Favorite meme builds?

One I came up with and enjoy is Fake Camp PH. All you need is Dark Devotion, Iridescent Seal of Metatron, and ideally something that inflicts Exposed like Haunted Grounds or something to make the survivors afraid to rescue.
Down your Obsession with a basic attack, and send them off to a Cage - now the caged Obsession is radiating a 32m TR while you're undetectable, and thanks to Metatron, been given the auras of other tormented survivors to ambush. Meanwhile, survivors that go to rescue the Obsession will hear the terror radius and naturally assume you've made it there before them and are now proxy-camping the Cage. It's fun, seems to slow rescues quite a bit in my experience, and I've gotten some very confused reactions in the post-game which is the best part of any meme build really.
It's a meme build but it's mean,
Coin Flip Pig, use Amanda's Letter and another Trap addon, then after you trap the one or two Survivors Bodyblock one of the jigsaw boxes so they can't use it, so because of Amanda's Letter there is only two jigsaw boxes and you block one of them so the trapped survivors have a 50% chance of dying.
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Scratched Mirror Myers will always be my favorite meme build.
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Mad grit demo. I love going against it as a survivor, just seeing your teamate go down then hearing halfway across the map a series of consecutive roars. Funny as hell
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Infinite Tombstone. Yes, it's a meme build. You can't chase with it since you move at a 106 % speed, but I feel like real Myers when I use it.
It takes a lot of time to stalk but the rewrd is so nice once when Tier 3 is reached. It's not like Tombstone Piece where you play Myers normally and also have the ability to kill someone.
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Blast Mine, Quick and Quiet, Red Herring, Head On.
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Mad Grit, Iron Clasp, Agitation and Starstruck, Add in a autoclicker and you are able to m1 at optimal speed
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Right now
Blast Mine / Flashbang / Head On / Red Herring
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Frank's Mix Tape
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Rancor Roulette.
Any high mobility killer.
Rancor, Make Your Choice, Nemisis, Furtive Chase.
Only go after the Obsession, they will switch once rescued, down them with MYC, rinse and repeat until the end, kill the Obsession with a Mori.
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In terms of pure meme builds? My favorite is BK Myers XD. I'm sorry but I think it's such a hilarious build and only makes it that much funnier if you manage to down someone running that build lol
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Bodyblocker Hag Build makes me laugh like a maniac
Perks: Agitation, Save the Best For Last, other two are optional, but usually Iron Grasp, Mad Grit, Bamboozle, Enduring
Add-ons: Waterlogged Shoe (survivors collide with hag traps and can't get passed), and Scarred Hand
I exclusively play Hag with this non-teleporter build. The best achievement I seem to consistently get is a basement Christmas tree LOL.
I also love
3 Gen Doctor
Perks: Distressing, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Eruption, Overwhelming Presence, Oppression, Overcharge
Add-ons: Double Calm or 1 Calm and 1 Order.