Pallets feel very strong for survivors currently

Whenever I play killer I get very frustrated due to how survivor sided the new pallet detection system is. Almost every game I give up because I just don't get the hits I deserve which tend to cost me the game.

For example, I would be chasing a survivor around a loop and then when it gets to the pallet I lunge in advance but then my hit gets cancelled despite me swinging before the pallet has even started to fall. The worst part is the survivor can camp the pallet and will get the stun 100% of the time (only killer that can hit through that is wraith during a surprise attack).

I'm curious to know if anyone else is experiencing this as killer because it's becoming way too common for me and I think I'm going to stop playing killer until its fixed as it ruins my games and makes it impossible to play.


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154
    edited August 2021

    I love this condescending wording of "not deserving" no Matter if now or than. As if the ping/latency relation was/is always set in stone. In my eyes they simply flipped sides. Before killer where preferred and survivor saw themselves make more distance than they did according to the server and now survivor are preferred thanks to the changed code and killer see the bs.

    Killer now get hits cancelled on pallets, grabs denied (with and without hit consolation) and yesterday I even had a survivor going into a locked right in front of me and my pulling out was also cancelled but at least I got a consolation hit while being animation locked( still only half of what i "deserved").

    And before you assume my playstyle or ping, i have the best internet i can get in my country (1000mbps down, 50 up) and have laid a 15 meter cable through my apartment. Also I respect every pallet so I can kick it for the 100 points and getting it out of the game.

    My biggest problem with pallets are the broken hitboxes where I get stunned and still have to walk up to it for the kick.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    They definitely need to look at window hits, just last night I vaulted shack window and was mid room of the shack and nemesis got the window hit with a m1 punch... I went down basically in front of the locker by the door and it was so bad the killer looked at me and then back at the window a few times and shook their head before picking me up, even the killer didn't think he got me and that's just ridiculous

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Survivors aren't preferred. The server is the decision maker.

    Believe me, if survivors were preferred you would never get a hut through a pallet. If survivors were preferred you would feel it

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    I mean, the OP was saying that they get robbed of Hits they would deserve. But apparently they dont deserve them, because if they would deserve them, they would not have been cancelled.

    And I asked for the Ping, because a few days ago someone asked about the Pallets and they said that they have high Ping, because it happens frequently to them that their Hits get denied. So I assume it is the same for OP, he uses the same wording.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Just the fact that close to all complaints about hits at pallets while making distance have stopped and only killer see their hit getting reverted tells me otherwise.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154
    edited August 2021

    How would someone be able to tell if the deserve the hit when on their screen the animation goes off but then gets magically gets reverted? Same with survivor seeing themselves making distance and still getting hit/downed.

    No matter the side they always think they got/get treated unfairly.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Because it feels fair now for survivors. The netcode determines if it received the prompt that the killer was stunned or the survivor was hit first, and if the survivor got the stun before the hit then the hit is cancelled and the stun succeeds.

    If it was survivor sided, then regardless of if the killer hit first or not to the server, if the survivor got the stun on their client before the killer hit them on their client, the hit would be cancelled.

    Meaning that 360 ping survivors would be at a massive advantage. Just like 360 ping killers were at a massive advantage.

    Again, if it was survivor client sided you would feel it. Killers are complaing because they've gotten used to hits through pallets, and survivors aren't because they've gotten used to being hit through pallets.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    I mean, I agree that the animation should not be shown, same as screams. However, when this happens, it is quite clear that this was not a valid hit, which is the reason why the Server denied it.

    When this happens to me (Happened like 5 times since the change), I am like "Eh, whatever", because I KNOW that I did not hit, it only looked like that on my screen. So I dont really get why Killers complain about it more than Survivors complained about getting hit through Pallets in over 4 years.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Don't forget flashlight blinds. You look away? Too slow, on their screen you are still staring at them like a deer on the railway, get blinded.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    "It feels fair for the survivor"? That's a great argument, now killer get frustrated at pallets most of the time, grabs and I even had a locker pull reverted on me when they jumped in right in front of me. Now make it a clean slate and treat windows the same and survivor made finally be happy.

    And from what I saw killer already felt it when the animation showed them the full hit and reverting that magically or did they manage to fix that? I respect pallets so i wouldn't know.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well I am nearly daily on these forums and I haven't seen such a thread since the pallet change (maybe due to the overflow of chapter discussions, sbmmr test or the stranger things spectacle) and that in the video really looks like latency, but no idea from which one of them.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    ""It feels fair for the survivor"? That's a great argument, now killer get frustrated at pallets most of the time, grabs and I even had a locker pull reverted on me when they jumped in right in front of me. Now make it a clean slate and treat windows the same and survivor made finally be happy. "

    I've barely had hits be dedicated. If you have been getting dedicated it's an issue with your ping, because the server has determined that you did not get that hit. It feels unfair to you because you're used to those hits connecting and now they are not. It feels unfair to you but this is possibly the most fair netcode they can make.

    Again, if it was survivor aided you would feel it. And if it remained killer sided you would continue to get complaints from survivors constantly because it would remain unfair.

    Grabs are an entirely different issue that need fixing, and a fix should be coming soon. The changes in the mid-chapter were a bandaid until they can properly fix it.

    "And from what I saw killer already felt it when the animation showed them the full hit and reverting that magically or did they manage to fix that? I respect pallets so i wouldn't know."

    I agree this shouldn't happen but technical limitations prevent this from being an easy fix. Killers are feeling it being server sided, but survivor sided would be constantly never hitting through a pallet. You'd be stunned from miles away. You wouldn't ever get a hit unless within melee range because the survivor would always determine you were too far away. Lagswitching would return more powerful than ever.

    This is, honestly, the best case scenario.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    First i am of the exact opposite opinion that when this animation fuckup happens then I rather think it was so close that the server had to say "oops sorry, i have to reroll that hit, sorry😅" and not a clear cut case for the survivor.

    And second i don't think that the complain of either side outshone the other to be honest. We are just more susceptible to the amount with the more experience we have on these forums. Just like FNAF discussion first weren't annoying but grew bigger everytime.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well they are a #########-up all in their own. I can or rather can't, due to Lightborn on every killer 😜, be blinded even while locking straight at a wall from the side, even without (ever) running pov widening perks.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Before that you could get hit through an obviously predropped pallet. You can't see what ping the killer has, therefore you can't plan ahead as survivor, whereas as killer you can check the Survivors' pings before the match (during the 360). You can plan ahead. It is still very frustrating for survivor to get hit through windows even if you are clearly through.

    And even if survivors are preferred, the killer is still preferred when closing the hatch. that is, because it looks really stupid if a survivor glides through the closing hatch.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    That's called desync which is a networking flaw instead of part of the game's mechanics.

    Windows work as intended but most people don't seem to realize you are still hittable after vaulting a window as your still in melee range.

    This means even if you complete the animation you're still not safe until you move away from the window.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    You obviously didn't read my whole post where I said that I never hit through pallets since I respect them every time to kick them for 100 points and getting them out if the trial. Nothing more annoying than a survivor managing to loop back to a dropped pallet and regretting not getting rid of it.

    And I still get stunned far enough from them where I have to take 1 or 2 steps up to them thanks to their broken hitboxes.

    And to the point of fixing, it is the same story like mori vs key. Killer had the grab situation also for years already and now again survivor get the fix first and killer can wait again, if the devs have the ability to fix it. Now it is just for killer in general and not me:

    pallet, forget to hit through it

    Grab, good luck with the latency of the server

    Locker grab (even when they get right in front of you, same as grabs good luck getting half of what of what you deserve.

    And again to the point of feeling it if it would be survivor aided, from what I can see (maybe falsified due to the more recent topics) that survivor complains for undeserved hits at pallets nearly died completely out. And you can't tell me that 100% of those vocal survivor gets no wonky anymore because it was always it killer with worse ping? The chance for survivor to have a worse ping is still 1:4 and that it went down to nearly non outside of people with an atrocious ping without any close cases going for the killer makes it seem strange. But i dont want to put on a tinfoil hat and even only started getting again into this topic was aven fallens wording of being deserving/undeserving of anything when it never is set in stone which side had the advantage to begin with and making this strongly condescending argument without knowing anything concrete.

  • ImAJoke264
    ImAJoke264 Member Posts: 163

    one time I was playing Trapper, and I body blocked a Jake from getting a pallet stun, but because of the new pallet system he went through me and stunned me, he didn’t take damage because he stunned me, I should have gotten that hit but because he stunned me he didn’t.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    That's how pallets used to work before dedicated servers were implemented. Pallets are not survivor-sided now, the hits you landed before were never meant to be. It usually takes a while for BHVR to fix core issues with the game and this is no exception. Just like the Hill of Death or those months in which pallet stuns were inexistent after the launch of the Trickster.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    Survivors still get alot of bs hits when they drop a pallet, it's just not as much complained about anymore because EVERY hit used to be bs for 4 years. Now its close to a 50/50 between feeling fair or unfair (maybe a bit more in favour of survivors but that at least balances it out a bit with current amount of bs window hits.