Are you mad about springtrap not being added to DBD?

this is a poll for rating how mad you are for springtrap not getting added, not any of that other stuff, id call myself a 5
Are you mad about springtrap not being added to DBD? 67 votes
i dont care just give us new content
As long as the killer design is fun for both sides and also doesn’t make the game freeze I’m fine with whatever.
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Awh man, I was hoping for springtrap. Oh well.
I wouldve chuckled a tad amount.
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i dont care just give us new content
I marked myself as "I don't care" but, at this point, I'm so tired of reading the word "Springtrap" that it's turned me against the whole concept.
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i dont care just give us new content
I was simply watching both sides while eating popcorn lol. I could care less whichever license it was going to be.
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Awh man, I was hoping for springtrap. Oh well.
I love fnaf myself but it doesnt need to be in this game but it would be cool
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I didn't really want FNAF at all, so i'm glad.
So many other licences, film and games, deserves to be there before springtrap
In games you can easily count like Amnesia, SCP, Evil Within... could even take chars from other non Horror Games that would fit there like à Charm
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I didn't really want FNAF at all, so i'm glad.
i don’t really care for Springtrap. There are definitely other licenses I care about, Hellraiser isn’t one of them though I am still glad about the addition and like the concept very much. I think if we ever get Springtrap I would judge him by their power..
and at this Point, i find those against Fnaf more annoying than the ones for it.
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Awh man, I was hoping for springtrap. Oh well.
I wanted him and still think we'll get him, but I'm not crying over it.
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I wanted springtrap, but i'm more excited for pinhead!
I wanted both, with a preference to Pun Head.
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Awh man, I was hoping for springtrap. Oh well.
Wanted springtrap, but i like pinhead's power.
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I didn't really want FNAF at all, so i'm glad.
Seeing "add FNAF" spammed everywhere made me not want it when I didn't care before.
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I'd prefer for the game to be fixed.
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Awh man, I was hoping for springtrap. Oh well.
I'm not angry, in fact I'm happy for those who wanted Pinhead.
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I didn't really want FNAF at all, so i'm glad.
Pinhead has been a longtime request from the community, ever since Myers came out in 2016 I remember people going down the list of licensed killers they wanted to see come next if the devs decided to continue to add them (we didn't know if it was just going to be Myers or if more were coming down the line, but people were really excited about the possibility). People were talking about Freddy, Leatherface, Jason, Ghostface, and of course though he was never one of the biggest most talked about licenses, somewhere down that list Pinhead was definitely consistently brought up every now and again since 2016. As far as the really popular licenses go- Pinhead was almost like an underdog compared to the popularity of Freddy, Jason, Ghostface, Leatherface etc. but he was still up there amongst those names and more that were mentioned.
Hellraiser fans have been waiting for 5 years for Pinhead. Ever since icons from horror films from the decades started making their way in, Hellraiser has been on the radar as a potential inclusion for quite a long time now.
Fnaf, along with other video game license requests like Evil Within, Outlast, Resident Evil, didn't really gain a lot of traction until last year in 2020 when BHVR worked a deal with Konami for the Silent Hill Chapter. It's been a single year and Fnaf fans are already throwing incredible tantrums all over the internet. With little regard or respect for the fans of other licenses who have been waiting for far longer- and you've got people like Paulie Esther (God Bless the Wholesome man himself) who call this "passion" and says that the devs should really take a harder second look at fnaf because of how loud and dedicated this vocal minority is.
As much as I respect Paulie Esther I don't call that passion, I call it childish. Fnaf fans froth at the mouth when the license is mentioned as a possibility to get into Dead By Daylight and it's frankly a gigantic turn off. Of all the licenses and communities that surround them out there- Fnaf is one that I continuously hold in lower and lower esteem. IMO Fnaf and its community doesn't deserve any special treatment or empathy because of how crazed they are for their own fandom.
Originally I was never really against Fnaf's inclusion- I just felt there was a large disconnect between the gameplay of Fnaf and Dead By Daylight that makes it difficult to translate one over to the other in a faithful way. Not to mention it's not a Slasher, and though springtrap is the most decrepit and dilapidated of the animatronics he's still got rounded fingers. But nowadays I'm so tired of the cyclical conversation about springtrap and fnaf, there's that whole controversy with Scott Cawthon that I don't even want to dive into as well.
It seems to me like it's just better to move on, there are plenty of spectacular licenses that aren't surrounded by such thick layers of heat, tension, and controversy. There is not a single other license that is more heavily disputed about whether it deserves to be in the game in the first place or not and that alone consistently makes me lean more toward most other licenses out there.