Looking for SWF (PC/Steam, crossplay)

Phoenix3242 Member Posts: 1
edited August 2021 in Looking For Players


I am currently going for the achievement to hit rank 1 as survivor. Solo queue has been extremely stressful, with many unbalanced teams and weird decisions made by teammates (e.g. everyone dive bombing the hook, people rage quitting on first hook, etc.). I have been attempting this achievement for about 3 months now and have put many hours into it. I just want to take some of the RNG matchmaking factors out of the equation and play some good games, and maybe make some friends along the way.

I am looking for some people to play with who care about playing the game right but are also chill (we don't have to be super sweaty and it's okay to lose, as long as we tried our best). Most of all I just want to have fun! I would appreciate it if we can go on Discord as well during games as it makes it easier to communicate.

I am currently a rank 3 survivor. I am usually on during evenings on weekdays or more flexibly on weekends.

My time zone: Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7)

My Discord: Phoenix#8338

My Steam: projectionphoenix (Display name: EmployeeOfTheMonth)