Does the Ranking System Need an Overhaul?

I think we've all heard before that too many people are playing in red ranks who don't belong. So should ranking be changed, and if so, how?
(This poll will be anonymous).
Does the Ranking System Need an Overhaul? 15 votes
It looks like they will enable SBMM during next chapter, so the whole ranking system you are talking about will get obsolete.
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Yeah, I heard a little about that. You're talking about the colored rings around a player's names during the PTB, right? (I put in "Other" in case someone wanted bring that or anything else up). But this is just more for fun, especially with the MMR hate as of latte. So if it were up to you, which of these options would you choose? Do you think it's fine as is, or do you want to see a change?
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You ask this on the eve of the SBMM being introduced and the Rank System removed and replaced?
If there ever is going to be seen a rank, its going to be on a personal statistics page.
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The only thing I saw about ranks from a Dev was this:
During the test, nothing! Your rank will behave exactly the same as normal, it just won’t be shown after the match. Once the test is over, they’ll be used for matchmaking again and will appear after matches.
In the future, once we’ve officially changed to SBMM, ranks will remain as a monthly progression system. Each month, your rank will reset to 20, and you’ll earn Bloodpoints based on how much you’ve ranked up. Both Killer and Survivor have their own rewards, so you can earn double the points by ranking up both sides.
If they've said ranks will only be visible on a personal stats page, let me know where you saw that. I get why you're asking why I brought this up now, but it's just one of those for fun posts. People talk about how Survivors should have to pull out knives even after Trickster's changes were implemented because it's fun to talk about what you'd rather see, not what is or will be. If this isn't fun for you (or is even pointless), then it's not for you. But I did leave an "Other" option, so I guess your answer is "Other: I'm curious what the SBMM will do once it's live."
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I am for enabling the SBMM.
Ranks will be used only as a monthly bloodpoint reward. In this case however there are some changes needed to how the pips are calculated. SBMM should give balanced games, so does it mean most games should result in safety pip? If so how will we increase our ranks for the monthly reward? Probably +1 should be added to the "pip result".
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Agreed, I've thought the pips calculation needed to be changed for a long time now, let alone with SBMM.
Interesting point, too. I don't know how it's going to work once the changes happen. I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of negative posts about it once it goes live though.
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At this point it seems no matter what the devs decide to go with they somehow always ######### up their matchmaking / ranks to some level or degree.
The next thing I guess they can try is Scott's suggestion of making ranks HIGHER than Rank 1. Creating ranks lower than 20 is just going to stretch out the number of players scattered amongst the lower ranks- but creating ranks higher than rank 1 with much more strict conditions in order to keep those ranks will really cull the fields of players so to speak and weed out those that belong and don't.
It's really difficult to say what they should do beyond this. My mind's kinda blank after it turned out MMR was kinda sorta a bust depending on your experience. Personally, I didn't have the greatest of experience so I'm hoping they shift away from it rather than double down on it.
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There should be changes, so you don't lose rank when other side is bad. I mean it is not your fault and you should not be forced to babysitting.