license and wanted it in the game.
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Never seen hellraiser but it's been on my radar for a while now.