What? It’s ending already?
good thing I played some fair killer matches yesterday and got my challenges. Now it’s gonna be sweat parties for every killer again..
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Really? It was sweatfest for me during the test lol. Or maybe just people were sweatier for some reason but I cant wait for it to be over
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I will miss all the easy games... I just bought Deathslinger though, so maybe it will still be easy, muahahahaha.
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It was sweaty for me only when playing Wraith. But not every game and he is one of my mains..
now we get to the old system.. you know, the one that was for a long time in use and which pretty much everyone complained about bad matchmaking’s.
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Well kinda sad for me cuz I got to test it only one day. I went to the sea on Friday and I'm getting back tomorrow so I guess I have to wait for the next one.
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Weee back to sweatfest.
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Who confirmed this? I don't want to get my hopes up and be disappointed
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Old system is bad but they didnt even tried to make it work, half of the playerbase is in red ranks and its been like that for years. Even tho red rank doesnt mean good teammates, it still meams more good teammates than bad. At least for me.
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But even then… rank based matchmaking doesn’t even work like it’s intended more than half of the time.
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I don't want it to end, I want it to stay. This is the best trial they have had and seems to work OK for a lot of mid skill players.
If they kept it on they could then start doing balancing for it. The higher our sbmm score gets the less points you earn and more points you lose in my opinion. This way higher skilled players won't have to sweat for 10+ games before a 'chill' game happens.
If they keep turning it on and off bhvr only gets very limited data so keeping it on seems better to me. Anyway I don't want to get back to red ranks so it seems I will be taking another break until the next sbmm trial.
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Don't worry - it will be here permanently - Soon (like in 3 months).
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I destroyed some noob team who didn't even have perks yet when I was playing trickster
was fun
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It's been the best test so far. I've not been having the usual get destroyed by gen-rushers followed by a team of survivors who don't know what they are doing. I hope it comes back soon.
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I playd my 3 games as killer and go agenst Rank 3 , 6 and 9. So yea. Not really a nice match.
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Time to go on another long break...
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You lucky. I never play Killer, and all I got was people with thousand of hours. I was happy to get five hooks... I mean, five for three matches.
I didn't expect new players as I have lot of hours playing Survivors, so I have some knowledge, but I expected... Players who played a bit but are close to my Killer skill level. It wasn't the case, they were way too good for me.
As a Survivor, matches was horrible but I feel it was more balanced. It's just my teammates didn't know what a protection hit was nor how to unhook but outside of that, great Killer and people who kind of know how to loop.
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SBMM stand for ?
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Skill based matchmaking or you may also see it referred to as mmr.
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I noticed that my solo survivor matches improved heavily, i got good teammates, and most matches ended in a 3 or 4 escape.
I think that is because the system was good at matching solo survivor at the same skill level together, but the killer might need adjustment, base on the skill level the survivors have.
However, as killer i always got sweatlord swf, at least in the evening, and i am not that good of a killer, especially not vs swf (because i like playstyles that depend on not everyone know where i am and what i am doing, i am not just a chase-killer)
So maybe you just did get better paired survivors.
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It worked pretty well this time around. Hopefully it becomes permanently enabled soon.
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I found other survivors to be much better on average, although the killers skill were still hit or miss. So all in all, it was a much better experience, at least as a survivor main. Going to be playing some solo queue today... hopefully I'll still get good teammates.
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Ending August 16th, or sooner if complications arise. Since we've heard nothing to the contrary it's sade ti assume this remains true
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As someone who mostly plays solo surv, I want it to stay. Had way better team mates.
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My overall experience was good overall. My normal killer main matches were harder while my never used killer was mixed. 1st match as Clown was sweaty with 1k, but second match was 3k and a hatch.
Survivor match wasn't terrible. I did die, but it felt like a good fun match against a huntress.
Overall I give it 7.5/10
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Holy hell, it's about time that crap is over! Let's just hope it will never return...
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No more pub scrimming this is so sad, can't live without my daily dose of tournment finals
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I mean 9 out of 10 killers I've faced did complain about genrush but all they did was camp the hook or tunnel a single survivor.
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Shame, it was fun. Met some really nice people just starting the game, had some nice chats exchanging tips with new blood and some veterans (who admitted they weren't particularly well versed against my killers).
I'll honestly miss it.
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Yes, you know more about my games than I do. Sure thing.
Way to turn my comment about solo Q being better to a victim post about how hard killer is.
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Honestly after playing with a few Self-Care gamers against Sloppy. Kind of glad
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I wish it would stay on. It shows people that you have to play well to win. Yes, that means zero perk diversity, camping and tunneling when applicable, etc. But that also means BHVR can finally see this, possibly have an epiphany because the data will reflect what we've been shouting at them, and make game health changes to promote more fun playstyles that don't hamstring you.
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But it's screwing over people who put in the time to get good.
They need to balance high ranks BEFORE they implement SBMM.
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If they implemented it fully instead of these stupid limited time tests then they could look at balancing it properly. As I said in my post, they could implement earn less sbmm points and lose more, dependant on how they are measured, the higher score you have. This stops the sweat matches much quicker if you're on a losing streak and gives you a few chill games before the rinse/repeat method continues.
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It really isn't.
The issue is that BHVR is well-aware of the issues at high ranks, they simply don't want to balance it.
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Then make it harder to Rank up.
There's no reason to make high-skill players lives hell without balancing the game.
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I enjoyed trying new killers. Now it's back to playing killers I am comfortable with or getting my face shoved into the ######### dirt when I try and play new killers again.
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You'll understand when you play against those people constantly.
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That certainly shows that MMR is doing its job if full time DBD streamers are getting such difficult games. I saw the same thing with Dowsey too.
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I actually had a good time with it, and certainly the best matches from both sides for quite some time!
The reason it may have been perceived differently to different people could be because of the data it was basing itself on, but thinking about my matches before and during this, it was pretty accurate.
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The issue is that they won't be full time for much longer.
The game is MISERABLE at high levels and I've seen no signs of that being changed.
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Well that's a lot. Not used to MANY replies.
It seemed backwards for me. Survivor matches were a seesaw of very good or depressing teammates. Killer matches I got sweatfests on killers I don't play and goldfish on the standby's.
Been a bit frustrating. I like being able to reason with the scoreboard as to where it went wrong.
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The devs know the game is unbalanced at high skill levels. They've known for years and haven't done anything about it.
Given that, I have no reason to believe they'll suddenly start balancing things after MMR goes live. MMR will cause many higher skill players to just burn out and quit.
I played mostly survivor during the test and games were awful, genrush sweatfests vs mostly Blight and Nurse running Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer.
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And that's why some people "don't like" SBMM: they think they're much better than they really are, then SBMM hits them with a highly inflated MMR (due to the numerous unbalanced trials in their favor) and they realize that they're not, in fact, as good as they thought.
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Yep, only three matches in and killer is already unbearable.
Guess no more killer until the next test or I derank out of purple ranks.
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You just described every killer match with rank based matchmaking.
SBMM was great compared to that.
Because it's too easy to reach purple ranks as killer, and then get stuck facing red rank sweat squads every match, when your "skill" is markedly lower, which the SBMM recognises.
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Let's hope they give up on sbmm because it clearly doesn't work for this game.