Is the key rework another broken promise?

As we all surely know by now a key rework was said to be coming the december of 2020, nearly 8 months ago. This alleged incoming rework was said to come soon after the mori rework (Which did a great job at fixing a big issue) but just never came. By now im sure most players have added it to the massive mountain of broken promises from BHVR, but i still think about it often. Will the rework ever see the light of day, or was it just more petty PR talk from BHVR? I have little faith it will ever actually happen, personally.
It's such a middle finger to killer players that they didn't do it in the same update
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It’s tied to the new Mori system where you have to ‘earn’ keys and mori’s each match. It’s not something you can just take.
They touched on it on the anniversary stream.
That being said they also mentioned that only 3% of survivors escape with keys so it’s pretty rare compared to the amount of survivors getting mori’d before the nerf. So it wasn’t very high on their list.
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Ofc the stats are low like that how many people are getting camp because they bring a key. Yeah the key holder die but the rest can pick up the key and escape. Dont forget those same stats said that old OoO was fine and borderline a bad perk XD
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New mori system as in how it is now, or they are going to change it again?
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Couldn't care less about keys when they've broken so many other things that take precent over that. Yes, I'm a survivor, but I'd love to see keys go. They ######### me over far more than they ever help me. But I'd also like to be able to play the game on console without the game freezing constantly.
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I can't remember the last time I opened a hatch with a key, however, it was only yesterday a teammate tried to leave me to bleed on the ground while camping hatch (I crawled all the way there just so the killer saw it when he tried to kill me) and the day before yesterday I spectated a Nea running around the map with a key in hand looking for the hatch while the other player remaining was trying to do gens and eventually got killed (sadly the Nea escaped). So yeah, I wouldn't mind a rework, but I'm not sure if it's possible due to the Steam achievements.
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the current mori isnt a system change just a number one (from one hook to two). The new system is a complete over-hall with a way to 'earn' mori's and keys each match. Hopefully should be fun :D
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Imo keys are fine as is. There isn't much more you can do without making them totally useless and indistinguishable from maps.
Only two kinds of keys are able to open hatch and they need a charge to be able to work. More often than not, keys actually work against players when they open chests and find a broken key without add-ons instead of a useful item. It's general knowledge as survivor too that bringing a key puts a target on your back for anyone playing killer, so most are less inclined to bring one without a challenge to complete or a plan in mind.
Because the changes being asked for usually have little to nothing to do with key itself or its add-ons, I think it's more reasonable to take another look at hatch. I think the best compromise would be to make hatch spawn only after 2 kills have been made. On top of that, this means that at least 3 gens would have to be complete before it could appear. If the survivors are lucky and/or coordinated enough, they could force a tie using key at most.
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Hatch and keys are linked. A change to the hatch can be treated as a change to keys.
Making it only spawn when all gens are done or 1 survivor is left is the healthiest change they can make to keys/hatch.
The only problem with keys that it stops a match halfway. Take that away and they are fine
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They´ll change it again, because moris are toxic. (they really said that).
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4 out of 5 people didn´t like moris.
4 out of 5 people like keys.
That´s why keys have such a low priority. I expect some more information on the next anniversary stream.
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Can you give a quote where they said the rework is comming soon after mori rework?
Because i actually only remember the opposite, where they said they wont be close to each other, because the key rework needs a lot more time. (also, keys being responsible for less than 3% of escapes might not make it that high of a priority.
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They're linked but they're not the same. You can nerf keys in a way that won't affect hatch and vice-versa since they aren't mutually exclusive.
Hatch spawning early adds some fun play for both sides. I think it's currently too much being able to spawn with 3 survivors left, but spawning with 1 survivor left takes away the aforementioned play. 2 kills is a good compromise imo.
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No it doesn't?
All the hatch spawning early does is ending the game halfway if they have a key or allow a killer to pretty much always be able to close if they don't. Or encourage survivors to stop working on gens and try to hide untill the rest are death resulting in 20 minute hide and seek matches.
You're really going to need to elaborate on how it is fun cause i'm not seeing it
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In the matches I've played, it's always been fun to see who will see where hatch spawns first. It helps determine what steps are taken next for either side.
It's also fun when neither side sees where it spawns and getting to see who will find it first. But being able to see it before-hand can make gameplay interesting and I'd rather not lose that by having it spawn only when it's 1v1.
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To be fair, old mori’s I would say we definitely more problematic than keys, so should’ve taken priority. With that said, it shouldn’t have taken this long to change keys.
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So stupid lol so now are they just gonna delete them from the game?? 😂😂
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They want to give them a natural flow during the match. So we probably can expect something like: "get 11 hooks before the last gen is completed to unlock the mori animation"
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Well why change the Moris and not the keys then?
Its just BS/BM
The two have been complained about long time ago, and the change on the key is about changing one single freaking number
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Key: opens hatch for 1 second allowing 1 survivor (key holded) to escape
It would still be BS, but less then what it currently is
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it’s still skipping the objective and screwing teammates over. That’s why they should only be able to open hatch when all 5 gens are done.
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I said that it still is à ######### thing
But it would be à quick change just like for the Moris
And it would end the phase where 2-3 survivors can escape à hard situation
I just would love for Keys to be something completly different, like something you gotta archive during the match that will allow you to open the Gates then
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No cause when one survivor is gone the other ones are bassicly screwed. And the killer has a boring cleanup duty instead of a thrilling match. all your suggestion does is take a tiny bit of the frustration of killers away and give them to the remaining survivors.
in the current itteration anyway for even a single survivor to get out without doing objectives is screwing all other players out of a good game. It is bassically the same as DCing exept you get rewarded.
Either they need to make it so you can only escape at the end game (all gens done or only one survivor left)
Or rework how keys and hatch work so it takes the same amount of effort and can be combated by the opposing player with the same effort as completing the generators is which is the route they are taking.
I just wish they would apply the first sollution in the mean time. Just like mories it's a single number that needs to change. It could just as easilly be done in a hotfix patch
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I was honestly fine with keys before they added those hatch spawn offerings with Blight chapter. Seriously, what was the reasoning to add those when everybody was already complaining about keys?
Before AT LEAST you had to search for hatch, and on maps like Swamp or indoor maps the killer still had a good chance to prevent the escape. Nowadays you can have the most braindead escape possible with a key + hatch at shack offering. Don't even talk me about Franklins because you can just put the key on a goddamn chest.
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You guys.
They literally said: Among core gameplay changes to the moris, core gameplay changes to keys will come too.
Question: Did we already got hot news about moris being a part of the core mechanics?
Answer: No
Question: Does it mean we have to wait until they implemented those new mechanics?
Answer: Yes
Thank you for your patience.
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to be fair it's been a year I think since they announced keys were getting changed. Don't talk about patience when we've waited this long for it to happen.
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You do realize that 3% also reflected on the rest of the team, right? When there is a key in the game, only 3% of survivors escape because of the key.
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With bhvr i would not be surprise if they count only the player who bring the key and not the rest of the survivor
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Its not BS or BM. A huge amount of matches were ending with Mori's, next to none with keys. They choose to bring Mori's in line with keys until they had a new system ready.
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Again that shouldn’t happen because it would screw over the other teammates. But if it was during the endgame than that’s different cause there’s always the gates.
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As someone already mentioned, Devs are still looking into Key changes, and seem to be considering making Keys and Moris base mechanics that you earn during the match, instead of making them items/offerings. (As stated in the Anniversary Stream.)
I would also like to give a gentle reminder that the Devs are working on and with things way ahead of what we currently have and play with.
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The hatch spawning half-way through a match doesn't add anything for the killer at all. It now means that in addition to patrolling and defending generators, they also need to find and guard the hatch as well. That's not possible 99% of the time. And if you fail to guard the hatch, the game instantly ends and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
The hatch is perfectly fine and healthy for the game when; there's one remaining survivor, or all generators are completed. In either case, all it is doing, is turning two potential exits into three. (which feels more or less on par with mori's, turning two hooks into three, all it does is eliminate one potential DS or flashlight save) That is manageable for the killer to deal with, even if keys are instant escapes in those scenarios, the killer has the freedom at the point in the game to search for the hatch.
While generators are still left to be repaired, while the survivors still have objectives to do, the killer has no freedom to look for the hatch. It's sheer luck if they happen to find it, and if it happens to be in a position they are able to defend.
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I just use Franklins and turn my attention to the survivor who picks up the key. It's interesting how often survivors are so fixated on the the key that none of them do any generators, the hatch never appears and they all end up sacrificed.
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I didn't even know there was a key re-work.
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Moris needed à rework its true
But so do keys since à long time, à free escape for 2-3 survivors for doing like 50-60%
The BM/BS is that devs said thzt they wanted to rework both moris and keys, got us to wait à long time for à mori "rework" which was just à number tweak, but let the keys untouched as they could also be temporarily à nulber tweak until the full rework is out...
And its not like the forum users gave plenty of options to rework Moris in a good and fair way rather then making an /offering/ mostly useless
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I like how people keep forgetting the 4 man hatch escape achievement exists
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I get what you're saying, but what I meant was that in matches where killer stumbles upon hatch in front of survivor and vice-versa, it adds an element of tension that makes the game a bit more interesting. They both know that they've found it and when it finally does open, they know they're gonna have to race toward it (if they choose to).
It's not something that happens all the time, but any sort of excitement in the game at this point is more than welcomed.
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It's hidden so I had no idea it even existed until you mentioned it.
Also hatch doesn't even spawn with all 4 survivors until all gens are complete, so I don't see why key needs a rework for something it does either in or at the very cusp of EGC.