Should the map brightness be changed?

ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

I'm pretty sure they used to be darker most noticeable is coldwind farm but the others are looking brighter to me as well

Should the map brightness be changed? 17 votes

Make them darker
FobboRogue11CheeseAntonPSPTrickstaaaaaMrcrazyyy 6 votes
Make them even brighter
musstang62TaigalandromatElcopolloHex_LlamaBwsted[Deleted User]Inspire 8 votes
No change
TapeKnotIlliterateGenocidebluelinkyt 3 votes


  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517
    Make them even brighter

    Having at least the option to make them brighter would be great. Console is auto-set to ultra graphics, which is stupidly dark a lot of the time. New autohaven maps being a great example