New Killer Concept - The Sculptor

(Time ingame at creation of Concept: 31 hours. Time ingame when concept was finished: 35 hours)
Chapter #??: Set in Stone
The Sculptor:
Name: Medusa
Terror Radius: 32 meters
Speed: 4.6m/s (115%)
Height: Tall
Difficulty: Easy
Ambient Sounds: Hissing and Snarling
Weapon: The Flayer (an ornate kopis with a serpent-headed hilt)
Successful Basic Hit Animation: The Sculptor runs a petrified ear across the edge of her sword, sharpening it.
Concept Art: (not good enough to post this time, sorry)
Power: Petrifying Gaze;
After charging this ability for 3 seconds, release the ability key to unleash a devastating glare. Said glare inflicts the Broken and Exhausted debuffs onto any survivors within a 7 meter long by 2 meter wide range in front of you. Broken lasts for 34 seconds, and Exhausted lasting for 23 seconds. (Exhaustion stacks with exhaustion from exhaustion perks, meaning that, for example, if a survivor Dead Hards and then gets hit with the Petrifying Gaze, they will have 83/73/63 seconds of exhaustion.) This ability has a cooldown of 7 seconds.
Special Attack: Gorgon Charge;
Tapping the ability key will send The Sculptor dashing forward at 6.0m/s for 2.5 seconds, followed by 2.5 seconds of fatigue. Gorgon Charge is able to break dropped pallets and doors. This ability has a 8 second cooldown.
Teachable The Sculptor Perks;
Stone Cold Killer: After putting a survivor into the Dying State, for the next 14/17/20 seconds, survivors in your terror radius suffer from the Exposed status effect. This perk has a cooldown of 40/35/30 seconds.
I See You: When you put a survivor into the Dying State, reveal a generator that is being worked on for 2/8/14 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 30/26/22 seconds.
Hex: Secret Admirer: When a survivor views you or your aura for at least 4/3/2 seconds, they suffer from the Exposed effect for 20/40/60 seconds. If that survivor is the Obsession, then the aura of the survivor nearest to them is revealed for 2/3/4 seconds. If that survivor that sees you is working on a generator and stops repairing it, the generator will regress 3%/7%/11%. This perk has a cooldown of 50/35/20 seconds.
New Survivor;
Name: Matías Herdoza
Teachable Matías Herdoza Perks;
Take My Hand: After unhooking another survivor, both survivors movement speeds are increased by 5%/10%/15% for 4/5/6 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.
Ready, Set, Go!: At the start of the match, the auras of 1/2/3 generators will be revealed to you for 5/6/7 seconds and. You also gain the Haste effect at the start of the match (+12%) for 15 seconds. Every time a generator that you repaired at least 15% of is completed, you will gain the Haste effect (+8%) for 10 seconds.
Fearless: After being in the terror radius of the killer for 90/75/60 seconds, gain a token. You may press the perk activation key to consume the token and gain the Endurance status effect for 4/6/8 seconds. Doing so will inflict the Exhaustion effect for 60/45/30 seconds.
So, I'm interested to hear back from y'all. Personally, my least favorite thing here is the perk Fearless, and my favorite things are either her supposed animations, Gorgon Charge, or Hex: Secret Admirer.
3rd Edit: Mori: The survivor being mori'd tries to flee, but The Sculptor petrifies their feet, bringing them to a crawl. She then comes up from behind, furiously lashing their back with her snake-hair, and then beheading them with the Flayer, holding their head up like a trophy.
4th Edit: Added The Sculptor's Add-ons:
The Sculptor's Add-ons:
Brown Add-ons:
Snake Fang:
Reduces Petrifying Gaze range moderately (-2m distance, -0.5m width)
Increases Bloodpoints by 100% for usage of Petrifying Gaze
Serpentine Scale:
Decreases ability cooldown slightly (-0.5 seconds)
Torn Fabric:
Increases width of Petrifying Gaze slightly (+0.5m)
Hand Mirror:
Increases distance of Petrifying Gaze slightly (+0.5m)
Yellow Add-ons:
Increases the duration of Exhaustion slightly (+2 seconds)
Petrified Eye:
Decreases charge time of Petrifying gaze moderately (-1 second) and shows Petrifying Gaze's range.
Writhing Hair:
Increases duration of Gorgon Charge slightly (+0.5 seconds)
Tattered Tunic:
Increases speed of Gorgon Charge slightly (+0.2 m/s)
Tiny Mallet:
Increases the duration of Broken slightly (+2 seconds)
Green Add-ons:
Petrified Lung:
Decreases Gorgon Charge fatigue time moderately (-1 second)
Tunic Buckle:
Increases the duration of Gorgon Charge moderately (+1 second)
Causes Gorgon Charge to inflict Hindered (-7% speed) onto survivors for 4 seconds upon successful hit
Pandora's Box:
Causes Petrifying Gaze to no longer inflict Broken or Exhausted, but instead inflicts Exposed for 12 seconds. Also allows Petrifying Gaze to hit through walls.
Polished Shield:
Increases the distance of Petrifying Gaze moderately (+2m)
Purple Add-ons:
Petrified Heart:
Causes Gorgon Charge to inflict Mangled and Deep Wound upon servers on successful hits
Petrified Foot:
Increases speed while charging up Petrifying Gaze moderately (+0.4m/s)
Venom Vial:
Increases duration of the Broken and Exhausted status effects inflicted by Petrifying Gaze considerably (+8 and + 9 seconds respectively)
Kopis Sheath:
Allows you to continue Gorgon Charge after breaking a pallet or door.
Iridescent Add-ons:
Perseus' Head:
Causes Petrifying Gaze to no longer give the Broken status effect, and reduces the Exhaustion effect tremendously (-15 seconds). Also, its range is reduced tremendously (-2m distance and -1m width). However, it now can remove a health state from survivors, and can also hit through walls.
Beheaded Sculpture:
Increases the duration and speed of Gorgon Charge moderately (+1.5 seconds and +1m/s respectively). It also allows Gorgon Charge to put survivors into the Dying State if the hit survivor is hit within 1 second of the end of Gorgon Charge. Gorgon Charge will now also inflict Mangled.
To be honest about your concept, it's kind of weak. Not trying to be mean, but there's a lot of points which would do little to nothing in game.
2 of your Survivor perks are already in game. Ready, Set Go is a worse version of
Dark SenseDeja Vu and Fearless is a weaker version of Iron Will.Your Hex is also very weak, Exposed will not come into play unless the Killer is on top of the Survivor and the cooldown is unnecessary (for such a small effect).
The Broken from Stone Cold Killer will be negated by Deep Wound, since it will take up the time of the Broken effect (especially if the Survivor runs away from the Killer).
The Gaze ability is short range compared to other Killers, and providing buffs to the Survivors is counterintuitive if its meant to down them quickly. Finally, Gorgon Charge should be activated separately- no other Alt. attack requires a lunge to happen first, and more importantly its a much weaker version of Demogorgon's Shred.
I like the idea of a medusa but your perks and power needs work, especially in the stats department.
Post edited by HealsBadMan on0 -
Will edit accordingly, although personally I don't see how Ready, Set, Go! is like Dark Sense. I would align Ready, Set, Go! more with a perk like Lethal Pursuer, but on the survivor side, as Dark sense reveals the killer, not generators.
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My bad, I meant Deja Vu. That one show the 3 closest Gens for 60s at the start of the Trial and each time a Gen is completed.
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Ah. TBH I only discovered that Deja Vu was a thing today, but it is pretty much a better Ready, Set, Go!.