Do you still want to see a map for the All-Kill Chapter?

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 2,039

Do you still want to see a map for the All-Kill Chapter? 43 votes

GibberishSeiko300OnryosTapeRentalsMiriamGMat_SellaTapeKnotzacktbhxEaDito175musstang62TaigaUnderwear_ModelMooksSebaOutbreaklandromatbm33profrogPixel_BoomBotglitchboiFobbo 36 votes
Yoshman2523TheGhostofZgorGeneralVChurchofPigbaseballfan4877getuy45u4iu[Deleted User] 7 votes


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    There would be many great options and I'd love to see one added.

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

    Based on the lobby background for the chapter, definitely yes!

    I think it would be really cool (and thematic to the chapter) to see a map of an abandoned nightclub or some kind of big studio. Something related to music would make a lot of sense. Maybe a concert hall. Anything along those lines would be super neat and also unique design-wise for DBD.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    I voted yes but I want ALL the new chapters maps not just All Kill.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    I would love a stage/back stage at a concert map for him. I know the boardroom would be an obvious choice, but I think giving him a stage plays more into his narcissism.

  • ImAJoke264
    ImAJoke264 Member Posts: 163

    Maybe like a nightclub where The Trickster first preformed. (Like a big place or a little place that includes the outdoor area)