Why are there so few Spirits?

Honestly I hardly see any spirits. I've been looking all day for some. We need more spirits. I wanted some vodka, rum and bourbon but they're no where to be found.
A brewery would still be a better map than a forest. And another forest. And forest around a temple.
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she's currently bugged so that survivors with iron will make no footstep noises in phase, and with a lot of people running iron will, whats the point? You need a Crystal Ball to figure out where anyone is when you're blind AND deaf holding m2
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But that doesn't answer my question. Why are we out of Spirits? Most importantly why is the rum gone?
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Maybe they think she is too easy to play
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But we all need spirits. Who wants to do this sober?
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I personally dont like playing as or against her but its just my opinion
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Not a fan of spirits? More for me then. Just pass me some vodka and I'll be good.
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Am i missing a joke or something?
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You can check my profile and see my wine cellar there.
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Spirits are a type of alcoholic drink. So yes.
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yes spirits is another word for alchohol, particularly hard alchohol
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Oh ok i didnt know that my main language isnt english and i dont think there are any spirits alcohol in finland
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Spirits include drinks like vodka, rum, whiskey and various other drinks. I have a friend from Finland who drinks spirits like Vodka at times so as far as I know it's there.
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Oh well i'm underage to drink so i dont really know anything about alcohol
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Because they buffed iron will.
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This is not related to Iron Will. However, you will not notice it, because you dont need Footsteps if they dont have Iron Will.
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the number isn't 0 yet so that's still too many spirits
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Apparently my entire experiece over the 3 years with red rank spirits was all fake because of your comment damn.
I'm sorry but besides the very rare times I have versed baby spirits who recently bought the killer all the rest were unfun sweaty asses
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Because Spirit is a crap killer who guarantees a win IF you get expierence with her. not even mentioning the stupid addons.
Most propably many people faces disconnects or suiciders a lot. There's not much to be done to loop with spirit.
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I think it's because she's bugged at the moment. And no, we don't need more Spirits xd
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Was it an Iron Will buff, or was it a Stridor nerf? :o
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This joke went over soooo many peoples heads even after I explained it
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I’m sure you can find some Spirits on Dead Dawg.
Ah. I see the problem.
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In Clown's carriage
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I literally said there are little few cases of baby new spirits, never said every game I get is bad
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Yes I indeed imply that because anyone using their ears and spending a few matches with her can perfectly become a master killer no matter how bad the player was
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Either way the result is the same.
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What is this conversation? This was a joke people!
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Post this in Off-Topic.
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This is what happens when people are too sober to joke around.
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But I will admit this was pretty funny
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It wasn't funny anyway. Don't trouble yourself.
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Great thing humour is subjective and what's unfunny to one person (you) isn't automatically unfunny to every other person
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It was ok joke
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thats because it wasn't funny
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Oh boo. Humour is subjective anyway. Some found it funny therefore to them it was.
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I agree, i love playing this Game Drunk. Its way more fun and for some reason i try the most stupid ######### and when it works it funny as hell
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it's literary just because of the new bug and sound bugs that are in the game, spirit is just trash when she has no way to counter iron-will
even if people with iron-will had step sounds, there are so many sounds that can just overpower the footstep sounds so u actually have no idea
spirit now is just complete guessing game, which she was before without stridor against iron-will as well
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I meant spirits as in the drink not the killer.
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Stridor got nerfed, so she's too hard now.