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Which killer/ survivor stereotypes do you think are most true or popular?
Example being (and can kinda confirm)
Ghostface mains, myself included, are shitheads who will meme with you one second then kill you in the next just because.
What other ones come to mind?
Default neas urban evading everywhere they go.
If I get matched with an absolute newbie, it’s usually a default meg or default bill.
P3 Quentins (before the character redesign, anyway) are to be feared.
That Tapp will cleanse that Haunted Grounds. I am that Tapp.
Felixes and steves are complete wildcards in regards to their behaviour.
Frosty-eyes killers, regardless of who they are (except twins), have a 80% chance of running NoED.
Pumpkin-head nurses are the ones most inexperienced with the angry napkin.
P3 Fengs have a significantly increased chance of disconnecting if they get outplayed.
Post edited by GentlemanFridge on18 -
P3 Quentins are something else man. They're either insanely good or braindead. There's no in-between
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Hag is the camper queen. She truly camps more than Bubba. She's forever camping. She doesn't have a permanent address, she's always at a campground. She's received awards for the camps she's created. No one knows camping better than Hag.
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Oddly enough I play Hag a lot now and got called a camper last night
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I always laugh at frosty eyes-noed thing when it turns to be true.
And I am starting to think that Meg is cursed no matter who plays her.
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Ace players are the most chaotic beings in existence.
They'll either bust out 6 gens, rescue 5 Survivors, open three exit gates, while looping you into retirement, or die instantly at the start of the game.
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blight players mistake public games for competitve and are dead set on making every survivor player uninstall.
if you use frosty eyes or halloween eyes- even worse for sally of the lantern- you have noed. i have never seen an exception to this rule.
playing meg decreases your competency at dbd by approximately 350%.
legion players hate themselves
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Without a doubt the wildest of cards
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I'm still trying to find Blendette. Claudette is out and about, but where's Blendy?
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Never trust Megs. They will backstab you every time.
bust out 6 gens
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Jakes are really, really weird. Jake players are just an odd breed of memers and idiots. (And I can confirm, as I am a Jake main.)
You can't trust Megs. You just can't. They're either newbies who walk everywhere, or they're teammates who know exactly what they're doing and will leave you for dead. The Megs who don't do this are a rare breed.
Ghostfaces are, as you said a bunch of memers who also have a tendency to go from 0 to 100 in an instant.
Myers are also memers, however they can also be tamed to a degree. Some are quite feral still, but many will indulge in memes with you. (I've killed myself to *so many* Myers who tried to let me leave just because we nodded at each other, and then when a teammate would try to join in he would kill them. Good times, makes my buds really mad at me lol.)
People who run your typical 'Toxic Nea' get-up are usually just bad and want to practice chase, or they're bad and think they're good because they ran a baby Trapper the game before with DS+UB on Ormond.
Dwights are really confused. I've seen a lot of Dwights just be kinda lost during the game.
Pumpkin Head Nurses are sad and cursed beings who need a hug.
Feng players will DC if you even sneeze in a way they don't like. (Can confirm, as I know a Feng player who will do just this.) They also care about nobody's life but their own.
Frosty-eyed Killers are usually new and quite bad, and will probably camp or tunnel.
Plain, School Girl and Frosty-Eyed Spirits tend to be babies who get really tilted in post-game chat and claim gen-rush, when they consistently failed at using their power.
Twins players tend to stack every gen regression perk known to man. Three-four gen regression perks. Aura reading? Haven't heard of her. Exposed who? Not gen regression, not interested.
Demos are sweethearts. They just are.
Plain Bills will always UB as soon as possible in the game. 5 gens left and Killer is about to pick them up? Just stand up in their face. P3 Bills have committed war crimes and they're ready to commit more.
Bubbas are wild cards who are all normally really funky and absolute weirdos. I love them.
Jills will do everything they can for Blast Mine value.
Nemesis players tend to be really grumpy. I don't think I've met a single one that hasn't either facecamped/tunneled as soon as they hook someone, BM'd at hook, or got grumpy in post-game chat, no matter the outcome of the match. (Had one last night try to make me wait out the slowed EGC as a slug... when I was trying to give him a kill because he didn't get one all game and my teammates had already left. That was a ride.)
Claudettes will do everything in their power to never pull aggro. Claudettes that will take hits and pull chase are a rare breed.
Wraiths will do everything possible to be rude. I've had more Wraiths BM at hook and make it their goal to camp or tunnel some poor soul out while also being rude in end game chat then any other killer. I don't know who hurt Wraith players, but I don't trust them because they all tend to be really stinky.
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Sometimes seven.
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The meghead stereotype is quite accurate. In my experience, megs are way more useless than claudettes.
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Hey, 2 minutes is a gen and a half. That's still pretty good.
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I second this.
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Meg. Everything about Meg.
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Jeff players are the most chill people in the game
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I really think the frosty eyes noed is the truest thing ever.
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Here's one that happened to me last night
Pig mains are either sweet as can be or serial killers in real life. The last three pigs I've gone against have left people to bleed out and watched it happen. Just ice cold haha
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Never chase Ace players who use those colored outfits. These guys will loop you for 5 gens.
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Blight mains are entitled and will be good sports when they win but bad sports when they lose
Pig mains think because she's known as one of the weaker killers that pubstomping with her makes them a god at the game
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Omg this
Ace mains are legitimately scary.
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i'm just curious but what does mean 'wildcards'?
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Pig will always tunnel the person with a trap.
Quentin players are beyond this world.
As soon as someone else makes a mistake Tapp will dc.
Feng will find reasons to dc in everything.
Flashlight Nea's aren't that good.
Bubba will always camp.
Ghostface tends to bm a lot.
Tinkerer blights tend to think they are playing an e-sport game.
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Means they can be anything.
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Jill + Bill main here
I feel called out
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P3 Quentin Mains are Different Breed of Human
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Claudette mains are selfish jerks. That is the most consistent and frequently true stereotype i've ever seen. Claud mains would let you die on first hook for a single brown medkit if they could.
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What is “BM?”
My list for DBD stereotypes:
- Megs are usually useless teammates (especially with old cosmetics)
- Dwights are generally clueless
- Ghost face players are usually jerks
- All Wraith players with that candle fire skin are extremely good, run all seeing and silent bell, and were 4king way before that cheap ass speed buff
- Meyers are usually skilled (2021 Myers players)
- Bubbas are campers
- Adam players are very good at the game- patient, tactical, & always one step ahead it seems
- Self care players are bad at prioritizing (for obvious reasons)
- Nurse with Infectious Fright & Starstruck hate all people in general
- SWF squads cause imbalance in this game
- If the killer does a map offering of Hawkins, RPD, or Midwhich- it’s either Myers or Wraith with their wall hacks
- players who have “cute” usernames are entitled & DC for the the littlest things (found first, impatient on hook, don’t like the killer/map, etc.)
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Ok. So the stereotype about Meg players being either absolute morons/noobs or knowing exactly what to do and being perfect runners is 100% true. And it'll happen to the same player in the same game. I can't explain it. It's something about the character. I run the killer for multiple gens and then run right into them for no reason.
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Ash's are weird. They're either insane gods, or play like rank 21's.
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Doctors are absolute pure evil and just make me want to uninstall the game, most of them anyway. And the vast majority of them that run Frosty Eyes, just a double whammy. There's also 99% chance that they'll run NOED.
Most Megs will go down within 2 seconds of a chase, but then the other half of Megs are absolutely cracked and will run the killer and flashlight click them for 5 gens.
Most Ghostfaces that I've played against are absolute pure evil as well because they take advantage of the fact that they can teabag and do everything with it that they can. (No offence to OP! I'm sure you're lovely).
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Bubbas like to camp the hook.
Feng Mins like to camp the hatch.
If Meg has the Deathgarden mask, she has come to destroy you.
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Frosty eyes killers have NOED. Always true.
That whole stereotype of a Claudette hiding in a bush and then saying “doing gens, you?” in end game is true 95% of the time. They’re useless, but brag about getting more points than anyone else because they spent 5 minutes farming BP with Self Care and opening chests in the basement. The other 5% of Claudettes are borderline toxic looping gods who’ve been playing since the game launched.
Pig mains are either the sweetest people, or angry, basement dwelling incel weirdoes who probably collect human body parts. I’ve never seen any in between.
Ashes are always jackasses for absolutely no reason.
And the newest character stereotype I’ve seen is Leon. Every single Leon I’ve played with or against has been boosted beyond belief and they make the dumbest play possible in every situation, so I mistrust them all on sight now.
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Billies will either hit more objects with their chainsaw than survivors, or will spend 2 minutes revving their chainsaw to try to set up the perfect curve which never happens. Either way, they never win the match.
Clowns are always bad or new, and almost never use any skin except the default. Except Blighted Clowns, who for some reason aren't bad players but are very bad sports and will gladly facecamp, hard tunnel and bleed everyone out while using Pinky Finger and probably a mori. Regardless of cosmetic or skill level, they will NEVER use the antidote.
Tricksters will get downs fairly quickly, but even that won't be enough to stop the gens being finished at speeds faster than his knives in Main Event. No matter what happens in the match, they WILL camp a hooked survivor at some point. If they wear a recolor outfit, be wary because he is probably good. If they wear the red and black feathers outfit, laugh and watch as he fails to get even one kill.
Twins are a myth. They do not exist. And even you did hypothetically find one, they will always be using the default cosmetic without fail and will, at some point, stop using Victor altogether and just chase you as Charlotte for 2 gens. Despite their reputation, they rarely ever go for multiple slugs - likely because hitting Victor's pounce is a monumental task for them. Nobody has seen a Twins mori.
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Never group with a team with no cosmetics most of the time they're rank 17s. Pigs, ghostface and clowns almost always have NOED so cleanse the totems!
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I second this. The whole Meghead thing is not a meme. In my experience its very real with the majority of Meg player I encounter.
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Killer teaming fengs.
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It's all part of the plan. Other Megheads will understand. Everything you've heard about Megheads is true, and we regret nothing...
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“BM” is Bad Manners. Things like teabagging, flashlight clicking, and repeatedly hitting a survivor on hook are examples.
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Oh, man, I just played a game where I literally almost bled someone out as he crawled from one end of the map to the open exit gate. I teabagged the entire time. I am not absolute pure evil, though, I did let him go for enduring the pleasure of my sweaty cloak covered you know what's rubbing on him. At a certain point, it is just excessive. But I was committed to the plan.
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Adam in a red jacket or any street clothing is basically always going to be a knob.
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This is so true! Just faced my first one is a killer and he was such a pain in the ass.
A David with a flashlight will bully the killer all game.
Claudettes are right up there with Feng Min and d/cing for nothing.
Huntress is second to Bubba in camping. The only difference is that she takes a step back and holds her ax while she waits.
Nemmys get really mad if you keep baiting out their tentacles, so be ready for slugging and tunneling.
Leon will always drop his flash bag in the exact wrong spot (that’s me).
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Feng min: liking to unhook in front of the killer and not know how to do a generator without exploding it at least once
Leon: usually a mixed bag they will save you or run past your hook to work on a gen in front of you also loves accidentally blinding other survivors trying to save them
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Blight players take this game so seriously they'll talk about it at Thanksgiving dinner with their family
Bill is always the worst looper on the team
Claudettes are so toxic they get remembered and lobby dodged
Trappers are goofballs that are impossible to hate
Jeff players are chads with huge brains that are also handsome
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Dwight players are either the biggest newbies in the lobby or the biggest loopers and chad of the team. There's no inbetween. Either the Dwight is so incompetent or they literally do not fear Death if it's staring right at them.
Megs are called Megheads for a reason. They're practically useless in most circumstances, barely able to even do skillchecks and always alerting the killer to your location. If not that, they will most likely sandbag you to be able to escape from the Killer only to step on that trap the Trapper set a lifetime ago.
Claudette mains always acts as selfishly as possible. Either by being a P3 Immersed ######### with a key and a hatch offering, or by constantly pushing the Killer onto other survivors (so she can use her aforementioned key faster). Claudette with brighter outfits tend to be more chill though. Except that prom dress outfit, anyone who wears that is almost always a #########.
Jake mains hate DBD. Jake mains hate playing DBD. Yet they keep playing it anyways. No one who is a Jake main enjoys DBD. Don't even try to deny that.
Nea mains are either two breeds. Tries to be toxic and gets the killer's attention, only to go down in 5 seconds. Or actually being toxic to the point where they keep a list of every Killer that has "wronged" them and constantly talk ######### on their Steam Profile about them. I don't understand why it's Nea, but :shrugs:
Laurie is either the most terrifying survivor on the team or the first to die. Like Dwight, it can't be anything in between. It's always either the most competent or least competent.
Ace mains just don't care. They'll do everything from taunting the Killer to being the biggest memester on the team. Maybe it's the fact that they are playing Ace that gives them a weird amount of confidence in themselves, but I've never not seen an Ace main not take a risk for other survivors. Even going as far as taking chase on ######### death hook.
Bill mains are usually new to the game and will most likely die before a single gen gets popped. Leaving his team for dead on 5 gens.
Fengs will just ragequit and DC at every opportunity. It doesn't matter what you do to them, if they aren't winning, they're DCing. They probably have gotten a 24 hour DC penalty before at one point in their game sessions.
David mains are either the biggest altruistic players of all time or the biggest idiots of all time with a skull thicker than the punches he gives. If you're in the basement, guaranteed a David will come save you. Now whether or not he has BT depends on whether or not he thinks bringing WGLF is more important than bringing BT.
Quentin players (at least before they reworked his face) are terrifying. Now you don't see Quentin players anymore.
Tapp mains don't exist.
Kate mains are all the biggest bitches in the entire community. Not just in-game, but in the forums, the subreddits. They love to complain about every single thing that annoys them in the game. Even if Kate's boobs don't jiggle as much as they want.
Adam mains also don't exist.
Neither do Jeff mains.
Jane mains are the biggest morons in DBD because they think they need to keep getting Head On plays all the time even if it means throwing the entire game for it.
Ash mains are those players who wants to keep using Old MOM when it was busted and tries to make it work all game only for it to work in the most unspectacular of ways.
Nancy mains can't be trusted. Both Killers and Survivors hate them. You'd rather see them on a hook than working on a generator.
Steve mains on the other hands are pure chads. They just exude giga-altruistic energy and are actually good at the game.
Yui tries to be altruistic but always falls flat on her face and cost her team the game.
Zarina mains tend to play by their lonesome and only help her teammates when absolutely necessary. I would know, I main her.
Cheryl mains are either the biggest sweethearts in a team or the biggest #########.
Felix mains tries to keep telling other people that he is a big deal but always ends up falling short of expectations.
Elodie mains only exist because of her skins.
Yun-Jin mains really hate themselves as well as others.
Jill mains will ALWAYS try to get a blast mine to work. Even with Ruin.
Leon mains saw Flashbang plays and wants to do it themselves but always screws up the timing.
I'd do killers but this list is already long enough
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I'll let you live if I see you in game
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I have seen the twins exactly ONE time since they released. I don't think I've met a Twins main
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Listen dawg you better be handsome or you gotta change the profile picture