Double wammy on the comments here

Earlier in the conversation, I had tried to say (while on Wraith) that stealthing is terrible to deal with. Not only is "stealthing" blocked by the filer, this was the comment when I had to change the wording to "being unseen."
Survivor entitlement at it's finest.
[edit 40 minutes after posting]
I forgot to mention it was a group of 4, all on Nea, and all wearing Graff-Crafter.
Either close the chat box so you don't have to deal with this or relish in the salt like I do. Both sides are entitled, it isn't a survivor exclusive, though, yes, I see it more from them. It will never go away, people will be butt hurt about anything these days. So save up all the salt and use it on some delicious potatoes.
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Who said I was complaining? lmao
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„Stealthing“ is actually a word with a whole other meaning which is practically a form or #########/abuse. So in this case maybe the censoring might be intentional.
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That actually sounds made up.
Googled it. I cannot take the sources seriously. I can leave the comment at that, I am not getting into it on the DBD forums.
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It’s definitely not made up.
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LOL "I am aware". I would have just left it at that.
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I find it hard to disagree after the Google search. I won't deny reality, but I keep a skeptical eye.
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I agree we shouldn’t go deeper into it here. But this is definitely real and actually dangerous for the victims (think about diseases).
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I still think this is a perfect example of overreach on the chat censor. That's the kind of thing that should just be reported, since it actually has a definition related to DBD outside of the thing. Stealthing is literally "the current" for "stealth" when used as a verb, which is what survivors with Distortion, Urban Evasion, Spine Chill and Iron Will are doing.
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Yeah. Agree on that. It should be context related and something -if used incorrectly- be reportable. But in almost all cases the term would be used for the game-related meaning..
just wanted to make you aware that this might be the reason why this term is getting censored, maybe they used a list of words where this was (rightfully) included (edit: a list of sensitive words which is not directly related to DbD/videogames; this word has a very sensitive meaning and if not related to Videogames would be rightfully in such a list)
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"rightfully" is entirely objective, so let's try not to push that conversation.
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Rightfully in the sense of unrelated to Dead by daylight/videogames.
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Then it's not rightfully, since it's unrelated...?
After posting, I realized I should just stop. I'm not responding past this; it's already a super thin line.
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Sometimes you gotta just do a check to see if they're still in the chat. You know?
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You can already do that by checking the settings after the match. If the section with their ping is blank, they left.
Also no one cares about your argument in chat, especially without context.
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U weren't all that great in chat either, some perk shaming. Retaliation of salt with salt.