Core issues that will never be fixed

Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

Here is the full (I hope) list of core game problems that, as it seems, are going to stay in the game forever.

  • SWF. This one is obvious, and the most fundamental and important issue. Comms break the balance as nothing else. A competent SWF team will destroy most killers. It also leads to the fact that the devs can't get a proper balance between survivors in general and killers, because of the huge difference between SWF sweat squads and solo survivors. They buff killer - solo survivors die out, they buff survivors - killers facing SWF are beginning to question their own existence. You can't balance the survivor role in general with the killer role when soloQ is in the same game mode as SWF. We know for a fact the devs are not going to remove SWF or move it to a different game mode. There has been a lot of talk about "buffing soloQ to the level of SWF and then buffing killers accordingly", but we all know it's not going to happen in this century.
  • Survivors earn much less Bloodpoints than killers. Survivors on average earn about 2 times less than killers. Survivor analog of BBQ is WGLF, which is by an order of magnitude worse: you have to throw the game to get all 4 tokens with WGLF, while you can get 4 hooks in almost any normal game as the killer, even if you lose the game. Moreover, the base you get to multiply is, as was stated before, much smaller for survivors. It has been like this since the launch, I think, and in 5 years the devs have done nothing to fix this issue: survivors will continue be underpaid for as long as the game will stay around.
  • Two survivors hatch standoff. Can only happen in soloQ, but happens too often. 2 survivors remain in the trial with some gens left to do. What are the chances for both of them to escape if the killer is competent enough to patrol the gens? None. But there is a chance for one of them to get the hatch, although the other one must die for it. If both survivors are knowledgeable about the game and want to escape - they both will try to sell their teammate to the killer. 1v2 turns into 1v1v1. They can start leading the killer to the other survivor or just camp the hatch. If one of them gets caught and hooked - he will stay on the hook for as long as possible hoping the killer gets their teammate, because the hooked survivor is envious. If they are slugged, they will lead the killer to the teammate by crawling towards them. Or both may hide in the proximity of the hatch, and the game may take ages to finish, even though no one is taking it hostage by definition. This is the most annoying part of the trial, and it's not going anywhere, because the devs never expressed their interest in changing the endgame any further.
  • High skill cap killers. We all know no survivor has a chance against a good Nurse, Blight, Huntress or Spirit. There is a skill level upon reaching which the killer becomes literally unstoppable by any survivor team, however good they might be, especially the Nurse. Devs won't change it as they think it's fair: in order to dominate you must spend thousands of hours to learn the killer, and then you deserve your guaranteed wins without limits.
  • The Grind. Yes, this one. The Bloodweb hasn't been reworked since 2016, and now we have 10 times more characters and perks. Since the Bloodweb hasn't been touched for so long and the devs haven't expressed the slightest interest in doing anything, we can only assume it will get worse in the future with new characters and perks.
  • Queue time difference. There is a huge difference between the survivor queue times and killer queue times, depending on the current time. In general, we have instant killer lobbies in the evening and night, and instant survivor queues in the daytime. There are dozens of good ideas on how to make the difference less drastic that have been proposed, but the devs don't see an issue here. "If you wanna play as killer during daytime - just wait a bit 4Head".
  • Imbalance among killers and perks. Some killers will always be by an order of magnitude better than others, some perks will be meta while others will be useless. This is impossible to fix, there are too many of them. Well, the devs could buff rarely used perks from time to time, but they don't do it. So no hope here: No Mither and Monstrous Shrine are stuck at the bottom of the trashcan.

Have I forgot anything?


  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Map RNG

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    The hatch stand off one really bothers me. I would accept a forfeit option to just get me the hell out of that nightmare. The entity should be pleased enough with my suffering. Just end the torment and let me freaking leave!

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Console Optimisation

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited August 2021

    I'd like to add one thing. The balance team. For every thing they get right they break 4 other things. They sometimes fix issues no one complained about instead of the obvious issues that players have been asking for years. It took them 4 years to balance DS. I've said it in numerous posts before but I'll give the short version. In this games life there have been a few patches that can be described as "Who the $#@% thought this was a good idea?".

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Because SWF is broken and despite it being Broken Killers get NOTHING to compensate, not a single thing. Not even Bloodpoints.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I hate flashlights just that much.

    I think I use Beast of Prey as my only Huntress perk when I pick her. She is still level one. If that is the one that gives bloodpoints in chase.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited August 2021

    Survivors earn much less Bloodpoints than killers. Survivors on average earn about 2 times less than killers. Survivor analog of BBQ is WGLF, which is by an order of magnitude worse: you have to throw the game to get all 4 tokens with WGLF, while you can get 4 hooks in almost any normal game as the killer, even if you lose the game. Moreover, the base you get to multiply is, as was stated before, much smaller for survivors. It has been like this since the launch, I think, and in 5 years the devs have done nothing to fix this issue: survivors will continue be underpaid for as long as the game will stay around.

    Survivors earn less BP than killers for multiple reasons that can't really be changed.

    • Survivors refuse to cleanse totems. Dull Totems are 1000 BP each, which is a lot for a 14-second interaction. I don't think there are many interactions that give more BP per time spent, other than cleansing Hex Totems (1500 BP, if memory serves). In fact, survivors in general seem to refuse to do anything that isn't genrush.
    • Survivors can die, meaning they stop earning BP for that trial. However, that just means they'll earn less BP per trial. Overall, they should earn about the same per unit of time, if they're not complete newbies.

    As for WGLF, your main source of tokens is just performing safe unhooks. If that's "throwing the game" for you, I don't know what to say.

    Finally, the devs have increased survivor point gain a few times, like with the Dull Totems I mentioned. Survivors just don't want to do anything that isn't generators.

    High skill cap killers. We all know no survivor has a chance against a good Nurse, Blight, Huntress or Spirit. There is a skill level upon reaching which the killer becomes literally unstoppable by any survivor team, however good they might be, especially the Nurse. Devs won't change it as they think it's fair: in order to dominate you must spend thousands of hours to learn the killer, and then you deserve your guaranteed wins without limits.

    The Nurse is not "literally unstoppable", by any stretch of the imagination. However, she requires a different playstyle that, like with totems, survivors are unwilling to do. They refuse to learn how to play against her and then claim she's "unstoppable". The same goes for those other killers. They require a different way to play, is all.

    Play as them, learn them, understand them, figure out counters. That's the best advice I can give you if you're struggling.

    The Grind. Yes, this one. The Bloodweb hasn't been reworked since 2016, and now we have 10 times more characters and perks. Since the Bloodweb hasn't been touched for so long and the devs haven't expressed the slightest interest in doing anything, we can only assume it will get worse in the future with new characters and perks.

    The Bloodweb's last change was in September, 2019, with patch 3.2.0. It's when the devs added two perks on every level after 25. In fact, the Bloodweb has had three major changes to help reduce the grind, all documented on the wiki.

    Queue time difference. There is a huge difference between the survivor queue times and killer queue times, depending on the current time. In general, we have instant killer lobbies in the evening and night, and instant survivor queues in the daytime. There are dozens of good ideas on how to make the difference less drastic that have been proposed, but the devs don't see an issue here. "If you wanna play as killer during daytime - just wait a bit 4Head".

    This is an issue of player population. Some people just don't like to play survivor/killer.

    Imbalance among killers and perks. Some killers will always be by an order of magnitude better than others, some perks will be meta while others will be useless. This is impossible to fix, there are too many of them. Well, the devs could buff rarely used perks from time to time, but they don't do it. So no hope here: No Mither and Monstrous Shrine are stuck at the bottom of the trashcan.

    Many perks have been buffed, even reworked, to become better (although you're right that Monstrous Shrine is utter garbage). However, people tend to stick with their meta perks unless something better comes along. Given how strong survivor meta perks are, I doubt the devs want that power creep.

    As for No Mither, you're missing the point of the perk. It's supposed to be a "hard mode", in a sense, but still provides many benefits.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I do totems a lot as a Nancy main, and even open chests every trial and if I get a toolbox, I sabotage random hooks (they give 500 BP for like 3 seconds). It is still nothing compared to killer. But I am REALLY bad at survivor and moderately competent at killer. So you know, that could definitely make the difference, especially considering queue times.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yes, if you're bad at a role, it stands to reason you'll get less BP, especially in the role that can be removed from the trial. However, you need to look at it as BP per time spent, not BP per trial. Survivors who are in the trial until the end and actually win almost always end up with more BP than the killer, while those who die do not. That's not a coincidence.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    I cleanse all the totems I can find. I never find more than 2 without totem detection perks. Even when survivors escape - they still get much less points than the killer that game. Earning more bloodpoints than the killer is a sure mark of merit: it happens only when the killer is much weaker than the survivors or was camping the whole game. About WGLF: how often do you get 4 safe unhooks in the same game? Everyone who tried running this perk knows you have to get "protection hits" to get 4 stacks, and the most sure way to do it is giving yourself to the killer. I don't understand what you are trying to prove here: that survivors earning less bp than killers is survivors' fault?

    The Nurse is not "literally unstoppable", by any stretch of the imagination. However, she requires a different playstyle that, like with totems, survivors are unwilling to do.

    So nurse being able to teleport and ignore the only means survivors have to survive is once again survivors' fault, interesting.

    In fact, the Bloodweb has had three major changes to help reduce the grind, all documented on the wiki.

    Those changes are comical. The grind is still there and it's still enormous. A lot of good changes have been suggested to actually reduce the grind, like removing perk tiers or allowing to sell addons and offerings, and all of these suggestions have been going to the void. They did minuscule changes to make it seem like they did something, while leaving the problem unfixed.

    This is an issue of player population. Some people just don't like to play survivor/killer.

    I guess you just decided to skip the part about "good community's ideas to ease the problem the devs have ignored".

    Many perks have been buffed, even reworked, to become better (although you're right that Monstrous Shrine is utter garbage). However, people tend to stick with their meta perks unless something better comes along.

    So? There is a good thread nearby about decent perks nerfed to the ground after PTB. Most perks remain useless forever. The meta stays because all the other perks are trash, and the situation barely changed since 2016. The only major changes in meta happen when they released perks that are currently in the meta. That is: no meta perk has ever left meta, no non-meta perk has ever joined meta. Perks are either born meta, or are doomed to remain out of it forever. The same goes for trash-tier perks: I don't remember any perk that had been considered completely useless getting a buff that would transcend it to at least "decent tier", other than Left Behind (even though it's still almost never used), but the perks that used to be good or decent and then were nerfed to the point nobody is using them anymore are countless.

    As for No Mither, you're missing the point of the perk. It's supposed to be a "hard mode"

    No, I'm not missing the point then. I always knew its point was to make the game harder for the survivor, making this perk worse than an empty perk slot.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    So interesting that all bringed issues have to do with efficency.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited August 2021

    You get your matches vs solos to compensate, because there, you have the advantage, most of the time.

    Also, i disagree with several things. First, the killer getting more bloodpoints. Simply not true, and always depends on how the game run. I have many screenshots of games where some or all survivors have more bp than the killer, even after a 3k, and especially after a 4 escape. The thing is that a lot of survivor play the game single minded, you cant just run behind the killer with a flashlight and hope to get all the points at the end.

    And while BBQ is in fact an advantage, in my experience a lot of killers need their addons to either function at all or to be fun to play. As a survivor, i enter most trials without any item anyway, and while i use my bps on them, i have hundereds of keys, bnps, and whatever.

    So no, i dont think survivor need as many bp as killers do.

    Hatch standoff is indeed terrible, especially since all killers always claim that if one is doing gens and the other is hidding, they just down the one on the gen and go for the other. Thats simply not true from my experience, because even in those situations i do gens, and if i am the only one, sooner or later i get caught. And then they just hook you to get over with.

    Queue times depend on people playing, i dont think there is much to be done about it.

    A point that bothers me however is how the game is forced into one direction. I know a lot of players think the game only resolve around chases, but there are different approches. I prefer to play stealthy and juke the killer when in a chase. However, the ability to juke was greatly nerfed on every map that was reworked, like Auto heaven (lots of empty space with no line of sight breakers) and The Game. The fact that hawkings, one of the best stealth maps is leaving the game doesnt make that better.