Pinhead is going to crash DBD
If Nemesis makes it lag and stutter into oblivion whenever his whip and zombies pop out…. Imagine Pinhead when the CHAINS start manifesting…! Uuugh it’s going to be baaaaad!!
Do you mean on consoles? Because that does not happen on PC, at least not for me.
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Very possible, but you also have to keep in mind that the ptb is only available on PC which means it's being accessed by small amount of players. Once a much bigger player base has access to the chapter, the lag could be felt everywhere, even on PC like it was with the Resident Evil chapter.
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Deathslinger and Huntress don't slow down the game though do they? I mean unless there's something inherent to the animation or graphical effect that is shared by Nemesis and Pinhead's powers I don't know why one would have the same performance hit as the other.
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It’s not as bad after the last patch. Even nurse blinks would destroy the game. Now it’s just Dead Hard, and Nemesis. I’m hoping I can find a PS5 in November. I heard next gen handles this game a lot better. I wouldn’t want to assemble a PC just for DBD. My variety of games has gotten so small now as to not need PC anymore. Sadly... Then my favorite exclusives were never available for PC. Like Bloodborne, and Sekiro. Which is the ONLY reason I chose console over PC these years. Soon to be Demon’s Souls. I’m a dedicated Soulsborne fan. 😂
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If pinhead ever finds the box and starts a chain hunt on everyone on console the game is gonna be a slideshow that looks like it belongs on the dreamcast.
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Or it will just straight melt the system. I really believe if they didn't fix stuff when pinhead comes out last gen consoles are going to be SoL. I also believe if they know they won't say anything they want that pinhead money from the console player before they realize that dbd is now unplayable
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Don't be crazy, it won't get to Dreamcast levels.
The games I played on Dreamcast were visually impressive and ran just fine.
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I’ve waited so long for pinhead. My wife was excited for me when I mentioned it. I hope the update doesn’t ######### on my parade.
with pleasure comes pain. Fitting for the role.
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I’m scared only because when everyone begged the devs to fix it… They didn’t… During the Nemesis debut, AND 5th anniversary. That was like 3 months of horror, and the game still staggers. They didn’t fix it completely.
I feel like DbD is The Titanic. The devs steering see the iceberg (Nemesis), but they decide not to do anything about it. Convincing the passengers (Players) it’s fine. We’re at the point where the Iceberg (Nemesis) hit. The titanic had flooded, and is now lifting up. People are dangling, and falling off (quitting). It’s ready to split in half (Pinhead)! Everyone that hasn’t already left (The Fans) will be abandoned. Literally left to freeze to death (Game stutters and freezes like before or on RPD). 😭
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Sekiro was 100% released on all platforms simultaneously. That being said Sony does, imo, have the best exclusives and hopefully the success of bringing Death Stranding and Horizon Zero Dawn to PC will mean more Sony exclusives being ported over in the future cause I refuse to go back in technology and PS5s are no where to be found.
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I know, but since I had PS4 for Bloodborne already I just bought the PS4 version of Sekiro. Bloodborne is literally what made me buy a PS4. I had 1 game for like a WHOLE year. The same reason Demon’s Souls will tempt me to get a PS5. 😂