Should Tentacle Strike Injure?

Vulgun Member Posts: 439

A simple question with a multitude of ramifications. Should Nemesis' Tentacle Strike injure the Survivors?

On one hand, you are giving The Nemesis a much needed tool in allowing him to actually shaving a lot of time off of chases by making him only need two hits to down a Survivor, and would put him in line with many other Killers.

On the other hand, you make vaccines obsolete if you don't change something about the Contamination in a major way in order to compensate for the change itself. Granted, zombies won't injure you when you're not contaminated, but it still makes the effect nearly obsolete in the process.

So, I would like to pose a question to everyone, and I would like to hear responses for anyone who thinks that it should injure, but something needs to change.

Should Tentacle Strike Injure? 28 votes

Yes; but change Contamination (Please Respond)
kodiakyMattie_MayhemOGGazgemauchVulgun 4 votes
Yes; but don't change Anything Else
musstang62[Deleted User] 2 votes
No; don't change Tentacle Strike
White_OwlDr_LoomisScary_Punk_Ghoststeponmeadirismeowzilla69MrDrMedicmanLord_MallardShakeyGamesshinobu149 9 votes
No; buff something else instead! (Please Respond)
RescultirTapeKnotkaeruRougualbm33glitchboiFobboQwQwTrickstaaaaaTacitusKilgoreThatOneDemoPlayerMrCalac123Aurelle 13 votes


  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439
    Yes; but change Contamination (Please Respond)

    How I would personally change it myself is to simply make Contamination more representative of the Resident Evil series.

    First and foremost, Contamination acts like the Poison status effect from Resident Evil 2 Remake, where the character is slowed down for a period of time when they cough. Granted, this would happen to a lesser extent as the Survivor will suffer the Hindered status effect when coughing, and this rate of coughing would be one cough every 15 seconds, and the Hindered effect would be at around -15% movement speed.

    The second thing I would do is make Contamination akin to the Fine, Caution and Danger system of Resident Evil, where each hit of a zombie or tentacle strike increases Contamination levels from Blue to Yellow to Red.

    Each stage of Contamination simply increases the frequency of coughing, so Blue would have it at 15 seconds, Yellow would have it at 12, and Red would have it at 9 seconds, which increases the frequency of the Hindered status effect.

    This would ultimately make Vaccines still a viable option to try and get so you can prevent yourself from being Hindered, but would give Contamination a new way to play around with as Survivor and Killer.

    I'd also likely make Vaccines more frequent, likely increasing the amount of them to around 8 total, but you have to actually find them on the map and pick them up, much like, again, modern Resident Evil games have you picking up items and searching for them.

    Yes, the vaccines would be shiny.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    edited August 2021
    No; buff something else instead! (Please Respond)

    Its annoying that an attack that does 0 damage gives survivors an enormous speedboost. Fine, if BHVR wants to keep it theres nothing we can do to stop them. But the least they could do is at least give it a much heftier hindered effect. 0.25's is genuinely such a pathetic notion.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited August 2021
    No; buff something else instead! (Please Respond)

    Remove the speed boost after getting hit by a tentacle strike so that the hindered effect actually becomes slightly useful. Other than that, I think the 3rd health state is fair, considering that he's basically Pyramid Head (without the ability to hit through walls), an already powerful chase killer, with built-in automatic map pressure and tracking.

  • Rescultir
    Rescultir Member Posts: 185
    No; buff something else instead! (Please Respond)

    He's fine how he is right now. There are more important things that need to be looked at.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
    No; buff something else instead! (Please Respond)

    Cut the first tentacle strikes speed boost in half. No reason it should give a full sprint burst when they aren’t even being injured. What’s next, Survivor gets a sprint burst when exposed? How about blinded or oblivious?

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    No; buff something else instead! (Please Respond)

    Since the devs have said that no speed boost was too oppressive, I'd make it so the first hit of his tentacle strike only gives half of a normal speed boost.

    Oh, and also, please make his infection actually do something. It's current effect of barely hindering survivors ain't cutting it.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452
    No; buff something else instead! (Please Respond)

    I think they could make the contaminated effect do something. I dont know what it should do tho

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439
    Yes; but change Contamination (Please Respond)

    So the general consensus right now is: Make infection do something and make Tentacle Strike first hit not grant as much of a speed boost (or no speed boost at all).

    What if, then:

    • Tentacle Strike's Hindered effect from the first hit deals -20% movement speed for 1.5 seconds.
      • This also occurs when a Zombie hits a survivor.
    • Contamination now works in 3 stages, and coughing causes a slight hindered effect that depends on how infected you are.
      • 15 seconds to cough stage 1, 12 seconds to cough stage 2, 9 seconds to cough stage 3.
      • Movement speed is reduced by -10% or -15% per cough.
      • Vaccines remove all Contamination when applied.
    • Tentacle Strike now deals 3 total stages of Contamination, with the first stage allowing it to actually injure the Survivor and the others increasing the frequency of the coughing (and thusly the Hindered status effect).

    Would these be reasonable?

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526
    No; buff something else instead! (Please Respond)

    Give him some better add ons that effect contaminated survivors and/or make 1 zombie lock on to a survivor contaminated by the whip with a greatly increased move speed for X amount of seconds.

    If a Zombie is triggered first from a whip the next whipped survivor will always be the other Zombie to prevent indecisive zombie pathing.

    Curing loses the Zombies attention or you can just get chased by a 95 to 105 move speed zombie for a little while, no more than maybe 45 seconds.