Why Do Badham and Haddonfield Still Remain Unbalanced?

Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,307
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

I don't understand how these maps are still in the game in their insanely survivor-sided state.

Even with the preschool rework, Badham is as bad as ever. Literally every tile is a massive time waste for most killers. The school, hell house, two-story house, shack, with good pallets linking them together depending on rng. The breakable walls don't do anything except open up more options for the survivors.

Haddonfield, everyone knows the infinite windows, the great hedge and white fence walls, horrible hook placement, etc.

I'm tired of being sent to these maps over and over by survivors knowing it's an easy escape most of the time. Is there some secret to countering these structures other than hoping the survivors are complete potatoes? If not, why have they not been addressed and balanced?

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