Survivor / Killer balance ?

Is this game designed and programmed to give 4 Survivors an edge over 1 Killer ?

Before you say "Get Good":

Knowing how to chase, hook, hunt etc., doesn't help when your leveling a new Killer and being matched with elite status players. It's getting tiresome to sit in Que for a game for up to 10 minutes, just to watch Generators getting completed in the first 3 minutes and Survivors exit just before 4 minutes expire. ( Rinse and Repeat ).

Using my level 50 Killer to generate Bloodpoints for my new Killer to use is lame and boring as is the Match Making I've been experiencing lately.

Kudos to the Survivors for their ability to wipe a map clean in less than 4 minutes.

I just think the Match Making is a bit skewed against the Killer when they are building a new character.

I think new Killer builds should be matched with new Survivor builds.


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    this is more of a matchmaking ######### sucks issue it's not skewed in anyone's favor.

  • It's because rank is used for matchmaking and rank is used for all of your killers.

    With SBMM they are trying to address this as each killer will have their own and should generally result in fairer matches overall.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    There is no such thing as " survivor vs killer balance", since there are two drastically different types of survivors: soloQ and SWF. In general any competent SWF will stomp any competent killer, unless the killer's skill is by an order of magnitude higher that that of SWF. And any competent killer will stomp any competent soloQ survivors, unless their skill level is by an order of magnitude higher than that of the killer. So there is an abyss worth two orders of magnitude of skill difference between soloQ and SWF. There is no way a "survivor-killer balance" can even be defined in this game, you can only define "soloQ-killer balance" and "killer-SWF balance", only those separately can make any sense.

  • Machini5t
    Machini5t Member Posts: 20

    This was never a question. I agree with you.

    Too late to chamge the Title of my post. It comes down to Match Making being really crappy.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    A majority of games will have some form of SWF though. It is incredibly more rare to have a full solo survivor game than any form of SWF. So realistically, as a killer you will be facing communication every game you play.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    I doubt this game will ever be balanced, purely because of the complexities of balancing 4v1, whereby nearly every game features different kinds of players who utilise different tactics, perks, skills, psychology, etc.. It's a near-impossible task, whereby if it's balanced at the top 1%, bottom 1%, the 50%, etc., the constant changing of everything ... it's too much in flux, by its vety nature.

    The best that can be done is actually what they're trying to achieve now, which is adjusting to every change. Every new playstyle; perk; meme; tactic; perk combinations; matching new and old killers to the ever-changing game; bugs; hacks.

    Really, I don't think some people fully respect the gargantuan task BHVR have set themselves, and the fact the game is as balanced in its current state is actually something to be applauded. It's far from easy.