Grading system
I am against the current grading system. I am a console player, and I believe , and it does not surprise anyone if I tell you that versus a pc gamer there are disadvantages. It is true that there are many very skilled console players, but come on, let's be honest a skillful console gamer will never be able to catch up to a skillful pc gamer, in gameplay.
In my case of 10 games, 90% of the time i play with and vs pc players.
That is why my game does not try to reach the skills of my teammates but rather I try to complement during the game, what is needed. Search for totems, try to repair the most difficult generator on the map, tank, save. But the system never rewards in these cases with a good grade. There are times when you do absolutely everything in a game and barely hit +0. And not to mention the next game if there is a disconnected, a camper or afk murderer, there automatically is -1. And the worst thing is that the system puts you back together with amateur players.
I think the ranking system should be more generous with console players.
Oh, and i almost forgot, pc survivors, the vast mayority, they are always trolling the console players. They use it and many times let them die. Even more if they know each other and playing together.