Am i becoming a nurse main? Oh no.
Recently i overcame one of my greatest fears, and started playing nurse. I Almost never play her even with over 2500 hours in this game, because i was always kinda terrified i'd pick her up and look stupid and people would dunk on me. But holy crap, a few games with her and by far its the most fun i've had in DBD since oni released. The flannel addon is also crazy fun, knowing exactly where im gonna go makes it so easy to avoid the deadzones that made it so frustrating for me to learn her in my early days. I don't even feel like i look dumb, all of my experience over my few thousand hours is acting like training wheels while i learn the intricacies of her power. I don't think i've ever been this excited to load into matches and just toy with a killer, except with maybe blight.
Now im just worried i'll become too dependent on plaid flannel lol.
I can’t get past her screen darkening/fatigue. It just gives me migraines and refuse to deal with it. If they took that away, I’d main her in a heart beat.
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Same here! Shadowborn kinda moved me past that issue, the amount of screen widening pushes a lot of the headache inducing black borders to the sides of the screen, makes it way more bearable. I hardly notice it, i use it on blight too since his constant screen shake is motion sickening. If you're willing to throw a perk slot away it might help you too.
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Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll give it a try, but I do have motion sickness in general, so I won’t get my hopes up.
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And then you get 5 RPD offerings in a row.
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This x10. Get off Plaid Flannel asap. You'll want to build your muscle memory re: blink distance and map assets. It's painful and takes time.
But yeah. Nurse is the most fun killer IMO. Infinite skill cap. And just when you think you've learned everything, you run into a survivor who does a half moonwalk strafe you've never seen before. Survivors who really know how to run a Nurse are devastating and very rare, and that's what makes her fun.
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Be as brutally honest with me as you can. Whats gonna happen if i get used to them?
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You will pay too much attention to where the icon is going rather than looking up and at your surroundings and where the survivors are, trust me start playing without it. Also opens up an addon slot for better addons.
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Plaid flannel is a no but shadowborn is fine. Every "pro nurse" i see on twitch uses stretched rez to get the same thing without the perk. Depends on your ethics. Cheat and have more build variety or play as intended and slightly limit your builds.
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Honestly i tend to run goofy builds in general. I might limit shadowborn so i don't get super addicted to it in case i want to run different kinds of builds on her, but considering i already run it on every mobility killer and do pretty well, i might not take it off on nurse since it just feels right.
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I'm still a baby nurse (idk what I was before. a foetus nurse?) but I also recommend breaking the plaid flannel habit, speaking as a former addict myself. It's very nice but you don't really want to be focusing on the place you want to blink to as much as the survivor you're after, which may or may not be the same place
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I agree with the sentiments of not using plaid flannel. I've got a few hundred hours in nurse myself, and I put flannel on just to see if it'd help... it was completely distracting because I focused more on where to put the blinker than just letting muscle memory take over and taking me to where I wanted to go.
Don't use it.
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Another one falls to the void
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That's easy to deal with. If someone burns haddonfield or RPD offerings they obviously don't want anyone to have any fun. So i just facecamp them.
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No, you do need to use flannel at least once in my opinion. having the visual in your mind's eye is very helpful
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""Better addons." I mean yeah until you run out of her like 5 decent ones xD
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Nurse is kind of a killer I play when I want to derank while still trying my best. I could never main her until I made it back to rank 20. Rofl.
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As others have alluded to, you want your eyes to be paying attention to other things. I can say as someone who has at least 20k Nurse blink attacks, I've never once used Plaid Flannel. Muscle memory does for free 100% of what Plaid Flannel does at the cost of an addon slot.
The other thing is that you're going to have to mindgame and fake with your blinks to down really high level survivors. Pretty rare, but they exist. Plaid Flannel does nothing when you charge a blink and then flick left or right or charge and flick to a corner at the last split second. It's just taking up space at that point. Advanced Nurse play means you're often charging a blink to a spot that you aren't even aiming at while you charge it.