Invisible demogorgon

Has anyone else been experiencing invisible demopuppies recently? I’ve had two games now where I could literally only see his red stain but the actual killer was completely invisible. Someone else from a discord server I’m in has experienced the same thing too. Unfortunately both times I was too busy attempting the impossible task of running the literally invisible killer to take a screenshot.
I came across it a few nights ago.
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They did lose the rights to likeness, so…
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And i thought survivors were lying when they claimed i am invisible..
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I mean with the license issue, they said you wouldn't lose it, didn't say you could still see it
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anyone know if it starts as the game begins, like the model doesn't load in at all? Or does it disappear during the 'dig' animation?
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I think it begins after he's immerged from one of the portals and then next time he uses another one it gets fixed.
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Why can’t fun stuff like this happen when I play killer?
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He really is gone huh:(
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Damn, Netflix doesn't play around.
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Guess I need to start playing demo
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I hope this is fixed before they can't touch him...
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I thought it was ptb bug. Yesterday there was invisible pinhead as well, all we could see was his red stain.
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Undetectable's new buff is WILD!
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The first time it happened was a few weeks ago on Hawkins (I talked to the killer about it in end game chat and we laughed it off) but today I was up against a tunnelling demo with a mori so it just felt really frustrating.
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Demo was phasewalking
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Just want to clear up a misconception here. Demo will still have bug/balance fixes as necessary, we will continue to support the characters in our game.
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Got a feeling we'll have to be quoting this post real often for a while.
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Most likely, I've answered it on a couple of threads...the information will slowly trickle through :)
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Thank you for clearing it up! <3
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The Demo version of the bug has been around on live for a little while, I’m not sure how long but it’s definitely not a PTB specific issue.
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That's awesome to hear! I was super worried thank you!!!
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Happened last game. I feel like it is a bug when he goes through his tunnel of love. Dropping a pallet on him seemed to get him out of the bug.