Does anyone else get frustrated at this game reading about the game on socials?

I haven't played the game today but reading about all of these discussions and stuff already has me titled lol.


  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    What discussion, exactly?

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    The tip is to not care.

    That's how you stop having aneurysms in-game too.

    Who cares if someone made Spirit post #124019?

    Not like they're going to have any new hot takes or new arguments to share.

  • I just feel like most of these (not all) are hopeless discussions. Ones that will not end, one where no one agrees on anything. I feel like the forums have these discussions but with slight variations.

    Good point. Just feels like because people discuss the same things here all the time. That these issues are persistent/ongoing/urgent in terms of the game. But maybe im at fault for just wishing the game was perfect and not wanting to discuss the problems of it.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Think of the average intelligence of humans. We are literal primates. Expecting us to throw intelligent discussion at the boards instead of poop is really optimistic.

    Realizing this helps make you not take what other people say so seriously. This is precisely why I deleted my Facebook because checking that every day was mentally exhausting.

    This place has some super bad takes(i do too, so im not judging) but I wouldn't say it's any more negative and pessimistic than any other gaming community. Our console brethren at least have every right to be upset and disappointed.

    Most people have here have their preconceived notions and not much in terms of outside influences will alter those. if you have a discussion regarding RPD, you'll have me saying RPD is fantastic and great and you'll have somebody else saying it's literally worse than stepping on a LEGO. Neither of us will ever persuade the other side, so discussing it is almost meaningless in the first place, outside of trying to fish for a community wide consensus on such a topic. I happen to find that consensus interesting, so that's kinda why I like coming here I guess.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I generally avoid these forums most of the time because it kills any desire I have to play the game.

    It's completely fine for people to ask for things in the game to be fixed and I support their right to do that (even if I disagree)

    But I'm really sick of players ripping into each other because they disagree on play-styles or builds. That's just so counter-productive not just to the community, but the person making the complaint. It's an utter waste of time to expect others to play in a matter that is pleasing to you.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

    ― George Carlin

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2021

    Honestly, I only visit the Dead by Daylight and Overwatch forums (the only two video game forums I visit at all for the past five years) just to watch the never-ending train wrecks. Threads here about console optimization issues are 100% warranted, but Survivor-this, killer-that, unfair-this-and-that, I just watch it explode and move on.

    I never let a game forum, which is the very loud (but whiny) minority in pretty much all video game cases, have an effect on whether or not I enjoy a game. I play, and then form my own opinions and feelings on the game.

    But by the gods if the DbD and OW forums aren't like watching a bunch of Karens descend on and scream at a poor employee. You know you should walk away from the disaster, but you just can't.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Yes. All the ways people think they're right when they're incredibly wrong, just people circlejerking for devs and it's even worse after you read any of that after bunch of insanely annoying games too.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    This game has a very negative, argumentative community. I don't necessarily even think that it's the fault of the people (and I"m not saying that everyone here matches the description), I just think that the nature of the game is bound to have people arguing. In a game built around two parties facing off against each other, with a million types of players and a thousand different ways of playing, all with different opinions on what constitutes things like "fun", "fair", "balanced", and "winning", it's rare that anyone's going to reach a consensus on anything.

    That said, I do wish that we could all chill out and be more accepting of each other and other people's opinions. But then I feel that about humanity as a whole too, and that ain't gonna happen.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,039
    edited August 2021

    Yeah i know those threads are just meant to be humorous but truly those discussions are still the same.

    Good insight

    I agree. I don't know why but i find it hard to fully enjoy things if im not discussing them with other people. Problem is i've never had any IRL gaming friends so it's always been through the internet, and theres just too many people on the internet to put it simply i think

    In one way i wish it stopped but in another way im worried it'll stop, lol.

    I have a bad habit of opening my browser when im in queue/loading/hooked even and i always come here and get really annoyed at the game, not even the gameplay through that way lol.

    That said, I do wish that we could all chill out and be more accepting of each other and other people's opinions. But then I feel that about humanity as a whole too, and that ain't gonna happen.

    Haha, yeah...