"Easy mode" players is a problem!

In many games you choose easy, normal or hard mode. The easy mode players are happy only dying a few times in a game, they focus on the story and progress makes them happy. Normal mode players wants balance between them and then you have hard mode players, they would get bored in easy mode they must be challenged to continue to play and find the game exciting.
Now DBD is a game without these modes and I do think that players who loves progress more than challange are the ones who complains the most about this or that being unfair or "OP" etc. And since most DBD matches is normal or hard, with only easy games here and there, these "easy mode" players will always be unhappy about a lot more things than normal/hard mode players are.
And of course all players have complains about things, because many things are far from perfect, or even good/ok. But this group of players will never be happy with how the game is and I think that is why we do need bot killers and bot survivor teams for the players who needs to "win" 80-90% of the games they play to be happy. Then you could just choose the skill of your opponent, play and be happy. And let the rest just play against humans 😀
IMO most of the players playing DBD are those "easy mode"-Players. You see it every time a new Tome is released, some players find Challenges too hard or that you need to "throw the game" to complete them. Instead of wanting to have an actual challenge, they want to be fed with a spoon and get rewards without doing something.
It is a shame to be honest, because DBD in general is not really a difficult game.
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The only thing that every type of player say is "Spirit is too op and needs a nerf"