Hex Totems with no Hex Perks
My friend had a match against the Twins with strange occurrences. ONE of the strange things was that various hex totems were cleansed while the killer had only NOED. How? I saw one being cleansed (00:51:08) and heard a few other cleansing explosions.
Perks - 01:01:30
1) NOED (green)
2) Oppression (green)
3) Hoarder (green)
4) Unnerving Presence (yellow)
Hex Totem at 5 Gens - 00:51:08
After watching the entire game I'm pretty certain that was a hacker.
1. I'm pretty sure I heard all five totems pop, yet Ruin was active the whole game.
2. There is no way BHVR would make Victor be able to cling onto a survivor that long, even with add-ons.
3. The add-on the killer used was "Baby Teeth" which causes Blindness when Victor is on you, which you did not get and actually became Oblivious instead.
I don't think I saw the killer get close to you while you were on a gen, so I can't say for sure if they didn't have Unnerving Pressance and because Ruin was up the entire time Oppression wouldn't be able to be used and not sure about Hoarder either.
You did well if it was a hacker. Didn't seem to lose your cool, kept playing, and made it out alive. Good job.
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Another thing to note, i believe there were multiple ruins proc'ing at the same time. Everytime elodie left a gen, the electric fizzle noise played multiple times and was way too loud. Its pretty certain that was a hacker.
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Awesome that hackers are becoming so much more prevalent all of a sudden.
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Wow. Thanks for confirming. I guess I should report this to BHVR?
Yeah. Damn shame. People wasting their productive energies to hack a game.
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You should. You also reported them ingame, so if you attach a video of what happened, they hopefully get banned.
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Will do. Thanks.
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It's a mentality I honestly just don't understand. Yeah, sure, everyone likes to have bragging rights or whatever. But if you know that you got your success by cheating, why even bother? Where's the pride? Where's the sense of accomplishment? What is the actual point?
(*Shrug*) I guess I'll just never get some people.
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It could just be my imagination but it feels like the amount of hackers jumped up when the RE chapter released. Not saying RE's community is toxic but it's popular. When you introduce something popular into a game for the purpose of drawing in a large crowd. The more people you draw the greater the odds are some of them are hackers.
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I do not condone what cheaters do but I try to understand why they do it. I think there are some people out there who feel the only way they can have fun is if they are winning. So they will do anything to win even if it means rigging the game. An example is my nephew. He will constantly ask you to play something but when he is losing it changes from "You wanna play something?" to "I dont wanna play anymore :(" Years ago when Halo Reach came out I was messing around with the map maker. I made a fortress in the air and we played on that map often. It was myself, my dad, my nephew and my brother. Shortly after playing on the map we discovered a bug so to speak. Outside the fortress I had laid several vehicles. One of them was the warthog truck with the gauss blaster on top. When I was making the walls of the fortress I must have did something to them in the settings. Shots from vehicles passed through the walls as if nothing was even there. Since we were playing on split screen, we try not to look at each others screens, but you can't help it. It's right there in your vision. If you got on a tank or a gauss blaster outside you could kill someone in their spawn and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. When we found this out we all agreed to stop using the vehicles outside. Well every few mins when my nephew was losing he would jump on the tank and start blasting us through the walls and laugh. The first time it was funny but he kept doing it. Like clockwork, every single time he was behind on kills he would cheat. Then after enough warnings we started to shut the game off. It took awhile but eventually my nephew learned that losing is better than not getting to play. Unfortunately the cheaters we have today don't have someone in real life to set them straight. If people see you are cheating and they all quit, big deal. They can just que up for another match.
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I guess I just can't make myself understand it. I'm wired too differently. If I were going to take part in a race around a park, I would just cut through the woods in between, get to the finish lane and feel good about declaring myself a winner. If I were playing a session of Call of Duty I wouldn't turn the graphics down to "mud" setting just so my game would run 1/15th faster than my competitors. If I were playing a game like Dead by Daylight, in which wins and losses are so unimportant and vaguely defined that they're not even displayed to other players, I wouldn't hack the game so that I could fly and shoot lasers.
I just don't get it. Winning is nice. Winning is fun. But I would think that the nice and fun feelings that come from winning are tied directly to the sense of achievement at having done something better than someone else, and if that's not actually true, then I don't understand even wasting the time it takes to bother.
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The point is to get salt. They just want a reaction out of people. Same as TF2 bot hosts.
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I don't get that either. I'm not going to call these people sociopaths (that's gotten me in a bit of trouble before, lol) so I'll just say that I simply can't put myself in the mindset of someone who finds joy in making other people feel worse. That doesn't sound like a happy way of life.
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My same thoughts exactly. I guess some people just really hate losing. Me, I hate not improving.
That's wild stuff. Sadly, I know adults like this. I assume your nephew is a kid.
Did you mean to write that you wouldn't just cut through the woods?
I'm the same. I don't really care about losing. I care about not improving. Especially in a game like Dead by Daylight which grants a better score and bloodpoint reward sometimes for not getting kills. I'd rather have a 60K BP 2K match than a 20K BP 4K match.
Salt how? How are they seeing people's reactions? Post-game chat? I'm not familiar with TF2 bot hosts.
Agreed. I guess I won't call them that either. Haha.
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Sadly they just will make a new account.
BHVR needs a better anticheat. Fast.
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My same thoughts exactly. I guess some people just really hate losing. Me, I hate not improving.
That's wild stuff. Sadly, I know adults like this. I assume your nephew is a kid.
Did you mean to write that you wouldn't just cut through the woods?
I'm the same. I don't really care about losing. I care about not improving. Especially in a game like Dead by Daylight which grants a better score and bloodpoint reward sometimes for not getting kills. I'd rather have a 60K BP 2K match than a 20K BP 4K match.
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Thanks for your help, everyone. I know it's late, but I just reported this. The only issue is that I can't see the offending player's name because it's not English characters. Will BHVR be able to track them down anyway?
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victor could of stayed on you for about the time it takes to complete a gen. i knew it was hacking right there.
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I'll be honest, I have no idea. Reporting cheaters is always good and should always be done, but until some sort of feed back on if that report had any effect, it's very hard to say.
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When I made the original post, that's kind of what I meant by ONE Of the weird things. Haha. So much to pick from.
True, true. At least we did our part.
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Because winning in competitive games is fun and so is stomping the other team most of the time same in anything competitive. In sports if a team is up by a lot they tend to start trying things they normally wouldn't and just having a good time. Not saying cheating is the right thing to do at all but it is easier than grinding to get good when they can just download a program that gives them an edge. There's probably loads of cheaters in this game that use more subtle cheats like killers going 4.8 to survivors gaining a slight bloodlust.
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The game became grindier with the new rank system
I mean grade system. Now that everyone get's put back to rank 20
I mean Ash IV. Hackers are going to become more popular because no body actually wants to grind even more in the game to get to Rank 1.
Iridescent I
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I believe it happened to me as well, killer had 2 hex totems and in the end screen he only had plaything, but I'm also not sure if hex: plaything spawn 2 totems.
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Plaything is a interesting perk. When I used it last I had 3 hex totems. Remember only a specific survivor can cleanse their hex so you could potentially see 4 hex totem until those survivors cleanse them.
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Oh! So it was just me being dumb ;-;
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I wouldn't say that bud it most certainly looks weird the first time you see it. Ngl I got confused myself when I seen so many I had to double look at my build (######### perks I bring why so many totems) but then it dawned on me Plaything...Then I got real excited because that's how many oblivious survivor there were at the time.
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You better do something about that cough...
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Yeah I got a case of bullshit-ites. You catch it when you realize that a change is actually just the same thing, but the name changed so people say it's new.
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Reference, dude. You gotta bone up on your Silent Hill.