DBD is game for all Horror Icons

I have been commenting a lot in the speculation threads that it is very exciting that it looks like Pinhead is coming to DBD, but that doesn't mean Fnaf will not come eventually and fnaf fans shouldn't be disappointed. Neither should Candyman fans. We all have our dream chapters. If its not now then later!
Also, Pinhead and the cenobytes works as a paragraph, while I believe fnaf will make for a fantastic full chapter. (I really want a spooky Pizzaria map). So Fnaf fans, be glad its not just Springtrap for now.
For some reason I see a lot of people gatekeeping what a horror icon is this last week, and my question for you all doing so is why, and what makes a character a horror icon to you? What is your personal standards for an IP to be in DBD? For myself I guess I have no standards lol. If its horror then its all right by me! I grew up reading King, was a teen when Saw came out, and a young adult when Fnaf arrived. I just love horror in all shapes and sizes ;3;
I know a lot of us grew up with our first step into horror with Michael, Jason, King, Chucky, Freddy, etc. Yes, they are very iconic horror franchises and a lot of them have made their way to DBD. That is something to celebrate and its very cool another big name is joining. However horror didn't stop in the 70's, 80's and 90's.
For a lot of other people FNAF, Outlast, Amnesia, Dead Space, Supernatural, etc, were their first steps into horror and I argue are just as iconic as the old school films. They too have a place in DBD and with how big FNAF is I do not doubt its day is coming. (Off topic anyone else hyped for Dead Space remake?)
Instead of turning chapter releases into fandom wars let's just chill the bees and enjoy the fact we have a horror game rich in all kind of horror genres ^^
I have a question. I've never seen Hellraiser, so what significance does the vhs tv hold that confirms it?
I get more Ring vibes from it, personally.
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I'm sorry, but I do not have faith in BHVR's capabilities to do such a thing. Sure, I'm happy for the Hellraiser fans who managed to get the iconic character they've been asking for, but BHVR is a prideful, and frankly tone-deaf company when it comes to their game. For instance their promise of a less grindy game. While they've had a huge BP doubling festival for all of July and part of August, it still is only a band-aid fix for a major problem.
I know it's unbecoming to be so down in the dumps because a property in a game wasn't added, but knowing BHVR's track record, do you really have faith that BHVR will listen to feedback and add Springtrap to the game, nevermind fixing some major issues with the game? I'm not asking this as a bitter fan, but as someone curious. Do you have faith BHVR will listen and how do you know? (Also can I have some 'cause lord knows that having trust in a gaming company is hard to get on your own.)
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Exactly! This is really starting to piss me off and I was considering making my own thread about it, but what is it with people on here gatekeeping the horror genre!?
The amount of threads and comments I've seen bashing killers like Trickster and Legion because they're not "scary" or "they're just ordinary humans" is astonishing. Just because they're not "big guy in mask" or "ugly deformed monster" doesn't mean they're not horror characters and that they shouldn't be in DbD.
And now, I've seen this same argument of "they're not scary" applied to other characters like Springtrap.
Horror can take all sorts of different shapes and forms. Just because you don’t find it scary doesn’t mean others won’t and that the character is any less of a horror icon.
I'm pretty sure the Cennobites come out of the Tv or something. I'm not that sure, as I've never seen Hellraiser myself.
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I am kinda disappointed, though not for the reason you think. I didn't exactly want Hellraiser, FNAF, or Candyman. I was kinda hoping for an unliscenced chapter again, just because liscenced characters are limited by their canonical abilities. This means we can even see repeats of old powers with very minute twists.
For example, the Shape and the Ghostface both stalk to expose survivors. Leatherface is a different breed of Hillbilly, because Billy was based on Leatherface to begin with. Nemesis has a loop-ignoring beam attack just like Executioner.
If it really is Hellraiser, lets hope they come up with something original for their powers.
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If you save the video it literally says "dbd_hellraiser_teaser_final_with_sound" That's basically the confirmation. As well as the 1987 in the top right being the year the first movie came out.
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Ah, thanks.
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To actually answer your question. The scene in Hellraiser where the Cenobites first appear, has the protagonist Kirsty in a hospital room, with a TV. The TV flickers on and off, and a red chrysanthemum briefly appears on the screen, right as the Cenobites appear. It looks almost identical to the teaser clip.
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Oh I agree with you on original chapters! They will always be my preference ^^ I love all the characters bhvr has come up with!
Let's hope the next chapter killer is an OG!
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I just watched it yesterday so I could be in the loop... tho it is not a good movie. 4/10 and you see the cenobytes for maybe 2 min max.
Anyways the TV looks the same as in the movie. Also in the movie the TV shows a red flower on it and the teaser TV seems to have a red flower showing too ^^
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Glad I am not the only one feeling this way ;_; I try to avoid drama but I had to get this off my chest. At the end of the day we are all horror fans and some people need to be reminded that horror is for all and comes in many flavors. That is what makes the genre so beautiful ^^
I never understood the Trickster hate. He is a really cool character with a good story... but a lot of people says k-pop and horror can't co-exist, which is ridiculous! You don't have to love k-pop to appreciate Trickster. My only gripe with that chapter was no map lol.
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Gross and weird
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I never get this argument.
Freddy and Pyramid Head are great examples of licensed killers that were not limited by their source abilities.
if it’s ‚copy Paste‘ Killer, we just had Trickster, who is argued to be a worse Huntress (Deathslinger was as well) and Blight also was talked down as a Lehion 2.0.
Michael Myers on the other hand, when first introduced, was pretty dann unique. I would also argue Demogorgon is pretty unique (and not really copied from the source material) while Victor is kinda a copy of Demo.
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Thank you, thank you so, SO much for writing this post!
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Still waiting for Voldemort.
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I need to buy them as a credible threat. Somebody like Trickster doesn't remotely fit that bill.
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Psycho covered in blood with a creepy smile that throws knives sounds like a credible threat, tbh.
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Looking at him I see a bad joke. He's creepy, but that isn't intimidating. Basically if I feel like beating their ass wouldn't be hard They got an uphill battle.
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Well, of course there are exceptions to everything. Freddy did... pretty much what he did in the movies, putting people to sleep and attacking him there. In fact it used to be hw couldn't even attack people who weren't in the dream world before his rework, so that was unique to him. (Kinda miss it)
Myers was unique yes..... until Ghostie came out and found a way to do the same thing better. Executioner.... WAS unique until Nemesis.
Something important about the horror genre for people to remember is that originality is very scarce from one ip to the other. Theres a lot of subtle copycats in a lot of these movies we consider classics, with very few breaking the mold so repetition is to be expected.
The point is, Behavior has better chances of firing off a Killer with a unique power/gameplay style with an unliscenced character.
Hope that helps you get this argument.
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Hillbilly was always their interpretation of Leatherface. Trapper was Jason. Wraith isnt that Original either as the invisible man is a thing. Huntress is a basic long range killer. Deathslknger and Trickster are said to be copy’s of Huntress.
this argumentation of unoriginality can easily be used on most unlicensed killers.
mans the devs are still choosing which license they approach and which not. It’s not like they are limited by an external source.
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Tbh it looks kinda meh... dont get it why ppl are so hyped or happy for Pinhead.
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I didnt play or saw much of FNAF but I get why ppl enjoy that! Tbh Joy of Creation was good and I enjoyed playing it. I would be excited to see FNAF in dbd aswell since the Springtrap looks pretty scary and I hope they will make him look way more disgusting with extra gore and blood inside the suit.
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I am optimistic, but only because I think he would make a really fun killer with his powers and fit the art style of this game well. If he looks awkward or unfun, my hype will probably die down. Just need to see that gameplay to get my actual feelings. The potential is really high, however.
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I can see how people don't see him as creepy at face value, but I love his backstory and I think that is horrific.
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I believe Fnaf will be next year and I think it will be a massive chapter. That is just my personal prediction ^^
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I think bhvr could take fnaf to place the orginal games couldn't go. Mature it up a bit so to say and make it exta spooky ^^ Springtrap, or even the original 4, with bloody prestige skin would be epic.
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One thing to note: A lot of those franchises in the OP do not really have a central, easily recognizable antagonist to build an update around.
I personally love Amnesia and Dead Space, but you can't possibly tell me that you want an update where an Amnesia grunt or a Dead Space Slasher are the stars of the show. Hell, it'd be against the spirit of Amnesia to even be able to see an Amnesia monster with any real distinction from *either* side of gameplay. Imagine sitting in the killer select screen and working on the bloodweb of an indistinct blurry smear while crackling sounds build up in the background.
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Preach. Well said man, u need more vote ups
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Thanks ^^ I was nervous posting this so your comment is appreciated!
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The scene the cenobites start to appear in, there's a tv (similar to that one) with a lot of static that shows flowers blooming. Which is exactly the teaser we got. A tv with a bunch of static kind of showing what looks like a flower either blooming or in bloom.