Would you support these changes to The Shape (Michael Myers)?

The Shape as you may or may not know was released close to five years ago (October 25, 2016). Since then, we have received new DLC characters, perks, and environments that have changed the base game. Below are some ideas that I believe would enhance gameplay of The Shape in Dead by Daylight and provide classic, horror scenarios akin to the Halloween franchise. OF COURSE, NOT ALL THESE IDEAS HAVE TO BE ADDED. You may like some and dislike others, and that is OKAY! :)
I would like to know which ideas you all like and/or dislike. Maybe you might like all of them... or none... Please leave me some feedback, hopefully the Developers will see this and make some much needed changes.
Actively Stalking update: The Shape (Michael Myers) is supposed to be an iconic stealth Killer and his gameplay should reflect that. The two things that frequently break The Shape's gameplay are SWF groups that constantly communicate to each other about The Shape's location and Spine Chill that constantly warns survivors through obstacles regardless of which direction they are facing, at the same distance as Premonition (36m), as long as The Shape is facing them. Even if this perk flickers for a couple of seconds survivors will use the indication to retreat to a safe loop or pallet. I propose that while Actively Stalking (holding down the power button) The Shape is immune to detection perks.
While Stalking:
-Movement Speed is reduced significantly already
-Movement Speed is reduced further while a survivor is in The Shape's line of sight already
-Not immune to aura revealing perks/items (unless The Shape has the Undetectable status effect)
This change will allow The Shape to get closer to areas without alerting survivors. But when The Shape is moving normally, detection perks will still function normally.
Evil Within update: Similar to The Oni's ability meter "Yamaoka's Wrath", The Shape's "Evil Within" meter should fill completely when stalking. The main reason for this is to prevent server latency feedback for players trying to fill the meter as close to 99% as possible, only to have the meter regress unexpectedly or activate the next tier prematurely. While the meter is full survivors that are being stalked are not drained of Evil Within and therefore add-ons like "Reflective Fragment", "Glass Fragment", and "Mirror Shard" can still be used without having to worry about draining unwanted Evil Within from survivors. The Shape can advance to the next tier of Evil Within by pressing the Secondary Action button. To compensate for this, survivors will also receive an audio warning when The Shape can proceed to the next tier of Evil Within (when meter is full the following sound will play:)
Tier I Evil Within meter is full: https://youtu.be/wKMZ5RhrZTw (first sound effect in video)
Tier II Evil Within meter is full: https://youtu.be/BMlTAZVkyyU?t=21 (sound effect at the 0:21 mark LOUD WARNING compared to previous video)
*The short Halloween theme will play like normal when The Shape progresses to the next tier of Evil Within.
I know what you're probably thinking, "but that would make it harder to be stealthy". Another easy fix, below are some add-on changes that would adjust the previously mentioned rework.
Tacky Earrings: A very cheap piece of jewelry made from plastic. Painted to resemble precious material.
- Slightly increases Stalking Movement speed.
- Prevents audio warning to survivors when the Evil Within meter fills completely.
Jewelry: A large necklace made of beads and inexpensive metals. One of Judith's favorites.
- Moderately increases Stalking Movement speed.
- Prevents audio warning to survivors when the Evil Within meter fills completely.
Jewelry Box: A barren wooden box in which vanity items were once stored.
- Considerably increases Stalking Movement speed.
- Prevents audio warning to survivors when the Evil Within meter fills completely.
Another issue on some maps, mainly the Coldwind Farms realm, is that environmental objects heavily obscure stalking (such as cornstalks and other vegetation) giving survivors a major advantage. Below are some add-on reworks that would compensate for this.
Reflective Fragment: A tiny piece of a highly reflective material most probably from a broken mirror.
- Stalking a survivor for 1 second with Evil Within II reveals their Aura for 2 seconds.
- Survivors revealed this way can be stalked to fill the Evil Within meter while within 16m for the duration that their Aura is revealed.
Glass Fragment: A tiny piece of tinted glass, probably from a broken object. It is impossible to determine its origin.
- Stalking a survivor for 1 second with Evil Within I reveals their Aura for 3 seconds.
- Survivors revealed this way can be stalked to fill the Evil Within meter while within 16m for the duration that their Aura is revealed.
Mirror Shard: A large and sharp piece of a broken mirror.
- Stalking a survivor for 1 second with Evil Within II reveals their Aura for 5 seconds.
- Survivors revealed this way can be stalked to fill the Evil Within meter while within 16m for the duration that their Aura is revealed.
Lastly, there is an issue with the "Tombstone Piece" and "Judith's Tombstone" add-ons that allow The Shape to kill a survivor after stalking for a tremendously extended duration. These add-ons can easily be negated by a survivor by simply jumping into a locker which is unfair to The Shape. I would personally like to see these add-ons allow The Shape to open the locker and perform a unique mori with a "Sting" sound effect from the Halloween franchise.
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKMZ5RhrZTw
Sound at [0:08] timestamp.
However, an alternative idea would be to allow The Shape to grab someone in the locker with one of these add-ons and cut them which in turn would progress them into the next phase against The Entity on hook.
Example: A survivor that hasn't been hooked yet hides in a locker, The Shape at Tier III (with either tombstone add-on) grabs the survivor in the locker, performs a unique cutting animation on the survivor and the survivor has a chance to run away after. The survivor is put into the dying state later on in the trial and hooked, instead of being at phase one of the sacrifice process, the survivor would be in the struggle phase. Only if the survivor has reached the struggle phase and is caught in a locker while The Shape is at Tier III (with either tombstone add-on) would The Shape preform a unique out-of-locker mori.
Would you support these changes to The Shape (Michael Myers)? 14 votes
Yes, I would support these changes.
These ideas seem cool. I would like to see how he will perform.
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Yes, I would support these changes.
These changes are great! Hope the folks at BHVR read this. Michael's a great killer but is outdated needs a rework sooner or later.
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Unsure, I'll need to see these changes tested in a PTB.
The reality is BHVR would screw with all of Myer's most interesting addons if they did anything considerable with his power, so I think I'd prefer they didn't touch him at all. If they could be trusted with actually doing a good job I might have a change of heart but all the previous 'balance passes' have not been impressive.