Would it be possible to rework the Stranger Things characters?

Astrian Member Posts: 320

By which I mean changing them into OCs and keeping the licensed versions as skins?

For example The Demogorgon would turn into something like "The Beast" or whatever they have and use The Demogorgon and it's cosmetics as skinsdd

Nancy and Steve would be skins as well for whatever OC would replace them.

Is this viable? Or would BHVR have to renegotiate something?


  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046
    edited August 2021

    Extremely unlikely, especially the cosmetic part. BHVR would have to make an entirely new killer model, with entirely new lore, sounds, animations, add-ons, etc for very little financial return because most of the playerbase already owns Demo. Not something they'd likely do.