red rank killers .. if i keep losing dont make new account!
plz plz u can have fun .. winning in 5-2min but u ruined others life
i don’t know whats going on today .. as survivor main .. as meg
we keep losing 4 k or even 2k ( i died) since i changed it to stupid david king
just to do daily challenges
I am interpreting that you're dying a lot trying to do a daily challenge. And you attribute this to people being red ranked killers making new accounts.
Did I get the gist of this thread?
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red rank survivors .. stop crying about spirit in the forum!
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we are just 16-19 rank ... not even close to red rank ;(
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If you get red rank killer and you are rank 17 this can be attribute to 2 thing you have a swf in your lobby or not enough killer play the game so instead of the game giving you a 20 minute queue they give you a 2 minute queue with any killer available.