Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Deadlock is going to be a META tournament perk

The perk allows you to camp, eliminating the first person from the game ASAP. Deadlock will prevent the gens from flying as you're doing this. Once the first person is dead, I'd be surprised if less than 3 gens remain, especially because most tourney players run corrupt. Combining the 2 will NOT be a shift in the META, but will strengthen the current META, If you catch my drift.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say.



  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    Ah yes, well here's the problem with that. Deadlock is a SLOWDOWN PERK that buys a guaranteed 2 minutes JUST LIKE CORRUPT.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    No, you don't understand... Travel time between gens is a thing. And the gen blocks even If someone is working on it.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    It does not buy a guaranteed 2 minutes. Only in the BEST of BEST case scenario when all the time one survivor finishes a gen there's already another survivor doing another gen somewhere else. In wich case it is a great perk to difficult a little bit immersive squads that only split clicking m1 on gen and adrenaline ds out of the game.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2021

    If you wait it out JUST LIKE CORRUPT, your teammates will die and you'll lose. How does that make you feel? You waited by that gen for 30 seconds just to lose a friend. SO SAD

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    It does by a guaranteed 2 minutes. Splitting up and working on different gens is the most efficient strategy. And the most efficient strategy is ALWAYS used in tournament level play.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    And guess what, in tournament play survivors get a ratio of 3 escapes and the only 2 killers that you see most of the time unless some ruleset that prevents it are nurse and spirit so it is an awesome perk to exist to prevent this playstyle that nobody likes. And even in best case scenario it's gets an average Pop value.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited August 2021

    The timings overlap if you are swapping the same gens as survivors (and you absolutely will do it), so it's far less than 2 minutes.

    Also, hardcore camping is prohibited in most tournaments I know about.

    The perk will have its niche nevertheless, it's more efficient if you do not camp.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    Pop is 20 seconds, deadlock is 30 seconds. It's way better than pop. Not to mention you also have to kick then gen. Deadlock doesn't waste your time, it just GOES WITH THE FLOW.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    Then its on you.

    If everyone waits it out, its like it doesnt even exists.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    You've also forgotten to take into account that this is at the HIGHEST POSSIBLE level of play. Therefore, more than 1 slowdown perk will be ran (likely corrupt, ruin+undying, etc.). You can't wait it out or you're wasting time.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    And? The blocked gens doesnt regress, the killer just have to patrol one less for some seconds.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    YOU DON'T GET THE POINT. You wouldn't understand even If I told you anyway.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,584

    It will probably be used quite a bit. Many tournament rulesets are beginning to ban Haunted Grounds, so there's no threat associated with cleansing Ruin. Couple that with decent teams blowing through totems with ease when they want, and you could start to see comp killers dropping Ruin altogether. The "camp first survivor until death" strat was very popular among Russian teams for a while and went out of favor for a bit. Wouldn't be surprised if it came back into the meta.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,584

    Been playing comp survivor and killer for well over a year now. I've actually seen some Nurse players move towards Corrupt/Pop/Bitter Murmur/NOED depending on the map. Not even playing for the 4k when gens are up on some maps.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Ok i feel stupid, i didn't realize that you meant for actual tournaments and not casual when it's in the ######### title. I actually agree with you that it might become meta lol. I just don't see it being very useful in casual, almost nearly useless.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    It's fine, yeah I can understand it not being that good in casual because the strength of the survivors you go against varies.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    I think you are exaggerating and just want the perk to be nerfed into uselessness. It's a good slowdown perk to keep gens from popping like popcorn when the Killer makes the horrible mistake of having 1 bad chase. Tired of seeing people complaining about it when it is not as good as Ruin/Undying, Corrupt, Tremors, etc

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    No, I never said I wanted the perk nerfed. You're exaggerating and just want it to seem like I'm bitching about a perk.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    Travel time between gens is a thing. You also have to take in mind that I'm only talking about the highest level of play possible. So please, stop bitching.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2021

    If you spend between 1 minute and 2 minutes camping, they're just gonna hop on another gen and come back after doing a different gen. if you're just camping, that blocked gen will never regress and they'll just do it later. In fact it will probably buy you a max of 30 seconds as the last gen being popped is the only one where they wont do this.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    YOU ARE COMPLETELY IGNORING the argument I made about travel time between gens. Why do you make your argument without taking into consideration mine? What's wrong with you?

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2021

    The travel time between gens is mostly irrelevant.

    Generator gets blocked, walk to a gen in about 10-15 seconds. Work that gen until it gets blocked or is done, walk back to orignal gen in 10-15 seconds. You're likely to get more slowdown using that perk slot on thana or pop and only camping strategically.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    Travel time really depends on the map so not 10-15 seconds.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2021

    On the largest maps it isn't going to take you longer than that to reach another generator, unless both gens to the left and right of the one you're on are done. Even if it did, it's still worse than most every other meta gen regression perk. It also requires a gen to be done, and it only locks off the most progressed gen for 20 seconds.

    Basically, yes, it's a terrible perk that will never be meta and will only be used by people who camp, to no real major benefit. And honestly, no one really cares nor is this game designed around "tournament perks" Lol. Oh no, another gen regression perk to the arsenal of every tournament killer who already use 4 gen regression perks. What ever will we do?

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,723

    survivors move at 4 m/s 10-15 seconds is 40-60 meters, easily enough to reach another gen on most maps and often times the maps where it isnt are maps that aren't really popular picks for comp

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Competitive DBD is a joke.

    I see the concern here however. This does make camping a survivor to death less punishing on the killer in terms of survivors completing all gens before the hooked person dies but. . What's stopping survivors from splitting up on gens and waiting out the 30 seconds so they can pop the gen? Deadlock only affects a single generator at any given time and there are three other survivors not being camped so couldn't they still get all gens done in one full hook cycle? Someone explain it to me cuz I'm tired rn and don't want to think about it lol

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2021
    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    This perk will likely be paired with corrupt, blocking 4 gens after the 1st one is done. Basically, If you're playing a META killer and getting that first down FAST, you'll essentially be able to camp for that first kill.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    You also fail to take into consideration the nature of gen slowdown perks. Weak on their own (except corrupt), but strong when paired with others. If deadlock is paired with corrupt, 4 gens will be blocked when the first one is completed. What this means is that any META killer who can get that first down fast can safely secure their first kill because survivors will at most be able to get 2 gens done by the time the first survivor is dead. Do the math.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited August 2021

    Deadlock is super interesting as a slowdown perk.

    It full well might be a tournament meta perk. But the interesting thing is the perk scales with how good the survivors are, and functions super differently than most slowdown perks.

    Mainly, it 'normalizes' gen repair time, meaning it creates a more consistent window between repaired gens, but it can't actually do anything more than that: if you weren't already competing more than one gen every 45 seconds, it won't slow your team down nearly as much as say... Ruin or Pop, because it doesn't regress gens.

    This means its going to be more impactful the better the enemy team is, and less impactful the worse they are, unlike say... Ruin where if your opponents are good it barely matters and if they are bad it is overwhelmingly strong.

    The effect isn't that scary in terms of killer tempo when paired with corrupt. Yes, with corrupt it will result in 4 out of 6 gens being locked... for 20 seconds, at which point it goes back to 3 out of 6. This does mean there is a 20 second window where the killer has a smaller area to search if the survivors want to say on gens, but the impact there (in terms of the combo) is pretty low: It requires the killer to not be in chase for example. So with CI it is basically just... force adding 20 seconds to the game, which is worse than Old Ruin, or getting the killer their (ideally second) chase faster some of the time if the survivors stick to gens, which is still not a huge impact.

    It just shuts down double pops is all and force adds 20 seconds (if that actually, it is technically possible to still double pop vs this just by having more than one gen within a few seconds of popping, so you can't brainlessly use this to hard camp even, as most camping scenarios either have just one person repairing still meaning this doesn't matter, or all 3 are meaning you only stop 1 gen from popping for 20 seconds, another 2 pop, and you will still lose by the end of the timer) to each pop if they would take less than 20. So... yeah... important in a tournament/SWF context, pretty trash in most others.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Yeah, I think it’s really interesting as a concept that it’s stronger against better opponents and less useful against survivors that aren’t as good. Probably won’t see much use by the lower ranks, but killers who don’t necessarily want to stack tons of slowdown but who want a defence against 3 survivors split on gens will probably find it useful.

    I like the fact that the devs are designing perks like this and Lethal Pursuer, that allow you to maximise your efficiency and avoid getting rushed out with little way to stop it, rather than just straight slowdown. Killers want matches that last longer than 3 minutes and survivors hate perks that just elongate the action bar. It’s an interesting way to keep both sides happy.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    New perks will never be meta if they require effort to use or are not equal or stronger than the current meta perks. I think you mean Lucky break not Fixated.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    And then you bring BBQ + 3 endgame perks for a change, and all the survs do is bitching about Noed and how bad a killer you are for using it. Totally ignoring the fact that you played without any gen regression, so it would be crystal clear to expect something in end game.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,634

    Is it true that Deadlock only hits one at a time? The perk has no listed cooldown, so if another gen overtakes the first locked gen, and a third gen gets completed within the thirty seconds, wouldn't both gens be locked?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    You are forgetting one crucial detail

    Deadlock can affect the same gen over and over again

    This is what will happen

    3 survivors on gens 1 being chased

    Lets say gen A gets completed when you get the first one down

    Gen B at 80% gets blocked gen C at 75% will soon be done

    You start camping and it gets called out you are camping and deadlock is in play. The survivor of the finished gen and the locked gen go to other gens.

    Gen C gets done 20 seconds later and gen B being the gen with most progress gets blocked again. The survivor heads to another gen

    They fix them untill they reach 70-75% and then do them one by one forcing gen B to constantly be blocked

    That's 60 seconds to get to 75% and then 20 seconds for every gen pop

    By the time you are finished camping only 1 gen remains and 2 are at 80ish%.

    You have no hope at winning at that point.

    You will destroy solo's with this but against coordinated survivors you are going to need to pressure to make use out of deadlock.

    I think it will be strong but camping will be punished every time with it

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2021

    Consider this:

    In high level play, the optimal Survivor strategy is to spread out and hit gens separately so the Killer struggled to defend gens. If one person is going on one gen at a time, it takes 80 seconds to finish the gen. Then you factor in the travel time it takes to find a gen not blocked by Corrupt. By the time Deadlock finally kicks in and blocks the first gen, the timer on Corrupt will already be close to expiring. So to say that "four gens will be blocked after the first gen is finished" seems to me like an exaggeration because the time that the two perks will be active simultaneously is very likely to be short enough that by the time the Survivor who finished the gen and the Survivor whose gen was blocked by Deadlock move on to the next gens, Corrupt will basically be finished and will have accomplished about the same as it normally does.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Deadlock won´t do anything. Blocked gens do not regress and survivors will just do other gens. It doesn´t buy the killer 2 minutes. It simply blocks permanently 1 gen. Which can even hurt the killer more, since survivors won´t accidently 3 gen themselfes.

    Trash perk.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    This perk has my interest. I know the post is about tourney play which I have taken a break from but The whole spread out on 3-4 gens from the start and 3 pop will change with this perk. Yes a survivor can wait it out, Yes a survivor can go to another gen, but the point of this perk is to stop the next gen from popping. 30 seconds is not much but I have has SO MANY instances where I am heading to a gen I knew was being worked on to POP it and the ######### pops before I get there. That is the part that interest me is holding it in place while I am hooking and coming to pop it. I actually want to try it with Thrilling to see how it goes (I run my own ideas not others) as Thrilling don't block the ones worked on (how you know where to go) so if they pop one thrilling told me to go to it will block any other Thrilling highlighted for me...Think I said that right.

    Lethal pursuer is meta. It goes fantastic with corrupt so you get the most value from it. If you hit the lottery and survivors spawn together.....You win. That rarely happens though it more of spawn in 4 different places next to gens/hexes but still.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    I doubt this perk will become meta. Pop is still better and the killer has much more control over when the perk activates, and on which gen. Is it worth blocking a gen that's pretty much 99'd? I'd say it's not, because the survivors will just come back after 30 seconds and finish it. In the meantime they'll just work on another gen, open the chest nearby, cleanse your bones or heal each other. Perhaps they can't work on this one generator but they can still do pretty much everything else to progress the game. The progress on that gen is going nowhere.

    What are you going to do about that progress? Waste your time and kick that one gen with base regression? Sounds like a terrible idea considering the survivors can just nullify that kick with a simple tap. Or are you going to hope you find and down a survivor in the meantime for Pop? Because that just means it's not going to be very consistent since you're banking everything on finding and downing that survivor in time.

    The old Corrupt Intervention + Pop combination is still going to be far more consistent I think than any combination with Deadlock, because Deadlock itself only activates 4 times during the game and the killer has no control over the perk.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    no one says tournament meta. which is a unique take.

    no one considers tournaments.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    Didnt you said you stop trying to explain it?

    Also, if EVERYONE waits it out, no one will die.

    If the killer camps, do gens, if it gets blocked, do another gen until its not blocked anymore.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    You are grossly overstating the value of this perk. 30 seconds isn't a long time. When I face Deadlock I simply run to the next gen and start working on it or focus on another short objective needing completed. I suspect you will rarely see this perk played in a tournament. What perk do you think people will replace it with?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I’d be more scared of someone running it with POP and someone who actually patrols gens, rather than if someone is just camping.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    disagree it requires a generator to be completed and i doubt tourney survivors are going to gamble progress only on a single gen, i see it only being an annoyance at best.